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Rylee Mar 2018
Self Love
Should be your First Love
  Mar 2018 Rylee
I am so accustomed to the fact that no one gives a ****.
No one really cared.
They were never my friends.
They pity me and tolerate me.
I'm annoying and useless.
They don't want me around because I'm not good enough.
But they'd never know,
As the smile on my face,
Just as fake as them.
Rylee Mar 2018
when they leave your life,
it doesn't mean they leave your thoughts
  Feb 2018 Rylee
If you can't stay faithful,
stay ****** single.
There is no excuse for cheating...EVER -.-
  Feb 2018 Rylee
cassie marie
Yes, I may be single
I may not be talking
I may not like anyone

But in all honesty,
Girls and boys like me,
We give the best relationship advice
Why? You may ask,
Because it's what we wish we could've done in previous relationships
Honestly I'm 10/10 feeling this comeback, totally neglected this account for a while and its mostly because with my life right now I'm going through many changes and finals were two weeks from yesterday and I'm stressing so sorry guys
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