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Rose L Jun 2018
the slow encroach
stinging so, it broke the choke
and rough, coarse femininity once kept in check with wine and herbs
now slips away, and hurts.

Recalling is like
dreams of forests heaving milk and music,
an ancient memory whose dew pools in your mouth with distaste
and tulip'd sap leaks at sordid urge.
what we want is still at sea, so let the spray bite your face
taste the past in those ever-watching waters
and burn hair on the pyres for your grandaughters, and grandaughters' daughters.
Inspired by the women of ancient Greek mythology
Rose L May 2018
The wet soil beneath the grass vibrates
with the same unending tension as the walls of my veins.
the Earth, my hypostasis. Shaking
and these soft, strengthless hands
can only do what they can, and pull you close.
Unfortunate, to find a man that
sends birds that whip, and buzz, and sting
laying secrets and carnal whispers in my ears
beating scars where you’ve been;
- I know only one form. A form I have not seen
but feel at that chord from the neck to my jaw, taught
with lips that web my nerves like threads
many have my body, but only you command my thoughts.
Those birds outside my window keep me awake
breathless and waiting – did you miss it?
And in how many words can I say
stop this fever, cold friend, or if I am for the axe
just – swing it.
Lying in jasmine, pale, blue-veined,
Playing in the dark, I don’t take breath
and you ask me yet…
I know you find it hard to believe that human lungs can't breathe
when drowned, when wet.
Arch your back. And feel as if you feel him
half-way across the earth but his cheek presses into you
and he always knows what to say.
Come, my love, feel this earth with me.
Feel the bridle and the shank and the strap around the ankles
- those hands of yours untie knots like God.
Rose L May 2018
Enfoldings; picturesque enfoldings of memories.
Grey, hazy sights. Night brings desire to know someone again, deeply.
Fitting into sheets, blessed, breath, hot, sweat
dreamy or needy, blessed or
cold. How so cold?
Corporeal pulsings that used to quell and now do not
Now love swells, then it did not -
How did I ever sleep with a heart so hot?
Day break, forgetting - May days bring no mind ache.
A bare witness. One, alone, bedroom
soulless, mornings act, forgetting morning and
focusing on who I am now, bed plans
*** pangs
focusing on picturesque foldings of hands.
What I must remember is that nostalgia is pink and the present is colourless.
Rose L May 2018
Taught to dream of blank-faced others.
Inescapably, months and weeks all waste hours in lone company -
same Sundays, same self,
so bury yourself in someone else.

But, don't pretend
This won't end like the rest.
Back down that track you'd once walked so boldly -
healthier for all as one, only.
Rose L Apr 2018
Quiet, now. This night might be waning, but
we're all out. and not so loud, although some of us
(while desperate to get home) are also desperate to get something out of this.
perhaps meet someone. Where are all the buses?
and underground, footsteps are loud, where we tread. Bzzz-kt.

Wake up, the day is day. Night's another thing. Don't let the cold get you down.
Rose L Apr 2018
People look at me as if they don't know who I am
and I concede, I know not them likewise.
However, I am confident in the things I know all too well -
The view from my window, the sound of my own voice
in my head - disturbingly silent. But it
speaks a language others do not ...
unexpectedly, for I thought I knew of others.
I now believe it is the only voice I can translate as of late.

My mother tells me I speak eloquently, my father,
and I, share voices. But these people, I wrestle to find
humanity in them.
I count myself as not with friends. I count myself with art
and with great minds, that speak a language too complex,
but what's an artist without a human voice?
It is not healthy, to dream of yourself
but it is all one can do when you know no one else.
Rose L Apr 2018
The devout of Saint Sophia, the ones who prayed
Venerated, ******-martyr, holy hunger
The priestesses, vestal tombs. Virgins of Etrusca
What do they know of me?
Waifish, heart-sad, victim of ill womanhood
Persecutor, rejector of the womb,
Denier of her blood.
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