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 Jan 2016 Makenzie Robison
 Jan 2016 Makenzie Robison
I wish,
I could keep you
Free from endless fear.

I wish,
I could save you
From the never ending tears.

I wish,
I could tell you
All the stories of my years.

To insure you,
You aren't

 Dec 2015 Makenzie Robison
I don't plan,
I don't choose the number of syllables,
I just write.

My rhymes are rare,
I don't plan them,
If they come,
They're there,
Cuz I just write.

If something comes to mind,
I just write.

It's all from my mind,
With inspiration from my heart,
So I write.

I don't get writer's block,
I get an empty heart,
In those times,
I don't write.

I'm not a poet,
I'm just that girl,
Who writes,
Cuz it's hard for her to speak,
And it's easier to,
*Just write.
It's just what it is.
 Dec 2015 Makenzie Robison
Human life
What's it all about

Eating, sleeping

Relaxing in the park

Maybe going on a hike today

I had Kodiak cakes yesterday
Had them today

I guess it would be nice
To go on a hike
With a woman

I'll go to the gym
Work out alone

After a certain time
I learned to just breathe
And relax

All of life
Is just one big vacation

Forget TGIF

Friday is the same
As Monday

It's all one
Big experiment

We are told
To crave
To one
To desire
And to strive

But there is absolutely
Nothing here

Listening to a podcast
Going to my job
Working out

It's really all
The same
Same empty program

And who would want
To live forever

Everything is falling
Falling away

Everything is decaying
Oh well

My body goes here
And then it goes there

I am a minimalist
It once occurred to me

That the world's
Most powerful nations
Will destroy the world
By beginning World War III

I heard someone say
Life is funny
It's just man
The same mistakes
Over and over again

The human race
Won't change
Leaders will lead nations
Into war

The innocent population
Will suffer

Nothing new
I hope there is no
World War III
Before I knocked and flesh let enter,
With liquid hands tapped on the womb,
I who was as shapeless as the water
That shaped the Jordan near my home
Was brother to Mnetha's daughter
And sister to the fathering worm.

I who was deaf to spring and summer,
Who knew not sun nor moon by name,
Felt thud beneath my flesh's armour,
As yet was in a molten form
The leaden stars, the rainy hammer
Swung by my father from his dome.

I knew the message of the winter,
The darted hail, the childish snow,
And the wind was my sister suitor;
Wind in me leaped, the hellborn dew;
My veins flowed with the Eastern weather;
Ungotten I knew night and day.

As yet ungotten, I did suffer;
The rack of dreams my lily bones
Did twist into a living cipher,
And flesh was snipped to cross the lines
Of gallow crosses on the liver
And brambles in the wringing brains.

My throat knew thirst before the structure
Of skin and vein around the well
Where words and water make a mixture
Unfailing till the blood runs foul;
My heart knew love, my belly hunger;
I smelt the maggot in my stool.

And time cast forth my mortal creature
To drift or drown upon the seas
Acquainted with the salt adventure
Of tides that never touch the shores.
I who was rich was made the richer
By sipping at the vine of days.

I, born of flesh and ghost, was neither
A ghost nor man, but mortal ghost.
And I was struck down by death's feather.
I was a mortal to the last
Long breath that carried to my father
The message of his dying christ.

You who bow down at cross and altar,
Remember me and pity Him
Who took my flesh and bone for armour
And doublecrossed my mother's womb.
 Dec 2015 Makenzie Robison
no one looks at me
like you do
no one takes my fingertips
and slips them between lips
to lick off my essence

no one knows me
like you do
no one takes me inside them
like a simple hymn
simply undressed

no one touches me
like you do
no one ever wanted to know me
no matter how I sat simply
but you do

no one wanted to know me
until you undressed me
now it simply comes down to
two words
*I Do
It's sometimes impossible to tell someone how you feel about them unless they tell you how they feel about you....
Everyone sees me
But no one knows me
My friends know what i tell
But never care to see what i dont

I go through life smiling
Faking every emotion
Pretending im normal
But when the world falls still
And i have no laughs to mimic

I remeber whats real
What my life is
And no matter how hard i try
I cant fake a smile for myself

My reflection stares at me
That same blank expression it always has
I want to slam my fist into it
Make it go away
Wanting it to do what i cant

I fake me for them
Why cant it fake for me
Show me what i want to be
Not what i am
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