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Every morning I sleep with a frown
Each night I wake up feeling down

My dreams commited suicide
And soon after were joined by my pride
Fortune, on my shores, reaches in low tide
And of life I only see the back side

I calm the pain with injections of hope
To delay the urge, to keep away from the rope
But soon I will no longer cope
Ending my days is the epilogue of this scope

Because life is enjoyed through senses
And mine, to feel joy, have to jump fences
But jumping is vain though my repetitive offences
True smiles on my face are high expenses

I try to forget, but I forgot how
And soon I will say ciao
I've already chosen my bough
Where I will say "pain, do not follow me now"
Because if death is the enemy, I'll be a pow

I no longer can gad
You may say I am cad
Yet of dying I am glad
And to this poem, I want to add
"Mother, I love you so don't be sad
Father, forgive me and don't be mad
Friends, you were the best thing I had"
Hold my hand while we fall
Kiss me until we break
Whisper sweet things in my ear
Until we meet our future fate.
Love me today
Remember me tomorrow
When the day comes for me to walk away
Let me go and do not follow.
Turn away and don't look back
Our paths do not combine..
We were toys to the gods,
You were never meant to be mine.
We met at a crossroads,
In the middle of an X,
It's written in the stars
That you eventually go right, and I go left.
Truth is I don't trust you
But you must know that already,
With so little that you know,
How can you say you love me?
I see deceit in your eyes
I foresee nothing but pain
You're a womanizer and a heartbreaker
I see right through your habitual game.
you lived within every
callous and dimple,
invading my space
like dust between
my fingertips

your skin like wallpaper,
faded and worn,
pulled taunt along
these walls.

your thoughts
a constant thumping
of footsteps along
the floorboards

from you i learnt
gunshots sound
a lot like a key
turning in a lock

it's because of you
i cannot look at
these walls, without
seeing the shadow
of a fist reflected
by the light

the rooms are vacant,
the air stilled,
the hallways scream
and close in at night.

i used to be an open house
but now because of you
i shut the doors
(i shut the doors)
© copyright
And so you see that I must go
in to this wild abbis
Where the dark swirls and the light shrinks away.
I'm sorry my love
But the night is calling,
calling me away
The bird song means nothing
And laughter is all for naught
Because I must go dancing,
Dancing to the hill and
to the sea
where the butterflies spin webs of love and the tiger is my friend.
I don't know where this came from
I'm nothing
But a young beginner
And a proud believer.

I'm choking with
All of this shocking
Dumb illusions.

Of a future
Filled with surreal

Seeking the comfort
Of your voice
In the memory
Of the empty bottle.

I'm left with
My short knowledge of life
And my well known love
For someone else's lover.

An amateur in love
Too expert in heartbreak.
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