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4.9k · Jun 2018
Hours Of The Night
Lara P Jun 2018
11 p.m.
It's time to go to bed
With weird thoughts in my head.
Maybe dreams will be better.

12 a.m.
Midnight has come.
I can't feel, I'm numb.
When will sleep fall on my eyes?

1 a.m.
It's already too late
For me to still be awake.
Yet I can't fall asleep because of you.

2 a.m.
Oh, here they come.
I've been waiting them for long.
Bad thoughts are back.

3 a.m.
Everything is peaceful
But my heart and my lungs.
Anxiety, why won't you go away?

4 a.m.
Dawn is here, and I'm still awake.
Everything is calm, my heart doesn't ache.
It's too late to fall asleep now.

5 a.m.
I breathe in cold, fresh air,
Everything around me seems so fair.
New day, new chance. I'm glad to be alive.
Sometimes sleepless nights show you just how beautiful life can be.
2.0k · Jun 2018
Lara P Jun 2018
Me, myself, and I.
Nothing ever changes, does it?

It's always me, myself, and I
At the end of the day.

Honestly, that scares the crap
Out of me, myself, and I.

Because me, myself, and I
Are not friends.

Me, myself, and I work
Against each other.

But, when he's here,
There is no more me, myself, and I.

There is just him
And Lara.

With him, I am
In nirvana.
Maybe I started to fall in love with him and the way he makes me feel.
1.4k · Jul 2018
If I Die Today
Lara P Jul 2018
If I die today, do not weep,
For I am just in a peaceful sleep.

If I die today, don't be sad.
Instead, at me just be mad.

If I die today, please forget me,
Leave the memory of me be.

Because I'm not worthy.
I'm helpless.
A lost cause.

So, if I die today, just leave me
To rot in the ground under a tree.
1.2k · Feb 2019
The Real Me
Lara P Feb 2019
I have always been a lot to handle;
I feel too much, talk too much.
My sensitivity is my weakness
And my strenght.

I can feel the Earth moving
Under my feet,
I can hear the wind praying,
And the song of the sea.

And the forests, they call me
To explore them all.
But I'm in the city,
So how can I hear their voice?

There is so much to me,
From loud laughter to excessive talks,
From quiet nights filled with thinking,
All the way to stupid jokes.

A storm rages inside my head,
Ready to sink all the ships
To the bottom of the sea,
So please be a submarine.

Explore my depths, love them all,
For no one else was brave enough
To stay and try to tame my soul.
I think you will be the first to know

The real me.
I don't trust people easily, but you? Oh, I trust you completely, and it scares me. So I will show you my entire self, and you decide if you'll still want to kiss my lips and hold me close.
1.1k · Jul 2018
Love Poem To Myself
Lara P Jul 2018
Hey, you.

Yes, you in the mirror, looking at me.

Wipe your tears.

Look up.

See those beautiful eyes?
They lit up when you talk about the things you love.

See those lips?
They move so beautifully when you smile.

See that nose?
It's really cute when it wrinkles in the moments of repressed laughter.

See those arms?
Yeah, they might be full of scars.
But they held you when no one else did.

See those legs?
They might be weak, but they still got you up every time you were down.

So, brighten up.

Stop hating me.
Stop hating yourself.

You're beautiful, inside and out.

So let me love you.

Let me love you the way I love others;
With my whole heart.
You don't hate yourself, but you hate the way some situations in your life made you. Well, stop. Be there for yourself. Because, you're the centre of your own universe.
453 · Sep 2019
Lara P Sep 2019
You left your scent on my pillow
It makes me miss you
And imagine you next to me
All the same

I guess you could say
My imagination is quite wild
But so is my heart

I'll imagine holding you in
My arms tonight, while
You sleep in your own bed
And I hope you'll do the same
It's nights like these that I miss having you in my bed in the night the most, even though we share almost every day together.
349 · Jun 2018
And so, they strike again.
Lara P Jun 2018
Dark, gloomy thoughts cloud my mind again,
Filling my entire head with clouds thicker than cigarette smoke.

Scary, frightening thoughts fill my brain again,
I wish that this morning I never really woke.

I just want control
Over my mind
Over my thoughts
Over my actions
Over my choices

But I will never get that control...

I just need to make peace with it.
I need to make peace with myself and this uncontrollable life.
313 · May 2019
To Tell You
Lara P May 2019
I wanted to tell you
How your smile is brighter
Than the sun itself

I wanted to tell you
How your eyes are golden
But more valuable than gold

I wanted to tell you
How your hands are rough
But have a soft touch

I wanted to tell you
How your hair is wild
Just like your spirit

I wanted to tell you
How your lips are softer
Than anything I've ever touched

I wanted to tell you
How your body is perfect
Like an ancient Roman sculpture

I wanted to tell you
How your laugh is better
Than my favourite song

I wanted to tell you
How your hug
Feels like home

But I keep it all
To a simple
I love you

Because that's easier
Than saying that I love
Everything about you

— The End —