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The past's been written
And the ink ran dry
The future's uncertain
Time's going to flash past us
In the blink of an eye
She's the kind of person who can capture fragments of the universe in her writing,
but never the whole of it.
She likes to wonder about strange little things,
but she's so ordinary.
She's the same as the rest of us,
or so it may seem.
But there's just something so enticing about her,
something that draws you in when you hear her speak.
Maybe it's the way she creates pictures with her hands,
or maybe it's the way her eyes take on a faraway glow of mirth,
and mystery when she's thinking.
She isn't perfect,
she's far from it and she knows.
But you could stare at her all day,
perhaps counting her quirks or her flaws.
Or even just spend your time
listening to the wisdom spilling out of her mind.
You'd wish she were yours.
She'd wish for much more.
She'd watch the stars from afar
But she'd never think of herself as one.
I’ve mastered independence strength and might
I’ve mastered pushing everyone away
With standards high, I’ve mastered loneliness
No tears are shed when someone goes astray

I’ll admit, it’s working out quite nicely
Heartbreak in my future, I don’t see
Heartbreak comes from closeness turned to distance
But distance comes so naturally to me

Flooded with feelings when they are close by
Flooded with feelings when they’re far away
They drown in feelings, I’m completely dry
Won’t dip my toe, scared I’ll get swept away

I’ve mastered this dry land, my own safety
Mastered feeling content walking on land
But one thing I cannot seem to master
Is my strange desire to go and swim

Flooded with feelings or choking on air
I simply can’t decide which one is worse
At least the water makes you feel something
My dry land leaves me numb with quite a thirst

Staying on the surface can’t satisfy
My deep desire for something much more
Better to feel too much than not at all
Goodbye safety, it’s time to leave the shore
I've been thinking about you for hours and hours and hours...
Don't know why, but today I've been feeling slightly nostalgic
The kind where I just want to somehow make it to your room
Tiptoe in and hide.
Crawl up into a ball, covered by a blanket and sleep.
Sleep till you come back home if you're out,
& find me.
The kind where I just want to sit and watch
Or listen to you talk
Focus on the sound of your voice
But not talk myself
I'd really like that.
I've been thinking about you for hours and hours and hours now...
I don't know why nostalgia has been setting in
Like the air in my lungs
I can't quite stop it from finding its way into my chest
I've been thinking about that email I keep wanting to write to you and send
But haven't had the chance to
Not now, not yet.
"I'm sorry..")
But I wanted
Wanted you to know,
That I've been thinking about you for hours and hours
And hours on end.
Been feeling slightly nostalgic too.
For a home that hasn't felt like home in years, in a place that feels more foreign than familiar,
In a city that's seems like thousands and thousands and thousands of miles away
Like you.
But you're not
And that's the difference I can't quite make sense of.
When you loose someone you love
It changes you.
You're never the same person you were before.
You adapt. You adjust. But it still hurts.
It hurts because that person mattered to you.
Because you'd hoped that person wouldn't leave.
It hurts, because deep down you hoped with everything you had,
that that person would be the one person to stay.

You don't ever really recover from pain like that.
You grow. You learn. But you don't forget.
You never forget.
that feeling in the pit of your stomach as you raise your eyes to look at them, it's lethal

my love is like poison and the second upon exposure i'm left vulnerable but you're left affected forever, one step forward, a single blow to the lips and he has to open his eyes to see her face and remember this is real, she is real

it won't be movie love, it will be real love, and for that you must be warned - do not engage if you don't want after-*** cuddles and life contemplations, hot chocolate runs and holding hands without gloves since the heat from your hands are enough to warm the lack of oxygen reaching mine, late night laughter and cheesy dancing

do not engage if you don't want to let yourself fall in love, because it will happen slowly and if you realise when it's too late that you need to back out you need to know that like a bee who stings and dies, pushing me away from you after i've loved will cause me to be crippled not only by the weight of the falseness that i've been living in, but also the dense, crushing weight of my own love, of the letters and the kisses and the laughter

if you see me contemplate running after you when we say goodbye because i've always had a fear of departure, if you see my eyes light up when you walk into a room with an expression that can only be described as warmth and admiration, if you see my hand slowly make its way to yours in a desire to be held and comforted, if you see me love completely, depressingly, you need to stop me, because i'm warning you that if you don't i will get hurt and the pain of being locked out of my life forever will hurt you more in the months proceeding than it will hurt me as i learn to build myself up again for somebody else

you can fall in love with my lips, my humour, my dresses, my laughter, my smile, the emptiness of my eyes, the constant fear, the happiness when food comes, and anything else and everything else - but please, remember that it's lethal

it's lethal to love and to be loved, but it's the best poison i've ever really known
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