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Q Sep 2014
I want you for my own
I want you in every way and sense
For every reason known to mankind
From the first I saw you, I've wanted you every second since.

I want you in heaven and
I'll want you in hell
I want you on earth
And in every galaxy as well.

I want you in my blood
Running through my veins
I want you in every neuron that
Goes to and from my brain.

I want you.
I want every smile and every frown
I want you.
From the highest hair on your head down.

I want every emotion you'll ever feel
I want every breath you'll ever take
I want every beat of your heart
I want every night you sleep and morning you wake.

I want the good, the bad, and the ugly of you
I want the laughs, the hurt, the anger
I'm possessive of every bit of your life
I want your befores, nows, and laters.

I want every atom and molecule you're made of
I want the entirety of your soul
I want every and anything you'll ever think of
I'll want far past when you're gray and old.

This is the way I want you
So badly it tears me into two
But I'll never say it like this, instead
I'll say, "I love you."
  Sep 2014 Q
Kristo Frost
Haikus are cop-outs;

no real substance and/or thought,

just numb excuse poems.


Your anger is hot,

pooled, frozen acid on flesh

galvanized like steel.


You believe you were

told somewhere along the line

that you do exist.


You can’t forget that

demons need exercise too;

let them run again tonight.


Rules are meant to break:

glass and bones and laws and down.

Rabbit holes feather.


Within your soul’s soul

rabbit spiral quiet dark

machete falling.


Psychic doubt is back. back to back to back to...

business booming low.


Underground moisture,

creeping into bones like mold,

your rabbit decays.


Spring, flowers and dance;

sun warmth, on fly’s beating wings.

Live and die too fast.


Hungry olives growl,

soft, and panther black, like oil

except the sky's blue.


Bright over raw sand

sea shifting low dunes drift by

your mother's  closed eyes.


Warm, dirt-tangle roots

an eyelash in your right eye--

you are not crying.


LOUD crash of hubris;

wave goodbye, then charge the surf.

Defy its silence.


Gasp: breathe deep rabbit.

Beat your heart where the home is.

Do you have a home?


Raise your right hand and

repeat after me: be free.

Just don't disobey.


Twitch at dissonance;

run, tunnel faster, blink now

thump, devil quiet.


Pure distilled instinct;

not fang, or fear, but laughter...

nervous in the dark.


Shadow to the wall

around the corner slow down

don't want them to hear.


You listen to that

(no tremors follow your fear),

that pulsing faint glow.


Desperate your hope,

though diamond venom quickens,

drips the need to move.


Iced creep in white veins

soft. Fur on frozen roses;

a beautiful death?


No. Run. Now. RUN!

You can't  live, but die ******* trying;

hope is full of spite.


Heart pounds, the door drips

blood and limps away ignored.

Listen to them grin.


Leap rift, run without

thinking; forget crisp sunlight

draped across water.


This is your movie

and you sound like your parents

you want, you blink now.


She's ******* someone

and she likes it a lot more;

they **** like rabbits.


Boots erupt water

around town, yellow ankles;

youth just felt so long.


Plastic bag covers

your bike seat, and then your face

swimming in the sink.


Broken dreams wither,

yet still you remember just

reflecting on fear.


Do you exist yet?

You just can't count on some things,

like words, tricking you.


Lost in these tunnels,

the walls of your house collapse,

memory in heaps.


Soft surf wets your socks;

your legs ache with reckoning

but can't run their course.


Fenceposts in the snow,

stark the wind, howling, all rage,

biting your hot flesh.


The hate is back now

you can't breathe, all your

hope has expired.


Chin water sun eyes

wine glass fragments of concrete

dry throat, blood, scream, moon.


Waiting now, behind

within meaning, without hope;

fresh red footprints air.


Waiting, still, to die

as always, poorly informed

you don't see an end
Some hate this poem. Fact.
Q Sep 2014
If I could make sense of who I am
Perhaps I'd see you clearly
If I could make heads or tails of me
Then, maybe, I could begin healing.
If my brain could find order and peace
It's possible I'd love you freely
If I knew that I was right side up or upside down
I may finally stop abandoning you, may stop leaving.

But I've no clue who the mirror is showing me,
I've never seen that thing once in all my days.
And, *******, there's pitiful little good in knowing me
But you stayed and that saves me in a million, million ways.

If you'd put your arms around me, I know I'd push away
And if you told me you loved me I'd say 'it's just a phase.'
I haven't jumped into the unknown because I'm scared of where I'll land.

And I can't trust you until I make sense of who I am.
Q Aug 2014
'If I love it let it go'?
**** that, I say
If I love it I'll pin it down
I'll make sure it ******* stays.

I love. I love so much it hurts somedays
And I'd rather die than let go
Than allow it to slip away
Than to let it bring itself low.

My hands are cramping, I can't let go
I am terrified and I'm crying
But if I let go I don't think it'll come back
So I can't, I won't, I'm not even trying.

I want to scream and tear the world apart
I want to burn every suicidal letter I've written
Because I just realized a letter isn't enough
I want to make it better for him, for them.

I think I lost my mind today
Half of the day is a blank blur
I think I might've been hysterical
I laughed so hard but I don't know what for.

If you love it let it go
If it returns it's yours to keep
But if one can't ******* follow
Where the hell do the ends meet?

I'm angry, I'm furious,
I'm absolutely everything
I'm scared, I'm shaking
I can't let the things I love go free.
Q Aug 2014
I want to finally die.
I was crying on my bed,
And I needed someone, anyone
To get me out of my head.

I never realized I can't even allow
Myself to show hurt or pain
Until I closed my contact list
And cried again.
  Aug 2014 Q
Dolores L Day
Words are ****.
They make me want to rip a pillow with my teeth
Or marinate in a sensuous heat.
Where you'll be, sitting there.
Waiting to kiss my spine and touch my hair.
Tell me regaling tales of what you think.
Of what is rational or obsolete.
Worlds like Suggestive, Sarcastic.
and Bombastic.
Makes my skin melt and heart palpitate.
I will no longer settle for those who are adequate.
I need substance. I need someone (you) to say.
That you're enamored and beg me to stay.
I want that learned passion that only we
could portray.
Vocabulary lists are almost as good as ****.

Q Aug 2014
I'm sick and tired of begging you
And dropping hints isn't enough
But I'll cry my entire heart out
Because this isn't love.

I don't expect much
Not from you, at least
But as many times as I've pleaded
The least you could do is read.

Read the words I wrote in my blood
In phrases I ripped from my soul
See the punctuation I crafted from tears
Notice the warmth of love or hatred's frigid cold.

Know me from this poetry
Because I've instilled my life in them
Judge me or accept me as you read
Reject me or call me a friend.
Or, I suppose, you could refuse
Tell me you'd read them, though that's a lie
And I'll drown in my own insecurity
After you've decided not to read, I'll cry.
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