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 Feb 2016 Prom3theus
I have a garden growing
entangled in my chest
the earth is overflowing
making quite a mess
pushing daisies from my ribcage
roses blooming in my heart
my lungs are filled with ivy
so I don't fall apart
each day the roots grow deeper
filling in the holes
I have a garden growing
deep within my soul.
 Feb 2016 Prom3theus
I can’t remember the last time
I walked in light,
nor how the sun felt on my skin,
it’s always dark in here
and while trying to make my way in any direction
I find myself stumbling upon souls I lost and souls I miss
and pieces of long forgotten feelings,
I find myself falling over words that can never be taken back
over regrets that have never been said,
I hurt myself
when I step on memories crashing under my feet and
on broken mirrors wearing my once bright face,
or on silent songs that once used to be loud.

Like a child learning how to ride a bike,
I will keep on falling over and over again,
but I’ll never learn
cause there is no one here to hold onto the saddle.
 Jan 2016 Prom3theus
Katie Perner
Hello again, it’s been awhile since we have talked. I hate that you always want to do this at four in the morning. I never know how to explain to people why I was up so late, mainly because I hate explaining our complicated relationship. I know you’re worried, but I need to go to sleep. I know you want to stay up until we see the sun, but I have important things I need to do in the day time. You have pushed me around for too long, you controlled my life and my entire thought process for too much of my life, and I have worked so hard to push you away yet I always let you in when I feel you knocking. You loom around for too long after I let you in. Like this dark cloud I can’t shake for a couple weeks. It affects the people around me too, I can see you trying to **** them into your grasp. I don’t understand you; you’re this monster in the back of my head, creeping around everywhere I go. I don’t want to do this anymore, I’m tired, it’s late, please just let me sleep.
 Jan 2016 Prom3theus
The Dedpoet
Polychromatic lovers-
I open a window,
Open wide toward radiance
That descends into the primitive
Depths of a fiery spirit,
There upon a mural splendid
I did see like into dreams
With incomprehensible clarity....
Windows like lights reflecting moons
And daily the gaze fills the abyss
Open wide toward uncertainty
And hallucinating destinies,
Window, open window,
Crystalline glass of the soul.

— The End —