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 Nov 2017 Kayla
Dr Peter Lim
Being lazy
is the best activity
 Nov 2017 Kayla
Last flight
 Nov 2017 Kayla
The last flight,
your last fight.
right before you jump
right before you leap,
off that cliff,
into the darkness and insanity.

The last battle,
your last attempt.
To fight the demons inside your mind.
to fight the terrible monsters that ravage your beautiful mind,

The demon is you.
You attack your skin with blades of steel,
You destroy your mind
with evil words that break you apart.

If only you could see the beauty,
in your wings, in your strength,
for fighting, for flying this long.
fight your last battle,
Soar above the darkness,
you are unstoppable.

Take your last flight beautiful demon.
do you ever just feel so sick of life that you just want to jump off a cliff, and you feel so capable of it, but then you just feel that sudden bit of fear and you stop yourself

This is a work in progress, I know it doesn't have rhythm or rhyme, please comment any suggestions!
 Nov 2017 Kayla
I'm Sorry
 Nov 2017 Kayla
I'm sorry
I'm not trying to leave
I'm not trying to avoid you
That's not what I want
I swear

But how do I stop myself?
No I won't say that
No that's annoying
No that's upsetting
I won't say that because then it will be true

I will try to stay
I want to more than anything
You were there for me when
I felt alone
Very very alone
When I couldn't look at myself
You were there
Not anyone from before

But you have to admit
We are different people.
Not that there is a problem with that
It's to be expected though
That we fight
And we argue sometimes
That's normal for friends
I guess.
Or so I've seen and been told

You are both a year older than me
I am immature and stupid and young
I am not on your level
I will never be there with you
I am always one step behind you

Not to mention that I am an addition to your friendship.
I was not there to begin with
I missed everything that you two went through
I'm not as close
I'm easy to remove
I matter less

But it makes sense.
I'm not hurt because it's expected
I'm sorry it seems like I'm just ranting now
But over the summer I started to care less
In a way
By care less I don't mean avoid you
I mean I stopped enjoying the over the top teasing
I didn't like it as much

It started to hurt
But I didn't want to say anything
Even though I should have.
I'm sorry it took so long for me to say something
I don't want us to fight

Sometimes you say you're joking
But I worry that you're not
I get frustrated sometimes
I lash out
When I shouldn't.
And that's not fair
And I'm sorry

But sorry isn't always enough
And I'm trying
To fix it
But I'm not very good at it
I am always wrong after all.

Do you remember the goldfish joke?
The snack that smiles back
Goldfish :)
It's been awhile since we've joked about that
Sorry I don't really know where that came from
I'm not really sure where any of this is coming from
I'm just kind of writing

Does it count as a poem
If it's not rhyming?
I mean I think so
But I don't really know

I'm sorry I've been distant.
I'm sorry I **** at writing poetry
I write stuff like this
So I can get out my emotions
It's stupid I know
I want to fix it
But I don't want to hurt anyone
I don't want to argue

When you joke around
Sometimes you mean it
And sometimes something is really hurting you
But how do I know what it is
If you won't tell me how you feel?
I'm sorry
I don't want to hurt you
I don't mean to hurt you
But that doesn't mean I don't hurt you
And saying sorry must be like
Putting a band aid on a chopped off limb.
I'm stupid
A lot of the time

This poem is getting really long
But it just doesn't feel finished yet
I keep thinking about the tone in your voice
When I say things I don't mean
I don't want to lose you!
I don't want to see that hurt look in your eyes!
But how do I fix this!
What do I do?!

You say it's okay
I have responsibilities now that I'm dating someone
But you're not being truthful
And you're hurting
At least I think
Maybe I'm wrong
I could be wrong
Maybe I'm the only one who is upset

But I feel like we need to talk
About something
About this thing
So that we don't
Fall apart
Because that's not what I want

I'm not sure what else to say.
I think I might just end it here
The poem that is
Not our friendship
Or this conversation
Just the poem
Because I'm not done
Talking about this
And as long as you let me
I want to and will be your friend.

I think that's it.
I'll end it here
On this verse.
It's hard when you're so close to a friend and then suddenly you just feel things falling apart and you don't know what to do.
 Nov 2017 Kayla
Too hopeful
 Nov 2017 Kayla
“You make me happy”
“I need you”
I need to stop
I’m getting attached
I need to stop trying to latch
I have problems
Look at me not even trying to solve them
She’s a player
Why don’t I hate her?
Yeah she flirted with me once
But I highly doubt it meant much
Yet here I am
Making myself sad
And making myself mad.
Why do I let myself get attached
I need to stop getting latched.
I glance at you and I smile.
How stupid of me, I’m getting all riled
You’re stuck on someone
You’re not done
I need to back off
Before I become lost
I’ve said what I needed to say
If you need or want me you need only to send a hey
But I should move on
Seeing as you’re gone
 Nov 2017 Kayla
Personal Space
 Nov 2017 Kayla
Did I touch you as I left?
That night of beer and music
Almost tipsy,
laughing good-byes

Backing into blindly
I felt an arm... a moment
guide me
before I all but fall
against you
Knew that warmth
of mass was male

You exhale
I sense your being--
By accidental intimacy
I come unglued
By your flirtatious
catch of eyes
in lowered light
By faint fragrance
of whatever it is
you've drunk or used
to put yourself together

glancing down

Women always look, though
however briefly
Anyone ever been to this pub?  :D
 Nov 2017 Kayla
 Nov 2017 Kayla
Dreams are not
what they are supposed
to look like
A constant blur
of reality,
reality meaning sadness,
sadness being
the most familiar thing
in this house.
My imagination
being nothing
but let downs.
Because i only know my dreams,
and sadness
is the most familiar thing
in this house.
 Nov 2017 Kayla
 Nov 2017 Kayla
ask me why
I do not smile.
"I have a safe, full of emotions. That is where my smile is."
I tell them, and it confuses them. You can not have a safe full of emotions because emotions can not be held.
If they could be held I would have destroyed
every. Single. One.
Happiness and Love, Joy and Curiosity.
There would be no room
For heartache and sadness, anger and hopelessness.
Everyone would be happy.
That's right.
E  v  e  r  y  o  n  e
 Nov 2017 Kayla
George Greenbaum
Oh the broken, how we our counterparts
The bent may not fit exact
but it feels right in our hearts
 Nov 2017 Kayla
7 year old self
 Nov 2017 Kayla
If i met my seven year old self today,
what would i tell her,
would i warn her of the future,
of the bad things yet to come?
or would i leave her to be naive,
to keep having fun?
because my seven year old self,
believed the world a perfect place,
would she recognise herself,
when she looked into my face?
even though i've learnt so much more,
and seven years have passed since then,
i would give up everything i have,
to view life through her eyes again.
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