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 Aug 2021 a name
Whit Howland
Pallet of green


strange things

and metaphysical
An abstract word painting. An original.
 Aug 2021 a name
Mitch Prax
 Aug 2021 a name
Mitch Prax
I hear your voice and
I hear poetry, music
and everything nice

6:11 PM
 Aug 2021 a name
Anais Vionet
What was I up to while we were locked-in?
I was busy contemplating sin.
I had months and months of moments to spend,
Ms chaste without, misdeeds within.

Lust, like seasickness - upends reason
and it burns like underbrush fuel.
So dust my DNA, and ID my ***** dreamin'
am I guilty of breaking some rule?
who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? (the Shadow & Santa Clause)
 Aug 2021 a name
There once grew
a plant of great pleasures
The gardener
GMO’ed it
beyond measures!

He feared the potency
may be a bit to potent
even for a biblical god
wearing a Trojan

And so..
he crafted two humans
whom he proceeded to
live within…

And so you know
what happened next
an endless lie
a slithering slice
of heavenly pie!

pass the ammunition!!
Traveler 🧳
 Aug 2021 a name
Carlo C Gomez
Sun comes up,
she goes down
on some upended main drag,
if i were an archaeologist
i still wouldn't dig this place,
every other day she dwells
in tedious, empty cafés,
but on the weekends she flashes
her "license and registration"
to oncoming traffic,
hoping for grifted furlough
to wear as silken, shiny beads,
and so we ride
this merry-go-round,
because moving in circles
is far better than being trapped in a square,
we've stopped climbing the calendar
in search of higher elevation,
she used to pour it on thick,
stirring drinks inside my head,
i used to shake
worries from her hair,
now with bitter orange marmalade
low in the sky, and stacked against us,
it's home before dark,
lest our eyes open wide to see
we are nothing more
but strangers at sundown.
 Aug 2021 a name
Thomas W Case
I look at the pictures of us, and it's like looking at a paper graveyard.
The smiles, so frozen in time, so distant and temporary.

My memories are cut flowers,
laid at the alter of us.
Bright and then fading, losing petals
like prayers scattered over fresh earth.

Your eyes have lost their shine in my mind.
I can barely taste you on my tongue.
My mouth starves at your garden.
As time slips away, the pain becomes like an old rusty machine
on an abandoned farm.

We disintegrate and decompose.
A gentle thundering rain swallows us
in hazy downpouring sheets.
But a new life is carried
through turbulent groundwater currents.
A sprout, seeking root on fertile ground,
where fleeting moments of new joy
will be captured again and again.

And through the death of the old,
we embrace the birth of the new.
Iris and I co-wrote this together.  It was a real pleasure to work with her.
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