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 Aug 2021 a name
Mark Wanless
the sound of typing
is soft as human always
even in anger
So I looked at the gods
And I look to the universe.
Where I begged for answers over and over again.

All to ask why you entered my life.
At this place, at this time.
When I was not ready to give love another chance.

You graced my world like a soundless crash.
Without warning I felt everything.
Suddenly you were here.

And I wish I didn't meet you,
At least not here, not now.
While I am in pieces within my fragments.

But when I look at your eyes.
Despite my world feeling like its towards its conclusion.
Everything feels like it makes sense.

That all the things I've lost
And all the things I've been deprived of
I had my answer after all.

And I curse the heavens and the gods once more.
I cry out at the universe looming over me.
Again I asked why.

But there were no answers to be found.
There was no point in asking the eternal vastness.
You were here.

No time, there was no space.
My psyche always broken into tiny shards.
There was nothing I could do to prevent the way.

You simply waltz into my life.
No sound, no way of telling.
I did not want to fall in love.

And in a last ditch attempt.
To throw away everything, hubris and all.
I try not to look back.

I asked the gods, the heavens, the universe.
Why here? Why now?

And with a cruel smile from the universe, all the answers I kept looking for simply faded away from me.

I am left with you, the thought of you.

Still no answers to be found except...

say sike right now šŸ§
 Aug 2021 a name
Thomas W Case
And then
the night
comes flooding
in, like
a spilled beer.

Fear is a
rabid bat;

Loneliness is
an ice cube
in a bathtub

Love is a
flat toad in
the road of

Hope is a
broken dish,
an empty
a shattered dream.

Life is a sparrow
in the cat's mouth,
an abscessed
tooth, with no
It's a whale
in a frozen
an eagle in the

Insanity is
digging for the
courage to
day after
after day.
 Aug 2021 a name
Taigu Ryokan
I watch people in the world
Throw away their lives lusting after things,
Never able to satisfy their desires,
Falling into deeper despair
And torturing themselves.
Even if they get what they want
How long will they be able to enjoy it?
For one heavenly pleasure
They suffer ten torments of hell,
Binding themselves more firmly to the grindstone.
Such people are like monkeys
Frantically grasping for the moon in the water
And then falling into a whirlpool.
How endlessly those caught up in the floating world suffer.
Despite myself, I fret over them all night
And cannot staunch my flow of tears.
The musicians were all the
unsung heroes of those hit
records back in the day.
Tommy Tedesco,Ā Ā Carol Kaye,
Glen Campbell, Dusty Rain,
Earl Clapard and Cindy Paine.
The Wrecking Crew
we never knew.
 Aug 2021 a name
Kurt Philip Behm
Are you everything you could have been,
the moments gone,
the wafer thin

While reaching out did you lose hold
of what defines you,
a broken mold

The chase elusive, running wild
into the darkness,
a ******* child

To reach old age before your time,
a broken bell
ā€”that cannot chime

(Villanova University: July, 2021)
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