I sit and gaze up at the stars
A baby still curious and young of age
Not a clue in the world
Just a curious babe
Now five, I wonder about life
How do I exist
Innocently, I ponder life
And all things
A fifteen, love is on my mind
Who will I love and what is love like
Dating and breaking up, it's what I do
I sit and question love.
Now eighteen I question the future
Will I get married or go to college
The future is still big and I have lots of time
So I think about the future.
Now twenty-six and already it's time
What will I do for the rest of my life
Is this truly what I want to do forever
So I question my decisions
Already fifty-five and it's time to decide
When will I retire and what will I do
Do I truly want to give up my job
So I question my options
Finally one-hundred and eight
I start to question
where did all the time go by
So I question death.