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 Sep 2016 Anna B
JK Cabresos
Alone in the room,
my hands are stained
with poetry.
There's a difference betwen running
And trying to put something behind you
^copy n paste
This is the only thing  I can figure out to help me over come the past.
To share my dreams with
To sleep next to every night
To laugh with everyday
To have children with
To love and cherish
To marry one day
To watch endless movies with
To spend forever with
To simply BE with
I would choose you
Every single time
I love you.
Say my name
Say it gently
Use your words
To caress me
Speak your thoughts
Speak them out loud
Confess your love
Amidst the crowd
Scream your wishes
Scream your dreams
Make your reality
Better than it seems
Whisper your pain
Whisper your fears
Release the tension
Wipe away your tears
Open your mind
Open up wide
Let my love in
Let me inside
 Oct 2015 Anna B
Kissing her was like breathing for the first time
A breath of fresh air being invited into your lungs
Something that made you think so loud
You thought your eardrums were going to fall off
There's a faint hum of music in the back and
You want to remember this moment
Wrap yourself up
But all you can think about is
The silence consuming you as you try to
Figure her out
What she's all about
How she'd feel if it happened again
How she'd feel if her truth began to bend
The way she looks at you is unlike any other
With eyes like honey and sugar
You could drown in something so sweet
With her you're undefeated
And that's the way it should be, right?
But how about on this very night
Where all you want to do is bury yourself in her
Make her feel loved
Make her feel like she's an angel from above
This kind of undefeated breaks all
You thought you knew
For falling asleep with her in my arms
Shattered all I thought I knew
But that's okay
That's fine
The next morning she was there and
I got to stroke her beautiful hair
Speak in low tones
Our lips close
Temptations of this manner is one I've never known
So I'll take it as it comes whether it be
In waves or dipping my toes in an ocean
But kissing you was like breathing for the first time
A breath of fresh air being invited into my lungs
November 22nd, 2014 9:53pm. The morning after I kissed her.
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