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 Oct 2015 Anna B
 Oct 2015 Anna B
In us we lust
The stars they ******
Into my eyes
With parted thighs
And warm hands that strangle
Like twitching fingers that tangle
Among sweet lips of death
Each holding their breath
Unaware of the danger
That kissed your neck
But now your body's inept

And your thoughts they collect
And aims them at varying
The sweat on your frown
the castle of hearts
It does fade
The next card on deck
Is a *****

But the laughing man's mouth is a cage
His sentences like homes that fall
Each word is a crumbling wall
Fists clenched in a ball
That roll off the bridge of my face
And send blood through my breathing space

My temper, it burns like fire
My body once filled with desire
Now craves to see your life expire
 Oct 2015 Anna B
Emily Martin
I can choke myself to please you and I can sink much lower than usual, but there's nothing I can do to make you mine.
 Oct 2015 Anna B
Cari Hannaford
The stars twinkle above my head
illuminating the trees

As I walk this lonely road
No stares are on me
For I am invisible

Only darkness knows my name

No match or no candle to guide me home

I am lost in this world

I reach for the stars but I can never get there

But I keep going along this path

I am my legacy
I am my legend
And I will light up this darkness no matter how hard it is

Just light up the darkness
Light up the darkness
 Oct 2015 Anna B
Devon Lane
In my years,
I have noticed,
writing about the birds and the trees
comes with great ease,
but an ordinary day with pale grey skies,
and flat stale air
is a subject as to which not many care.
A day when birds are too bored to fly;
people drearily roam outside.
When there are too many clouds for the sun to shine.
On such days, us wallflowers seem to thrive.
 Oct 2015 Anna B
Emma Katka
 Oct 2015 Anna B
Emma Katka
you told me it's like
i have sparks in my head
i told you i liked
the way i felt in your bed
but choices are choices
and they're mine alone
it's not about feeling small comforts
it's about feeling at home
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