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Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
you're narrower & taller
you're smile's not smaller
part 32
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020


the telephone

made me
smile like an idiot
part 33
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
can a person be
as pure
as sweet
as kind
as humble
as you?
part 34
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
and by itself
my gaze
found its way
back to you

as if
it was
drawn to you
part 35
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
i shouldn't be jealous
i really shouldn't

but there
seems to be
a tiny part
in me
that just won't
understand that
also check out the other parts!  :)
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
i met
someone new

someone kind
and funny

and i was
my heart
starts moving on
also check out the other parts!  :)
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
oh, i wonder

did my
birthday wishes
make you
also check out the other parts!  :)
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
why the heck
am i
that hard
i see
a notification
also check out the other parts!  :)
Mrs Anybody Nov 2019
i build myself
a dream world
just to be
with you

and i like this
version of us
so much more

that i sometimes
forget that it's
not real

that we're not

that you don't
love me

that it's just me and my
part 4
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
are you just
an extrovert

or do you

try to get
my attention?
also check out the other parts!  :)
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
i just
want you
like me

the way
i like you
also check out the other parts!  :)
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
you have

no idea

what your laugh

does to me
also check out the other parts!  :)
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
how do i explain
you make me
also check out the other parts!  :)
Mrs Anybody Jan 2020
i know
that i shouldn't
daydream that much

about you
about us
about what we could be

i can't help myself
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
it's like a drug, isn't it?

to daydream
about this one person

to daydream
about the future you could have

to daydream
without considering
that you can't have that

it's a drug, isn't it?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
did my brain
trick me
did your eyes
find me
the moment
i entered the room?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
her green eyes
her wide smile
chasing me
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
green eyes
are the last thing
i see
they meet me
in my dreams
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
i was staring
trough the screen
into your eyes

as i whispered
into the dark

"what's the deal
with you?"

and i waited
for an answer

in vain
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Nov 2019
it's funny, isn't it?
how our heart always wants
it can't have.

that we do
stupid things
when we're in love.

how much you can
miss a person
who isn't even yours.

how we're scared about
losing someone
who isn't even ours.

it's funny, isn't it?
part 5
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
i always hope
it is
your name
that pops up
on my screen
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
i tried to
memorize everything
about you
not knowing when
i would see you


the only thing
i remember
is the look
in your green eyes
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
who is
the lucky one
who won
your heart?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
i guess
i am just
a sucker
for hopeless
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
how is it
that you
just don't see
what i feel
for you?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
what should be
will come
and if
it doesn't come
then it just shouln't be

but in my heart
i still hope
there will be
shared feelings
between us
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
the stranger
whom i only
knew by name

got more
and more

with every
passing by
with every
eye contact
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
i am not
going to

i tried
to find
your socials

but it's like
you don't
even exist
it's frustrating, isn't it?

also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
my mind
is foggy
and drunken


it still
found its way
to you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
my mind
keeps running
running away
from the idea
of an us

but my heart
keeps coming back
what if...?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Nov 2019
in my head
i know what to say

but then
i sit next to you
look into your eyes

and the words
won't come out
of my mouth.

i'm speechless.
part 6
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
your green eyes
were fixed
on the screen

and you
were listening
to your favorite songs

my brown eyes
tried to
catch yours

and i were
listening absently
to my friends
and the song
that reminds me
of you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
your green eyes
my brown eyes

and whilst you
never broke
the eye contact
i did

but i
was always
the first
to look again
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
the older
the night became

the more
my thoughts swirl

the more often
they found their way
back to you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
i am
listening to
my favorite songs

and you
sneak again
into my thoughts

and maybe

you are
listening to
your favorite songs

but i am sure
that i never
sneak into
your thoughts
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
were you
just bored
did you
really want to
talk with me?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Feb 2020
a bit drunken
i found you

and with
your green eyes
your honest smile
combined with
the small distance
between us
and your smell

you intoxicated me
even more
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
tell me

who crosses
your mind
when you are
laying awake
listening to
your favorite songs?

whose smile
flashes before
your eyes?

whose eyes
meet you
in your dreams?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
i should have
to what
the professor
was saying

i should have
what he
was showing us

but instead

i listened to you
to the little rhythm
you played
on the drums

and i watched
the way
your hands
over them
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
i was
by your movements

the way
your hands
danced over
the drums

the way
your face
lightened up
when you played
the rhythm right

the way
you groaned
when you didn't

the way
you laughed
at the same time
with us
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
i want to know
all the thoughts
that rob your sleep
when you go to bed

i want to know
what you wish
you'd done better
in the past

i want to know
what you see
when you think
about your future

i want to know
all the fears
that lame you

i want to know
what makes you human
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Nov 2019
and out of
the nowhere
my stomach tingles
when i
think about you
part 7
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
i was sitting there
drunken and
deep minded

with her
in the cold wind
about everything
and nothing

and even though
i enjoyed
talking with her
i still wish
it was you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
you put me
under your spell

the way
your eyes smile
your mouth
is hanging
a bit open
in concentration

the way
your laugh
brightens up
your eyes

the way
you look
over the drums
towards me

the way
you are you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
i always
go to bed
that i dream

cause in my dreams
it is you
i meet

cause in my dreams
i can live
what i imagine

cause in my dreams
you feel
the same way
i do

so when i
wake up
i am disappointed
that my dream
had to end
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
i always
look forward
to tuesday

cause on tuesdays
i am able to
see you
for an whole hour
of just
catching glances
at you
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
seeing you
in the
early morning
makes me grateful
that i
stood up
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
it is
so much easier
to talk
to him

i don't care
if he feels
for me
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
do i
fall for
the taken ones?
also check out my other poems!  :)
Mrs Anybody Mar 2020
my feelings
are not
that strong

but, well...

let's see
what changes
i see you
also check out my other poems!  :)
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