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Morgan Howard Aug 29
I throw my memories into the fireplace
Like crumpled pieces of paper
I watch as they start to burn
As I start to forget the past
But suddenly
The fire is out
The flames burn no longer
And the pieces of paper
Are left untouched
Morgan Howard Aug 29
I am a chair.
People sit on me every day.
I feel the weight on my shoulders.
The heavy burden I must carry.
As I try my hardest,
Not to break.
Morgan Howard Aug 29
A far away memory,
Whispering in my ear,
A quiet spirit,
Begging me to hear.

A fallen soldier,
In the midst of war,
Screams in cold agony,
And longs to be warm.

She is left there,
Dying all alone,
She cries in the silence,
And dreams of being home.

I walk along a path,
I hear her silent tears,
I run to her aid,
As her end draws near.

She looks up with her eyes,
I wipe tears from her face,
I bandage all her wounds,
She smiles as we embrace.

Some time seems to pass,
Her cuts not fully healed,
But she's doing so much better,
Than she was that fateful year.
Morgan Howard Aug 29
At the end of the day
When it is dark and cold
Just remember
The sun will shine again
Morgan Howard Aug 29
My soul falls to the ground
Like petals on a withered rose
What was once beautiful is gone

Because you can't put back the    
Pieces that have fallen
Morgan Howard Aug 29
I once had a flame
Flickering inside of me
Warming my heart

But the flame was blown out
By cold lips
I am no longer warm
I am cold and numb
The dreary darkness consumes me

I grab a lighter
Frantically trying to bring it back
But there is no use
The light is gone
The warmth is gone
I have gone cold

— The End —