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 Jan 2016 Sin
Racheal McKnight
She had a canvas and a paintbrush, but the canvas was her skin and the paintbrush was a blade.
 Jan 2016 Sin
m i a
G i r l
 Jan 2016 Sin
m i a
-a female child.*

means i am not allowed to have an opinion unless i am labled as a feminist.

means i am not allowed to run as fast as boys.

means that i can't become president.

means that i am not as strong as the other boys.

means that i will never be as sucessful as most men.

means that i have to wear dresses and bows.

means that i have to be a stay at home mom when i'm older.

means that i have to cook and clean daily.


That maybe i don't have to listen to society,

maybe i can face reality and prove everyone wrong

And after that i'll teach everyone how to play mahjong, kidding.

but really, i hope this doesn't sound silly

but i feel that i can be more than just a house mom,

maybe i can make bombs
instead -

or i can work hard and go to college, and become sucessful just like other men

i will not let my heart be trapped in a den

because of what society says about my gender

i don't want to stay home, and make things with a blender

I want to be free, and become a love-ly graphic designer

or maybe i'll have a finer

job one day.

but believe me when i say, i will not let my gender define who i am and what i will become.

-A strong and lovely human being, who will not listen to society; but instead prove to everybody the amazing person she can be.

i hope this wasn't offensive to like anyone really. i just wanted to write about something like this. <3 c:
 Jan 2016 Sin
Louis Brown
The neighborhood is gone
Familiar faces
No where to be seen
Portland cements hides
The dusty street below
Progress left its scars
Razed our shotgun house
And poured an interstate..,
The corner gang no more
So precious few
Can be accounted for
They are the ones
Who lie so still and cold
Beneath incongruous slabs of stone
With names of barefoot friends
I used to know

Copyright Louis Brown
 Jan 2016 Sin
Seán Mac Falls
When your strung hair drops,
In any chamber, all is opened,
All is lithe, flowerfield of mirror
To the gathered stars unto fire,
Above as below is a universe,
Your eyes asking in surrender,
Were never so fair as your face,
My soul drowning in those blue
Orbs, what oceans of sparkle, so
Lke jewels in a thousand temple
Reliefs of gold and safire offered
By flesh and thunder, waits to roll,
To wash and crackle firmaments,
Of earthly desires and obsession,
In your temples above and below.
 Jan 2016 Sin
A Lopez
To many complain
On others
How about
Instead of maiming
Be polite-
Stead of claiming
To be right,
For once take
It your wrong-
Instead of turning abhoring
Into daily trending,
Make poetry beauty
With your poems and song,
Instead of minding everyone elses
Mind yours,
Instead of back talking-
Close your door.
If your not here to write
Leave this premises-
Instead of using jealously
As anger,
Put down your acts of dennis-
The mennis- instead of making f.e,a,r
Mongering this sites boutique-
Search inside yourself,
Fix the you that is weak.
If claims dont match no names
Hush, to your sleep.
I'm here to write-
Were here to write-
Not fight about your
Bad week.
Decide to speak out for a change for the plaster saints
Have ran across some vile people on this site, who have large claims, yet no confirmation to back any claiming, as I see
This page that I adore carries a boatload of delusional thoughts, words that come from made up thoughts, that really make some of these people lose more followers, and lose their minds, though I'm here to write,
Not be
As miserable
As so many trolls I've endured! But these aren't trolls as I have heard these are human beings, who seems, loves misery with
Company, I won't be a company to anyone, just to share,
Like, and explore other poets writes, and open to some on a
Poetics level, that's the name of this game- poetry- not trolletry
 Jan 2016 Sin
Chloe Zafonte
You were such a liar for someone
who had eyes as innocent as a child
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