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Eliza May 2018
Guardian of memories
That’s what poets are
Their words dance like a candle flame’s shadows against the soft blow of the wind
Flickering, whispering
In the silence of the night
Humming a lullaby.
Their words the tune that tell
A story.
A memory.
Of what once was, of what is,
And of what will be.
Eliza Jul 2014
Being at a certain place
And at a certain spot
And imagining yourself
To not be there
And watch from a corner
How humans
Attack each other
With diabolical thoughts
And spiteful intentions.
Eliza Oct 2018
You see me
And you judge
But you never see through.
You see me
And you hate
That’s because you choose to.
There’s always a choice.
Eliza Aug 2016
The sky is clearer than it was yesterday
But there's still traces of the aftermath of rain
I wonder what the weather will bring today
I don't think I can bear another day,
standing in the rain.

I tend to not bring an umbrella
Perhaps it's the reason why I got soaked
Perhaps I should blame myself
That I went through such a tormenting cold.

They told me to dance in the rain
But how can I dance when I can barely move?
The rain is alright, I love the rain
It's the cold that numbed me and took too long to subside.

So I walked along the pavement
After the heavy downpour last night
And watched the puddles of water
Reflecting the sunlight.
Eliza Dec 2016
Why not look through the glass instead of looking at the raindrops on the window?
I wondered.
It rained yesterday.
I was on the passenger seat of a jeepney looking at the raindrops on the window, on my way home.
It is not usually like this. I don't usually think of the rain as a bane to my existence or as an obstruction to my path.
I think of it as a beautiful lyricless song that one would usually play on repeat, the words would unconsciously form inside your mind, your heart making a lyrics of its own.
Because the heart usually knows something that the brain knows nothing of.
But yesterday was different.
I looked at the rearview mirror and saw the passengers at the back.
One was holding a phone, talking in a hushed voice,  another passenger was looking at me intently through the mirror, and the others were looking outside- perhaps, eager to go home or reliving their day just as I was.
Perhaps, it was because of my day.
How it went.
How I went to school and felt empty.
How everything felt meaningless the moment I heard that the person who used to be my friend didn't extend the same courtesy I would have given her by saying directly to my face what she wanted to say instead of going behind my back.
But I, a fool.
Perhaps it was that.
Or maybe it was when I shared my problems to someone
And asked him to show me the brighter side of the picture
But he showed me how I was the dark picture, instead.
I, a fool.
Perhaps it was that.
Or perhaps it was when I decided to write a novel
But when I held the pen
It felt unfamiliar
Beneath my fingers.
Perhaps it was that.
Or the days that I have punished myself by remembering him.
Perhaps it was that.
Perhaps it was not the rain.
Perhaps it was the way I looked at the raindrops on the window instead of looking through the glass.
Eliza May 2014
I wish.. I hope.. I dream..

I wish
To evaporate
Into the books I have read
And movies I have watched
And to escape life
The healthiest and least sinful way possible.

I hope
To be understood
Accepted, forgiven, and loved
Though flawed
Who wouldn't want to be loved?

I dream
To write a book
And cause happiness
To grow as a woman
Who not just sees
But sees through
There's a difference.
Eliza Feb 2013
I stared at you
You stared at me
And from those stares
A spark
Why in silence
we connect
Though we are apart?

Why, from a million stars
How can it be
that my heart beats only for one?
Or am I just hoping?
Yes, maybe, I'm dreaming
To grasp a love
That seemed so far.

I feel so envious
That you do not feel
What I feel as I look above
I tell the skies
"Am I in love
or is this just another door left ajar?

And from those eyes of yours
Tell me now
Do you feel the same way I do?
If not so,
Suffer me not
let me go
Or tell me the truth.
Eliza Jun 2013
When my smile fades away
and when the sky runs out of stars,
When the moon decides to give way
to the sun, remember me from afar.

When the clock stops ticking
and the ravens are at halt,
When my heart stops beating,
Remember to not let the ravens devour my heart.

Remember me for who I was
and for what we once had,
Remember me not only when we were happy
but when we were also sad.

The memories, bitter and sweet,
are deep within me still
But just in case, you choose to forget
I will be the one to remember for you were given the will.
Eliza Jul 2016
I'm in a state of quantum superposition.
Eliza Oct 2018
Briefly the shadows met-
And understood each other.
Eliza Oct 2018
There is a conversation in our silence that I want to immortalize.
Eliza Sep 2016
Give yourself
A time to heal
A time to mend what's broken
May it be the heart
Or the soul
Or any other part that's been torn apart
Or left with an empty hole
That was supposed to be filled
By someone you love
Or once loved
Or have always loved
Even if unrequited.
Give yourself a break
From tirelessly loving someone
Who won't love you back.
Eliza Oct 2015
Everyday, I struggle to be a better version of myself. There are nights that I would cry because I don't want to be this weak pathetic thing who cries over small things easily. But everyday, I also get to be reminded of God's grace, love, and mercy. It's really hard to accept your negative side but it's much harder if you don't acknowledge that it's there. Still, I feel better knowing that each day, I'm striving hard to get there and I'm getting there. To the point wherein I don't have to justify my wrong actions by saying that I'm not perfect because I'm just human and it's in my nature. We are all works in progress, still being chiseled by God through  trying circumstances. (And I'm not referring, in a biased manner, only to the God that I believe in but to a God that each one of us personally believe in, no matter what religion you're in.) Perhaps, somewhere deep inside me was the hope that the world isn't or need not be just about strife, insecurity, corruption, betrayal, conflict, war, etc. That we can choose to help each other by accepting one another's differences as well as flaws and to forgive even if it's hard. I cannot speak for myself because I've been through times(and I still am going through times) wherein I still find it hard to forgive, but at least I can try to be that person. We all can. Living in this world taught me great things, having met various kinds of people taught me greater things but most importantly, believing in God  taught me the greatest things.

"He replied, 'Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!'"
-John 9:25 (NIV)

An afterthought just came to me after writing this. If you're on your death bed or breathing your final breath, would you be brave enough to say you lived and not just existed? Moreover, would you be brave enough to confidently face your Creator knowing you lived for others and not just for your self? Just a thought.
Eliza Jan 2016
You're supposed to be confident
But I feel the opposite inside
Supposed to love yourself
But I just want to disappear and hide
You're supposed to be positive
I tried and tried
Endless voices reaching out for me
To do this and that,
Be this and that.
The truth is,
You're drowning me.
Am I expected to be always happy?
Supposed to be.
I was, I am, I'm going to be
But for now
Be silent
Your words are killing me
They're supposed to be helping me.
I'm supposed to be free.
Eliza Apr 2016
Tell me where I failed
On being your friend
Tell me when it ended
And how it all began.

I tried to brush off the fact
That you stabbed me in the back
I knew and my heart was bleeding
And it was bleeding for you.

How hard must it be
For you to be stuck with me
That you had to pretend it's okay
For me to be your friend.

It's okay now, I forgive you
Just be honest and tell me the truth
Did you mean what you said
When you promised never to leave me
Just like they all did?

I guess by now I should know
But it's always easier to be comforted by a lie
Than be slapped with the truth
That you did not care
Not once not ever.

I opened myself up to you
Something I do not often do
But you betrayed me still.
Tell me,
What did I ever do to you?
Eliza Jun 2013
Once I saw a beautiful bird
She was one of a kind
And when she flutters, the sun pays attention
As the clouds pay respect.

Her feathers depict unrelenting grace
And one would get lost in her eyes
Other birds pursued her for days
Some would even go for miles.

You'd somehow think she has it all
All except for one
The heart of whom she truly loves
The heart of a human.

Not only forbidden but impossible
This tale tells it all
How can a man hear her heart?
How can he possibly fall?

She looks at him from afar
He doesn't even know
A single tear fell from her eyes
As she wished upon a star.

"I don't even believe that such myths exist,
But perhaps, you'll grant me my wish
Only one and one will do
Make me human so he'll love me, too."

Oh, the poor bird who hoped for much
Who could only do as hope for such
For a dream, a wish that will never come true
Now her wing got hurt as she flew.

Oh, the beautiful bird with a broken wing
She can still fly but never sing
A sweet lullaby of a wish coming true
A lullaby of the only man she loved and will forever do.
Eliza Jun 2015
The stars are clearer than ever tonight
With thoughts of you, I remember
What was once a dying light
Is now a growing flicker

From a distance, a stare to a stare
Gestures conversing in silence
In love and war, they say, all is fair
But why do you make all the difference?

Are you staring at the same sky as I am?
Can you see beyond, too?
Do you love how the stars light up the dark?
Or can you feel the moon watching over you?

How can God ever place such a beautiful thing
In a huge fallen world filled with broken people?
You are an angel with captivating wings
Blinding my eyes with your light, enveloping everyone who sees you.

Will you laugh at my foolishness
Once you know I made this for you?
Is there even a single percent of statistical probability
That you would see me the way I see you?

You are a million light years away
In the morning, will you be gone?
You are both the star-filled night sky
And the promising break of dawn.
Eliza Mar 2016
It was a hot summer day
But felt like a cold night in winter
I see your figure receding away
In the plain 'til you reached the horizon.

This is the vanishing point
The part where I'm supposed to say goodbye
It's not just that I can't but I won't
And perhaps you know the reason why.

My hands reach out to you
But my feet is stuck on the ground
I'll be right here til you come back
Whether the sun chooses to stay or the rain comes around.

The rain did come after all
And I'm still standing on the same ground
My feet, bare and wounded and sore
From struggling to walk towards the horizon.

I willed myself to stay
Standing on the ground filled with nails
Ironic that the unseen can cause so much pain
While it's easier to bear the physical one.

I am but a parched being
Who can't be quenched by rain
And I can walk right into the oasis
But I chose to bear the pain.

It was a scorching hot summer day,
Til the cold night in winter.
I knew it was time to walk away
When someone handed me a sweater.
Eliza Sep 2015
To fall asleep
Out of exhaustion
From all the muffled screaming
And overflowing tears
That drained your energy
To fall asleep
You would rather not wake up
For eternity
To fall asleep
And dream
Of you and me
When we were still together
To fall asleep
In a heartbeat
I'd do it just to see you again.
But I am awake
And I am in pain
And this is reality
So I must stay awake
And hold on
And fight the impulse
To fall asleep
Once again.
Eliza Oct 2018
There are times when I feel like someone’s following me.
And eventually realize it’s just my shadow.
Eliza Mar 2019
You are my unsent message.
The cursor blinking rhythmically,
With my heartbeat,
For me to hit send.
But I am not ready,
And I’m not sure if I ever will be
So I left it like that.
Unsent. Unseen. Unread.
“I miss you.”
Eliza Feb 2013
He, who opened my eyes and made me see
He, who died in the cross for you in me
I, who back then was not aware
And have always thought life's unfair.

Engulfed with the past that left me empty,
Overshadowed by all the pain and misery,
Yet Father, You renewed my dying faith,
When You said, "Child, it is not too late."
Eliza Jun 2015
When the one thing you want
Is the only thing out of reach
Eliza Jan 2016
Is missing you the same as missing the memories of you?
Or am I fooling myself once again by believing I do?
Eliza Apr 2016
Like the moon
She became
Trying to mend herself
While secretly wishing
For someone to mend her.
While others only see the darkness,
She's secretly hoping
For someone, just one person will do,
To notice
That she also has light.
To know
The little things
That make her happy
And the little things
That make her sad.
To admire the fact that
Despite the darkness enveloping
And the stars competing
For all the attention,
She's okay
With having only one soul
To look at her
And believe in her
When she can't do the same for herself.
She wishes to be loved as the moon
And not just the moon among the stars.
Eliza Aug 2014
I was once a melody
        Before I became a hum
I was once a poetry
       That is left undone
I stand so small
      In a world so big
      A world so full of life
Yet I feel secure
      In my Father's love
I could live for eternity
     Being nothing but
     Safe in His loving arms.
Eliza Sep 2018
For those who are in love,
Love is a force of nature
Unstoppable and powerful
Pure and perfect.

But for the brokenhearted,
Love creates the illusion
That everything is good
Love is not blind but it does blind
It blinds you into believing
That the rose has no thorns
And that you can cross any ocean
Or survive any storm.
It creates another version of you
That is vulnerable, accepting,
And forgiving
No matter how many times you've been hurt.
It's a diversion, a dead end.
Love is jumping in a cliff, blindfolded,
And expecting for someone to catch you.
An intricately constructed algorithm-
A subtle lie,
For the brokenhearted.

Yet love is unfathomable
It's a powerful force that changes people
Moves even the biggest mountains
Breaks the sturdiest rocks
And melts the coldest glaciers.
Love is both monochrome and
A kaleidoscope of colors.
What is love for you?
Eliza Aug 2014
When was the last time you talked to God?
Was it a time you thanked Him?
For the things you have received without asking.
For the air you breathe every morning.
Was it a time you repented?
For the sins you have unconsciously done.
And for the sins you have been consciously repeating.
Was it a time you were angry?
For the things that backfired because of your own doing.
For the tribulations flooding in.
Was it a time you were begging to Him?
For the person you admire to notice you.
For your heart to heal after a devastating heartbreak.

The last time I talked to God
Was when I told Him
How my day went,
How I love sleeping to the sound of the rain,
How I love reading and writing poems that rhyme,
And made an exception for this one.
Eliza Jan 15
Almost 70,000 words
Still, I can't figure out
Why poetry seem to flow
When I feel like giving up

9000 days and more
Still, my heart betrays me  
I guess we'll only live
Once we choose to be happy

Can You tell me the secret?
Can You show me The plan?
My heart yearns to know
Please tell me I can.
I'm back with another poem after many years of taking a hiatus.
Eliza Oct 2016
I punish myself everyday by remembering you.
Eliza May 2014
Write me a poem
Of the wonders and awes
Of loving and being loved.
Write me a poem
Of hummingbirds
Of sirens and beating hearts.
Write me a poem
Of how the sun
Compliments my eyes
Write me a poem
Of how like the moon
I illuminate the night sky.

Don't write me a song
Don't write me a letter
Why are you being so obscure?
Write me a poem
Write me your answer
Don't leave me with an
Empty sheet of paper.
Now all's white
And all's black
I wrote you a poem
But you never wrote back.
Eliza Jan 2016
I thought of ways to tell you
I wasn't ready yet
To move on is to walk away
From all the memories I kept.
Each day I lie and tell myself
It's easy to forget
But it's easier to pretend
When it's harder to forget.

I see you now with her
And fooled myself, "I'm fine"
But in my heart,
With a mind of its own, it thought,
"My chapter is now over
While yours has just begun."
Eliza Dec 2017
Someone’s ray of sunlight will always be my ray of sunlight
But I don’t know why it’s different with you
That day when it didn’t feel like a day
But an hour
Of you and I, the rest blurring out of the picture,
You smiled.
And that was the game changer.
I was scared of that smile
Scared of the joy evident through those eyes
Scared of the possibility of the future
Because I knew your happiness depended on mine
And I knew somehow I could break that smile
I don’t want to.
That’s why I left without saying goodbye
Like a coward.
But you, a fool.
You shouldn’t have smiled.

— The End —