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Emmanc May 2018
I feel so worthless.
All the good inside me
Was drained in my sleep –
Only aches left behind.
     Paint me dull,
     Paint me wild,
     Does it matter?
     I’m just a child.
Turn up the sound.
Let it blast, flow.
Watch it punch on
Through this dark fog –
     It anchors my soul.
So don’t you frown
Don’t think to glare
That my ears
Are plugged:
     It’s the only thing
     Keeping me here.
Emmanc Feb 2018
What I don't need:

A hand to hold or
arms when I'm cold.
Yeah, that's right.

Don't be offended
when I turn you down.
and wring you out.
It just won't work,
so ditch that frown.

I don't enjoy the music
or your clever words
or when you hang around.
Don't get so uptight.

Not saying life ain't bright
or sweet or fair
when you're there,

But I'm alone.
Funny cuz what used to be
my fear
is now my strength.

Alone is pain,
but alone is safe.

So stop trying.
I don't like you
I don't need you
I don't want you
I don't.
Don't I?

(I wonder how this will all
turn out in the end.)
Emmanc Feb 2018

(I tried to write a happy poem:
To show how you made me feel
And who you are.
"a" turned into "3"
Which would have birthed many.
So I broke them all down,
And that is how they sound.)
Emmanc Feb 2018
There is a space by my side.
Do you see it?
Once it laughed,
when all was right.

But with the changing tide
I was gone and it left:
life swept aside.

A rip where once was
full,  now all is null.

But now I find it's lack
a fine companion.
I laugh and the silence
eats it
I speak and the words
fall flat
I cry and the lonlieness

There is a space by my side.
Do you see it?
Do you see it?
Do you see me?

The silence is all the response I need.
"We feel lonely when we don't feel known
and valued for who we truly are."

For each question you ask,
It might painful, but
so is exercise.
It'll be good, I promise.
It will be.
Emmanc Dec 2017
Could a song touch me?
Run its fingers
the length of my soul?

In truth it makes me wary
Of the power it holds:
To morph my mind is to
Morph my soul.

People, they touch me.
People are souls.
Souls cry out with life,
You might say they sing.

A song, a person, a soul?
Same thing.
Everything is a person
Because people create.
We are everyone we've known,
And hurt.
"The secret of life is that people change people."
Emmanc Dec 2017
I hate the way
your eyes reveal,
The way they sparkle and talk.

I hate the curve,
The laugh of your smile
As it tries not to grin.

I hate them.
I like them.
I hate that I like them.
I hate that i like you,
And I don't know why.
Because we don't have a chance?
Because I found you too late.
It's not you that I hate,
It's the false hope
given by time
Time that I don't have.
I don't expect we'll meet again.
Emmanc Dec 2017
Always giving
Never getting
Always talking
Never taking

One day will I run out
Of things to give, of things to say?
Always helping, never helped.
Is this the way?
I'd shout, but You won't hear;
I'd Sing, but could You care?
You: my loves, my people, my hearts.
For You is all that I do.
Here's to hoping I won't fall apart.
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