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Emmanc Dec 2017
We hung out once,
we hung out twice.
I must say it was quite nice.

So out we went
To try our luck
Romance was on our side,
And we laughed a lot.

But time grows thinner,
And elsewhere I must be.
As the days go I see
"The winner"
Is something I'll never be.

Love needs our time
Love needs our hope
Makes us vulnerable
Makes us cope

I gave my hope
Searching for a way to cope
Tried to be vulnerable
But did it work? Nope.
Why? Time, my time, my lack of time.

And so now you see,
Why I cry.
I had you
And I lost you
Before I ever had you.
We call this: "The point of almost loving".
And it's unholy beau:
Mourning for a life that never was.
A life that could be.
Except that it can't — not for me.
Emmanc Dec 2017
"Hello!" "Goodbye!" "Oh, what a fine day!"
Shaking hands, hugging wounds, soothing fears.

"My ears? Yes, you may take them."
"My time? Take that too."
"Use my words, put me to work — I promise, I won't shirk."

But my heart you cannot take.
It won't help you heal.
You see, I left it somewhere
That's far from here.

So now pain is all I feel.

If you get too close, you'll see.
So please, just accept my other gifts
And stay far from me.
Keeping people away with kindness,
Telling them what they want to hear.
Because the more I let them in
The more it hurts, the more the tears.
I have nothing to give that is full and real.
Or maybe I do, but first I need to heal.

— The End —