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712 · Mar 2019
The Voice of the Children
Lynn Scott Mar 2019
I have seen women cry all day long
When their pregnancy went all wrong
I have seen men weep and mourn
For their children who'd never be born

I have seen the longing in their eyes
The couples whose children have died
The ache and pain in their shattered souls
Each miscarriage taking its tole

So how can a human who is so blessed
Throw it away without a second guess
Call it convenience and "financial burden"
"Or not a human with no skin or organs"

The countless murders of innocent little babies
For the so called rights of these many "ladies"
How can you remotely demand for a choice
When you don't even give the children a voice
397 · Mar 2019
Lynn Scott Mar 2019
Breathe in and out
Get to the ball
Breathe out and in
Try not to fall

Breathe in and out
Sprint down the field
Breathe out and in
The strength you wield

Breathe in and out
You hit them first
Breathe out and in
Your shoulder hurts

Breathe in and out
You dribble fast
Breathe out and in
Get hit at last

Breathe in and out
Air born you go
Breathe out and in
Time becomes slow

Eyesight blurry
You hit your head
Eyesight blurry
Your nose bleeds red

Dark tiny spots
Cloud your vision
Dark tiny spots
Hard collision

It all goes dark
The pain's still there
It all goes dark
Blood in your hair

Open your eyes
You're laid in bed
Open your eyes
Holding your head

Try to get up
Think of your name
Try to get up
Wracking your brain

Start to panic
No memory
Start to panic
Eyes that can't see

Wet tears stream down
Leaving their mark
Wet tears stream down
Blind in the dark

You can not see
No one is there
You can not see
Nobody cares

Sitting alone
No memory
Sitting alone
Eyes that can't see
292 · Mar 2019
The Boogeyman
Lynn Scott Mar 2019
The place no one dares to go
A place filled with only sorrow
In the dark a monster creeps
That haunts you while you're asleep

Your mind is a dangerous place
One too scary to ever face
Don't ever be left all alone
With your mind's evil tone

In the dark depths of your head
While you're asleep in your bed
The creature tears at your brain
Until you're in constant pain

The monster still wreaking havoc
Is not upstairs or in the attic
Remember while you lay in bed
The Boogeyman is in your head
268 · Mar 2019
Red Rage
Lynn Scott Mar 2019
All I saw was red
My parents were dead
******* hit their car
Drunk leaving the bar

All I saw was red
I punched the driver's head
Blood ran down his face
What a **** disgrace

All I saw was red
The **** coward fled
I then ran him down
Slammed him to the ground

All I saw was red
Continued my bloodshed
Tears streamed down my face
He's a **** disgrace

All I saw was red
Rage clouding my head
******* should be dead
My parents died instead
267 · Mar 2019
The End
Lynn Scott Mar 2019
Deep desires, hidden longings
Are the base of our nightmares.
Dishonest and greedy
Is why no one cares.

I tried to be better
But it was all for not.
My guilt and my anger
Have caused me to rot.

Vexations and secrets;
My head spins round and round.
Isolation, devastation;
My scream makes no sound.

I’m drowning, I’m falling;
I can barely breathe.
Desperation, damnation;
I only want to leave.

So close now, I can see it;
My escape for eternity.
It’s selfish, so selfish;
My chance at serenity .

It’s coming, it’s closing;
It’s finally at the end.
This hellish, this blemished
Life has come to an end.
258 · Mar 2019
The Catacombs
Lynn Scott Mar 2019
Afraid in the dark
Afraid all alone
Afraid you might die
In the catacombs

Afraid of the ghosts
Afraid of their moans
Afraid you might die
In the catacombs

Heart pounding faster
Already quite scared
Hands become sweaty
There's death in the air

The screams of the dead
Screech their eerie tones
Haunting the hallways
In the catacombs

Running down the halls
You try to escape
Searching the tunnels
The ground starts to quake

Ghostly hands reach up
They grab your one leg
Then dragging you down
As you scream and beg

Demons surrounds you
You claw at their bones
They drag you to hell
In the catacombs
241 · Mar 2019
Red River
Lynn Scott Mar 2019
Our blood is but one color
Whose river runs red
But a few ignorant men
Still have wrongly lead

Let it be our generation
That will start anew
One slogan in mind
"To racism, Adieu!"
198 · Mar 2019
The Police Officer
Lynn Scott Mar 2019
You call me a monster
You call me a racist
You call me despicable
You call me horrible

What am I when I save a child's life
What am I when I stop an active shooter
What am I when I console the grieving parents of a dead baby

Tell me!
What am I?!

When I have to scrape up the brains of a teenage girl
When I have to see a toddler who accidentally hung himself
When I have to deal with the real monsters of the world

Tell me!!
What am I?!

Have you ever seen a body that's been dead for days
Have you ever seen parents grieve before the bloodied mangled body of their lifeless dead child
Have you ever had to watch the life leave a child's eyes

If not, then tell me!
What am I?!

Am I really the monster that haunts your dreams?
Am I really such a horrible despicable human being?

Where are you when I have to clean up from a ****** suicide?
Where are you when I have nightmares at night?
Where are you when my depression comes back?

Where are you?!

That's right.
You're never there.
195 · Mar 2019
Hear Me
Lynn Scott Mar 2019
Why can't you hear me?
Though I scream all day
Can't you understand
I have more to say

Why not talk to me?
My love's not enough?
Please listen to me
Don't you act all tough

Why not scream at me
So we'll work it out
Let me hear your words
Both of love and doubt

Why not cry or yell?
Any emotion
Just listen to me
Hear my devotion

I love you so much
But you need to choose
Who do you love more?
Me or your *****?
160 · Mar 2019
Hold Me Tight
Lynn Scott Mar 2019
You step aside
Ask why I cry
You know I lie
I want to die

Just hold me tight
Don't say a thing
You know I'm right
Bout everything

I have no home
Family is dead
I'm all alone
I've made my bed

Just keep me safe
From all my thoughts
Just hold me tight
You're all I got

— The End —