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 Apr 2014 Lunatide
The thunder echoes against the cracked jaw of the sky
I smell the heat and the humidity
And the envy

The earth is drowning under the cannonade of rainfall
I can feel the sorrow and the hope
And the hubris

The unbridled fury of an outcast

Whispered through the arms of a lover
On the wind whipping down the road
Up through the willows
We separate ourselves with broken walls and unlocked doors
And sell ourselves the lie that we have kept the world at bay
All from our shadowed corners of misery
We bleed the names of enemies upon the shallow floor
And say that they’re to blame for all the things we never say
Falling so much further into agony
Oh, the masks we wear
Looking through hollow eyes
Painted on expressions
Held on with bitter strings
None of us will dare
To cut these shallow ties
And cure our own infections
To end this suffering

We open up our hearts and let world come dancing in
Revolving hand in hand across the broken, shallow floor
Knowing where this hopelessness will lead
Trying much in vain to live a normal life again
Always so dismayed to find it harder to live for
The very things in life that we all need
Oh, the cross we bear
Hear the strangled cries
A chorus of intentions
Enslaved by wondering
Punishment we share
In chains of our own lies
Losing our direction
‘Til none of us are free

We can’t deny our failures
We can’t deny our faults
We can’t deny the person we’ve become
Despite the cost
We can’t deny the reasons
Why we deny the truth
We can’t deny the hopelessness
And pain that we induce

We chase the ghosts of memories throughout the shadowed hall
Breaking down the doors to every lie we’ve locked away
Even now refusing to see
The enemies we bled were never enemies at all
We let them hold us captive with the words we let decay
The essence of the truths we once believed
Oh, the way we stare
Into our hollow eyes
Twisting our reflections
With what should never be
Until the day we dare
To cut these shallow ties
We’ll burn in the infection
Of our self-induced disease
A song I wrote a couple of years ago.
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
everytime i see you with her i die a little more.

every lie comes rushing back, about how she was "just a friend" and you "didn't even think she was attractive."

i despise you both.
I thought she respected me and I thought you were honest.
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
You are the walking parasite that made my story into a tragedy.
You disgust me and so does she.
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
Jordan Frances
I've been wandering
On my own again.
I've been following this lonely road
Hoping to find home again

Where did all the people go?
The ones I knew and loved
Dissipated like doves
Perturbed by a bitter sequence
Of insanity in the air
That came in
And hit them like a hurricane

The ones who remain
Are few and far between
None of whom are perfect
But they are here

They may not always have my back
But I seldom have anyone else's.
I know better than to expect people
To look out for me
It has become a lost cause.

I don't need
Any knight in shining armor
Any superman
As I will only be his kryptonite.

I'm not a damsel in distress
No Louis Lane
No Cinderella
Not today.
Today I am my own hero
And  I am all I need to survive.
 Apr 2014 Lunatide
G H Goodland
I opened my eyes to a scintillated house all in splendor. Feet firm on what could only be told as a sea of crystal, to this there could be no contender.
Not a lonesome soul or a beggar in need of a token. Multitudes of all people, yet no remembrance of a heart torn and broken.
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