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I think you would find me silly
for closing my eyes not just for the purpose of sleep but for the purpose of seeing your face in a lucid dream
Holding you in my arms
Having fallen for my charm's
Kissing you softly
Whispering I'm your husband
Your my beautiful wife
I'm your white knight she's
The best gift of my life
She's forever my beautiful wife..
My Wife 😍
at your insistence
i'll maintain my distance
cause you say it's better off this way

but suppose there was an instance
where we could both be consistent
would you wanna stay

the dynamic keeps switchin'
everyday you feel different
i'm trying to respect the change

know you've been resistant
your motivation to try nonexistent
guess i just wanna hear you say

you miss me pushing you're limits
i can't stop reminiscin'
about you everyday
 Mar 2020 Jenny Ochoa
It was a joke
he didn’t mean to lift his hand
he didn’t mean to bring it down

he didn’t mean to raise it a second time
he didn’t mean to commit a second crime.

He didn’t mean it.

But if everyone got pardoned
for the things they said and did without meaning,
everyone would hit
and no one would mean it.
Again, actions speak louder than words, and ironically, that is because you can't say them.
Trust the first fist,
not the apology that comes after when the deed is already done.
 Mar 2020 Jenny Ochoa
Kafka Joint
Would you like to come up for a coffee?
- (smiling) Just a coffee?
- A good coffee is never just a coffee!

Each painful moment
is one more gem
being studded in my crown,
And then I straighten it out,
smile and move on
like a queen!!

Not to boast, just a motivational thought i had to come out of office blues...
kiss me in your backseat
like nothing has ever been like this before
'cause you kiss like a promise
like you have never wanted anything more
than me

and just maybe, i'm crazy about you baby
and i guess it's a mess but i've always loved messy

and with your lips on my neck, i feel like the best is yet to come
and with my heart on my sleeve, i hope you can see it beats like a drum

and i'm wrapped around your finger and my gaze might just linger on your face
and i can't help but notice what we've made of this moment in this place

is beautiful
you're beautiful.

in the streetlights, with your brown eyes looking into my heart
hold me tighter, with your bright lights lighting up the dark
you're lighting up
i wanna give you wild love, the kind that never slows down
 Dec 2019 Jenny Ochoa
You're the past I craved for.
The present I adore.
The future I want.
I love you.
It s better than anything I ve written so... Here goes.
A man who:
Takes pictures of himself
Won’t have the time for you

A man who:
Leaves love notes on
Underneath your coffee cup
Will love you when
You have nothing

A man who:
Declares he’s a great father
For all to see

A man who:
Tells his children
Over the phone
Next to their bed
Kisses them good night
Where no one can see or hear
Truly is
A decent man

A man who:
Doesn’t make promises
But shows over
His worth
His character
Is someone to know

A man who:
Makes mistakes
But tries his damndest
To make amends
May not see
Eye to eye
With all
Respects the process
Of understanding
Each other

A man who:
Writes poetry anonymously
Posts it for the world to
Is an enigma
 Dec 2019 Jenny Ochoa
 Dec 2019 Jenny Ochoa
She had galaxies
In her eyes
And her tears
Were falling stars.
© XPY 2018
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