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577 · Dec 2018
Don't Go
Sierra Dec 2018
I see your eyes
They smile and laugh
Filling souls with warmth and comfort
They light a path through the night
I was so close
But I looked away
Why did I look away?
Come back,
464 · Dec 2018
Sierra Dec 2018
Broken, lost, alone
Soul shattered across the floor
Forgotten in time
395 · Dec 2018
Sierra Dec 2018
I’m changing and lost
The sorrows of tomorrow
Haunt my waking thoughts
392 · Dec 2018
I Don't Stop
Sierra Dec 2018
The phone rings
I don’t stop
A simple text “It’s not worth it”
I don’t stop
The door opens
I don’t stop
I hear footsteps above me
I don’t stop
They don’t know
I don’t stop
More ringing
I don’t stop
It’s too late
I don’t stop
386 · Dec 2018
Sierra Dec 2018
The agonizing descent began with a single tear
Waves of despair washing away glimmers of faith
Sounds of voices becoming insincere
Life at the mercy of the reaper’s snathe

Pleas drowned out by ungrateful minds
Reckless decisions clouding judgment
Sight blinded by all of mankind
Ambition forced into becoming recumbent

Landing with a force so strong
Ignorant to the surrounding shadow
Caught in a feeling hidden for too long
Tempted by the emptiness of tomorrow

Rising a wary eye to see
Dreading what lies in the darkness
Fearing the gaze of a beastly devotee
The last remains of the heartless

A ghastly creature looms above
Paralyzing fear skipping a beat
Yearning the heart of a mourning dove
Gaze lowers in the acceptance of defeat

A facade retreats to reveal a broken shard
A reflection of inner pain set free
Loneliness leaving the soul scarred
Never having experienced the sensuality

No longer held back by the feeling of being afraid
Realizations of similarity
A hand reaches out to pervade
Minds trusting the confidence of sincerity

A bond formed between damaged obscurities
Breaking the mold carved by fate
Mirror revealing the true purities
Becoming a new incarnate

No longer the one to blame
Giving a home to those who suffer
They would call out a simple name
A winged lord dubbed Lucifer
306 · Dec 2018
Lies Within You
Sierra Dec 2018
My happiness lies within you
The smile upon your face
The deep laughter emitting
The way your eyes shine with joy when least expected
Even when consumed by sadness
That comforting smile never strays
Never fades
Never disappears
Always left as a reminder
That the strongest are the most broken

My pride lies within you
Your willingness to accept what life throws
Your contagious confidence
Your ability to be brave
In place of those that are not
To you
Your reflection reveals nothing but a broken shard
But all I see
Is a kind soul
Temporarily held down by fate

My trust lies within you
The words spoken from your mouth
Are never in question
Never doubted
A secret told
Is a secret kept
In constant aim for what is good
Not straying from beliefs
Proof that doing what’s right
Isn’t always doing what’s best

My tears lie within you
An endless stream
Locked away
Fought back by your warm embrace
A rare light in a dark world
A sensation that used to bring nothing but joy
Now brings with it once lost pain
Unfamiliar with the agony
Consumed by loneliness
The final strike upon the dam

My fear lies within you
Ignorant to fate’s design
Lost in thoughts of the future
Or even lack thereof
Physical and mental
Undecided upon which is worse
Yearning for neither
Receiving both

My guilt lies within you
A dark shadow lurking in memories
Happiness pushed aside
Struggling to regain control
Pulling you away from dreams
Hoping to escape my nightmare
A selfish desire that clouds my thoughts
Blurs my vision
Distorts my reality
But I’ll push this aside
To put your happiness first
291 · Dec 2018
Lemons & Limes
Sierra Dec 2018
A warm summer morning
Bright light to cover a different mourning
The lost treasure of fresh air
Caring thoughts being placed elsewhere
A simple glance through a pane of glass
Revealing what she could not surpass
Children running amongst the street
Echoes of laughter becoming bittersweet
A turn of the head reveals a different picture
The remaining heir alone, seeking closure
Guilt replaces the overwhelming sorrow
Lost in the emptiness of tomorrow
Rising to her feet, she struggles
Body held down by a thousand anvils
She passes by the small child
Wishing she had smiled
Exiting the room, she enters another
Nothing but a mindless drifter
Despite her fear, she opens a door
But she doesn’t recognize it anymore
She wonders why the mirror is still here
Broken and insincere
The shatters stained with scarlet
The memory like a bullet
A sob escapes her lips
She leaves with even more hardships
Her last child sits at the table
Not fully understanding the fable
She wants to look away
Away from the child she’s led astray
But she’s done that long enough
She can no longer hold up the bluff
She spots a useful memory
Reaching for them anxiously
Two simple fruits
Two beautiful tributes
She shows her six-year-old son
A small smile, she’s won
They begin their work
Creating an edible artwork
It’s as if life has broken out into song
It had been far too long
Sweet laughter emanates through the air
Joy replacing the need for despair
Proving that all it takes for happiness to chime
Is something as simple as lemons and limes

— The End —