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In sheer dejection and remorse
Let us understand to reinforce
That love just has its own course
But beauty needs its real discourse

So let my love come face to face
To make a real solid useful base
Approach may differ case to case
But let us move from pace to pace

Your sweetest charm and style
Makes me to think for a while
Relation gets strength from soil
love journey from mile to mile

My sweetheart, my real solace
Be my partner in every crisis
Be beam of light in the darkness
Your presence is just so precious

Let us establish real love stance
Let us pay price for the glance
Let our lunacy take real trance
Glow of beauty to make us dance

Col Muhammad Khalid khan
copyright 2016 Golden Glow
 Jun 2016 Unreal Society
 Jun 2016 Unreal Society
I didnt let you go.
You lost me.
You'll search me in every soul you'll meet
But never will I be found again.
Because you lost me
The day you told me I wasnt home
When all I thought was you're my home
 Jun 2016 Unreal Society
On the Dark Side of the moon
where the ground lay frozen
is a prophecy due soon
although its forgotten words are left unspoken

It begins with a tale of violence and slaughter
while a wanderer prepares himself
for his encounters with these monsters

They say its all in his head
he believes people call to him,
"Save me from this dread!"
if only he knew the truth, but it may be too grim

He thinks he's Superman, and holds the power within
(I decided to change my caption due to a comment below}
While breathing  find a reason;
Tomorrow never knows.

Yesterday has no say
Where next,  a footstep falls;

Embrace this day; Live the day,
So quickly does it fly.

So, breathe and do the very best of you;
Always, breathe until you sigh.
 Mar 2016 Unreal Society
At 18 I made the mistake of telling you I had the heart of a poet.
That the way to my heart was through written word.
You only smiled and took it as a challenge.
The next two years were filled with both romantic and sensual gestures, in written  word.
I fell in love with the fact you were in love with me.
Well, if I have the heart of a poet you have the soul of a writer
and the world you created for us on paper, was better than any fantasy novel I have ever read.

At 20 I can still see your writings, declarations of love that you swore would last forever,
but I can no longer see myself as the heroine in your story.
I read your words and I see her living out my fantasy.
Do you write for her, as you did for me?
For her sake, I hope not.
So she doesn’t end up like me, reading and re-reading your words, trying to find the disaster and warning signs in your perfect world that you created for the two of us.
While you're busy becoming the writer of a different love story.
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