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Ki Marie Mar 2018
Let me ignore the galaxies
forming inside of me
and focus on the star
exploding in you
Ki Marie Mar 2018
I used to be in control of
who I fell in love with
now I have the scent
of lavender fogging up my brain
and rose thorns
pricking my heart
Ki Marie Mar 2018
Sometimes I get in the shower
just to wash my hair
because maybe if I scrub hard enough
I can reach my brain
and clean it of all the thoughts
of you
458 · Mar 2018
How to redefine yellow
Ki Marie Mar 2018
i. create a whole book in which
that is the premise
ii. ink your skin with a something yellow
a sunflower will do just fine
iii. start wearing more yellow tones
iv. turn your eyelids into a sunrise
v. form a list of yellow objects and cross off the ones
that have betrayed you in the past
vi. eat as honey like Van Gogh ate paint
and then maybe, just maybe
you have rewritten the whole definition
of yellow
Ki Marie Mar 2018
I’ve learned a lot of things
in my eighteen years of life
and one of those things is that
people can change like seasons
I didn’t find it quite surprising
when his beautiful oranges and reds
turned into whites and grays
but I must admit
I never have had someone
expect me to change
with their seasons
and go from a loose sweater
to a whole fireplace
Ki Marie Mar 2018
Do not tell me
I chose not to search
for happiness when
I had a sunflower
etched into my skin
to remind myself happiness
is out there
Ki Marie Mar 2018
Every boy I have ever met
craved the way Cayman
feels on their tongue
so, don’t you dare tell me
someone will fall for
my candy-coated smile
Ki Marie Mar 2018
I am a bookshelf
filled with books
arranged by their hue
that hold my own stories and experiences
so why did you think
you could take the books that once belonged in her
and fit them in me
Ki Marie Mar 2018
never trust me
after all
my whole career
is based off
making tragedies
sound beautiful
Ki Marie Mar 2018
“I have a habit of setting myself on fire
to keep other people warm”
she admitted with
her hands in her lap
and eyes towards the floor
at that moment
he smiled
took out a book of matches
and handed them to her
183 · Mar 2018
Don’t see through my lies
Ki Marie Mar 2018
When I woke up
I realized that you’ll never like me
the way I liked you
so, I took a deep breath
counted to ten
and moved on

— The End —