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 May 2016 Katie
Robert Herrick
She by the river sat, and sitting there,
She wept, and made it deeper by a tear.
 May 2016 Katie
Robert Herrick
Anthea bade me tie her shoe;
I did ; and kissed the instep too:
And would have kissed unto her knee,
Had not her blush rebuked me.
 May 2016 Katie
Toby Lucas
A dot outside the circle,
Feeling as if I'm
A puddle on the beach.

So close, almost the ocean.
So close to the sea it needs to join,
Otherwise it will evaporate

I am the one who waits for the time to speak,
But opens his mouth once the moment passes. Too late.
The tide of conversation has gone out,
Leaving just a puddle on the beach.

When the rain comes to drench the soil,
It's the crop that grows offside,
Not a ****, but un-harvested nonetheless,
That's yearning for a transplant into the greener side.

And if this flower was to be picked,
Would the field realise?
You don't realise something's there until it's gone.
September 2015
 May 2016 Katie
Ili Norizan
I used to line my eyes,
Stained my lips red,
Picked a flirty dress,
And his day made;

I used to kiss goodbye,
Wake him with a smile,
Once I even made him cry,
But it was all worthwhile;

I used to write him love,
Long calls between hours,
For him mountains I'll move,
Just so the moment's ours;

I used to be a fool for him,
Put him first above others,
But once he cheated on a whim,
It was over in a matter of hours.

 Aug 2014 Katie
Craig Verlin
It creeps in through the windows
and through the vents. Through the eyes,
and through the tongues, and through
the ears, perhaps, but always
through the eyes and always the tongues.

It creeps in through the words and
the mouths they arise from,
—always in whisper,
right below the earlobe,
with warm, tickled breath—

It creeps in through you and the
death is cruel and the death is
fair and the death is always eternal.
The death is cold and it is calculated
but it is always full of passion,
pulsing in the veins till the very moment
the heart comes to a stop.

It is love in the bathroom stalls.
It is love in the beat-down bars where the
beat-down people drink their lukewarm beer.
It is love in the truck bed on the side of
some unnamed, midnight mile down I-95.
It is love in the worst way.
It creeps in and it kills you,
and it kills you, and it kills you.
Each death a little different, but
death all the same.

In the morning there she is.
She’s making coffee, or in the shower,
or headed to work.
You’re looking for your pants,
or your shirt, or your wallet,
perhaps some combination of the three,

The whole time wondering
how the hell you’ll ever make it
out of this alive.
 Aug 2014 Katie
The Whisper
I have been fighting for so long;
I have been trying so hard;
I have been craving for my world to be turned upside down;
For love that will finally bring me out of my mind and back down to earth.

I've been denying myself love for fear of her loss.

The possibility of...

A complicated woman to adore with a warm hand to hold.
A smile that's infectious with a personality that perplexes.

I'm not ready to love, because I still seek her.
Like a long lost friend that I hope will return someday.
Proving to me that although the people we love may change;

The feeling's always the same, no matter how many times you forget.

That's the funny thing about love. It changes, but it doesn't.
Somehow it's the same.
Maybe the lips are a little different, but it's a kiss none the same!
I struggled with this poem. I don't think I really conveyed my feelings properly. I'll try another one sometime in the future.
 Aug 2014 Katie
 Aug 2014 Katie
A long time ago we were one,
like the sprout of a new tree.
It felt fresh and new
and we grew together.
We became stronger
to the point where it seemed like
nothing could cut us down.
We must have grown
too fast, though;
one day when I looked at you
you had started to grow another direction
reaching for the sky, nonetheless,
but no longer for me.
You branched off farther and farther
until you were too high to touch
and I couldn't bloom anymore.
I didn't know what to reach for;
I forgot how to grow.
So I rotted,
and let myself fall to the ground
where it all started.

I can't forget us
but I can't quite remember, either
and I've been there ever since.
How painful it is to watch you reach for the stars while I'm just stuck here, amongst the dying blades of grass.
 Jun 2014 Katie
 Jun 2014 Katie
I spot my reflection in the silhouette of your eyes.
Like a mirror, you are me and I am you.
In this lonely hour, and in this hollow room,
my eardrums fill with piano notes and rhymes,
as everything around me suddenly goes quite and silence blooms.

I come to realize our love is nothing but
meaningful lyrics hung upon abandoned piano keys,
and unuttered syllables written
amongst a music sheet.

Yet, the symphony plays perpetually,
loud and clear, demanding to be heard, to be felt.
It lifts me up, swirling me in your galaxy,
and every so often, I approach to tear off the mask you've been hiding behind,
till there's nothing left but musical debris.

I strip you of salvation.
I unleash your wholeness.
Rondes and blanches and noires
punctuate and embellish your figure.
They are a halo.
They are *mine.
Wrote this while listening to Erik Satie's Gnossienne no. 3. Give it a listen if you'd like.
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