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  Jul 2015 Neex
She's irritating,
A noise making machine,
She never shuts up,
I see her in my dreams.

I can't fight it,
But when she's gone,
I have a feeling,
It won't be long.

Before I tear her hair out,
I scream and shout,
I let my emotion run free,
I can't help the way I feel baby.

I was cold and alone,
No one to hold,
And she was absent from my head.

I felt the world's weight,
No laughs to share,
My reality came crumbling,
Into Nightmare.

I found her sitting,
Upon the shore,
Of that firery brimstone,

Thank imaginary beings,
Thank the stars and the earth,
I had finally found her,
Beneath the hurt.

I can't explain it,
But I hate her so much,
However, without her,
I wouldn't exist.
Love Hate Relationships ****.
Neex Jul 2015

It's been a while since I've let it all out,
And I don't regret,
Letting it out,
To you.
I never thought we'd come this far.
Neex Jul 2015
Our feelings aren't real,
It all could disappear at any moment,
Our minds are playing with us.

None of this is real,
**At least that's what I want to believe.
1,2,3... Proof!
Neex Jul 2015
And even though it always happens,
It still hurts like hell,
Every time.

I just want to be loved.
It gets tiring feeling insignificant.
I don't know how to put down what I'm feeling anymore.
  Jul 2015 Neex
Nicole Dawn
I could end the world
It would be easy
I would simply need to allow myself
To fall in love with
The sun
The moon
The trees
Or some other important thing
And like all other things I fall in love with

**It would leave
Neex Jul 2015
So many plans,
Such mediocre deadlines,
*So little time.
Neex Jul 2015
The one thing,
The one thing I can't live without,
And that one thing,
It's even in my blood.

I have no courage to share it,
For judgement,
Has become a habit of this world,
*And mistakes are now deadly.
And it just so happens to be all I trust,
All I think about.
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