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 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
Summer was spent
on home improvements,
re-aligning old walls,
building new ones,
replacing doors that swing open
with others that stay closed,
and soundproofing,
soundproofing from top to bottom
so now we no longer hear the neighbours,
or each other,
or any one at all...
“I have written a thousand poems. And nine hundred of them are about you. Do you know what that means? It means you’re ****** heavy. Get off my heart, and get out of my mind. I’ve had enough"
My heart pumps out Love.
I cannot stop giving into it.
Motherhood is my Veil.

My heart pumps out Love.
It lands like pollen.
Sticks to everything.

I thought, that was as it should be,
that my love would leave it's mark.
Not easy to brush away.

But it's not that way.
My love, though beautiful,
need not latch on to be potent.

My heart pumps out Love.
Better as a gentle breeze.
To rise up as a cooling wave. 

Invisible and unconditional.*

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
Amelia Pearl
10 years of friendship.
4 were drowned and forgotten.
Found our way back
To shore in 2014.

Without much introduction,
We clicked and fit eachother like two pieces in a puzzle.
We both went through laughter and tears together.
Sad to know that these are the last tears that I will share with you.

You've always thought I was an idiot,
You weren't any different either.
But we contradict so much and it was never an issue for us.

Playful punches on my stomach,
I laugh off the pain as if it didn't hurt me as much as I thought.
I've insulted you so many times,
It's amazing you're still here.
But remember that behind every insult,
I always compliment you inside.

How great you are,
How incredible you are,
How strong you are,
How beautiful you are too.
I never agreed when you say you are ugly,
eventhough I said I agree, I don't.
You're beautiful, You've always been beautiful.

I find joy in making you smile,
I do it as much as I can because I'll never know when's the last time I'll live another day to see your stupid face.

I'm sorry that I have to leave like this,
It was never in my plan to just go.
You can be mad at me all you want,
No one can disturb you behind these white walls.

You can hit me all you want too,
I promise I won't feel the pain.
You can curse at me as much as your heart desires.
I'm deeply sorry for this.

I can't be there on your birthday and tell you how much work I've put in decorating Your birthday place.
Or how much my present for you costs.
I can't be there to complain of how late you are to our meetups.
Or tell you how stupid you look in that dress.

I can't be there on your wedding day to watch you walk down the aisle heading towards that lucky guy you finally found.
He might be shawn.
I can't be there to see that.
I can't be there to cry for you because I'd be so happy.

I can't crack jokes to you anymore or make puns that don't make sense.
I can't see your confused face when you don't understand me.
I can't be there to hear you say that you hate me..

So if you still see me breathing for my life someday,
Before they pull the plug.
I'd like to hear your last "I hate you"
Because I know that you actually mean
"I love you"
For my best friend. I'm dying. But i hope it'll never happen.
 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
little little carmen
so immodest without a care
dancing with that red dress on
and singing awful songs

little little carmen
flitting back and forth
so girlish in the midst of boys
so manly among girls

little little carmen
you're so quick to fill your head
with nasty jokes and ***** thoughts
I wish you'd show a little shame

little little carmen
don't say a single word
they'll tell you you have issues
and to "keep those ****** legs closed"

little little carmen
you are the best-est of them all
I loved you for how crude you were
how you brought me ungodly thrills

little little carmen
tell me what it is you want
you are the best, yes I adore
my blood red, snow white *****

little little carmen
all wrapped up in her head
got them wrapped around her finger
but she had never felt more dread

little little carmen
you're so full of life and worldly light
I never knew why you reeked of death
while you made love to the devil every night

lovely lovely carmen
never spoke of light at the end of the tunnel
you were always hovering there
I'll throw your ashes into the air

lovely lovely carmen
I learned this dance from you
your ashes look like blackened snow
as sullied as you were

lovely lovely carmen
I've memorized your song
I'll sing this tune as loud as you
they whisper *carmen never dies
 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
you were yellow

like the sun

(I hated yellow

but I loved you)

I was blue

like the sky

(you hated me

but loved blue)

and what we had

made others jade

(oh but we were precious emerald

but even emerald is just green)

and slowly out color began to fade

and you were just yellow

and I was just blue

(not meant to mix on the palette

because green just wasn't for you)

I had never been cerulean

or azure, indigo, or turquoise

(sapphire, cyan, aquamarine

those colors just weren't me)

but now I was just washed away

barely even blue

(really more of a grey

but you don't care for colors, do you?)

and then a scarlet flash

of something bright

(a happy shade

a vermilion sight)

a steady flame

a vibrant red

(the smell of strawberries

inside my head)

she didn't mind my

yellow stain

(she had one of her own

but that color has no name)

she was a rose in a field of thorns

you were a dandelion in a field of daises

(I was a forget-me-not

she didn't, but you forgot)

her ruby words

my face flushed crimson

(a color I had

never felt before)

my grey grew vivid

shifting back into blue

(this time I was indigo, cyan, sapphire

azure, cerulean, and turquoise, too)

a happier blue

then I was before

(because I have you

and you are so much more)

you are red

like a sunset

(a brilliant tint

a lovely tone)

I am blue

like the sea

(and the sky

is blue like me)

together we're lilac

a lavender hue

(and you are just red

and I am just blue)

our colors can bleed

our colors can touch

(because we both like

purple very much)
A reticent fox slinks by beneath
the trees

that still have leaves
conversing for now

the change in colors
sleeps still, unannounced

the rain smells of ploughed earth
& freshly hung-out clouds

& wellington boots
Autumn's child cries it's first word

& inside a low-lit pub
a crisp old cider's poured

September's dreams
 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
Kaleb Vernon
you're 12
and you hand out flyers welcoming people to your body like you were 21
letting people feel the curves that should only mold to one person
at your age, your aloud to be immature
immature and I'm mature are not the same word even though they may seem like it from a quick glance
but maybe you're taking a chance
a chance to feel special, but thats the problem
you were special once those baby eyes blinked
now your trying to find a home in someone that can only make you sink
you tell me "i've only had one dog in my life so i haven't really had a chance to love on my own"
but now your all alone, looking for those feeling that are associated with love
but you just end up ******* and ******* up

but everything is okay.....

just because you slipped on the ice of life
doesn't mean you will never skate again
you have two feet that work
two arms that hug
and the ambition to make it better
so i plead to you, things will be better
just look in the right spots
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