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JasFow Jul 2020
JasFow Jul 2020
If someone remains in your mind
Are they meant to be there
Are they intruding
Or did you invite them in

If a heart becomes vacant
How long does one wait
Before allowing another in
How does one choose their fate

There's no question
Of whether they're wanted
A warmth reminds the heart
Of the power they once held

They speak once after months
Flooding your every thought
Remember why there was silence
But the silence is broken now

Is it too soon to go for a walk
Maybe grasp their arm when you laugh
Not being alone for more than two weeks
Craving the touch of the one you never had

Their name pops up at the mention
As if their ears were burning
At the very moment
Manifestation working for once

Now if only Love and Desire
could be manifested instead
I'm no less confused as I was 4 years ago, just more comfortable with it/
JasFow Jul 2020
Everything feels exhilarating
Until you can't feel anything at all
You see the sparkle in hiding in their pupils
Wanting to shine just for you
But it fades before it reaches the top
It all fades to a numbness
That aches in your bones at night
Unable to put it to words
Hoping they see that your in pain
They turn the other way
Not knowing how to read the crystal ball
They have yet to find within
So back to the voices
That only echo's within your skull
Telling you there isn't a future
With the one you love the most
Because the love is for the now
Felt from duck 'til dawn
Leaving an open space somewhere inside
That can't be filled with what's present
The internal conversation continues
The fear you didn't know you possessed
Taking over and drowning everything in its path
How can you make a future with this love?
If it would only turn around and harm you in the end
The whistle tones vibrate to the core
The outside voices might be right
It's not meant to be
Why can't you see the future you seek?
It's not meant to be.
JasFow Apr 2020
Is it too graphic to say I want you inside of me again?
Is it too ****** to say I need your hands touching me?
Is it too ***** to say I desire your lips on mine below?
Tell me, where is the line?  
If I scream your name in my mind, can you hear it?
Feeling your fingers pull on my longing hair,
I close my eyes, feeling you enter me deeper;
Into my heart.
Is this a deeper form of love?
I don't care anymore, I love him.
JasFow Apr 2020
I dreamt of a lover who held me closely
Who would look me in the eyes
Fearless of the connections our souls made
Letting me peer so deeply into them
Knowing full well no matter what I saw
I would keep them safe and adore them
With my entire existence
I believe I finally found you
When I forgot that I had been looking
Not considering you as an option
You took over my every thought
Blinding me from what was all around
All I could perceive was your essence
It was all consuming
Starting with your subtle smiles and winks
Turning into invitations that brought me
To parties I'd never be invited to
Making memories my mind struggles to hold
With the alcohol that you handed me
I'd eventually follow to the back
Being slipped a kiss that had to be kept quiet
Over time, I fell into the perfect trap
You caught me, flushed and smirking
My heart was racing, beating faster, faster, faster
You brought me to your home
Showing me a side of you not many knew
You weren't just a privileged rich kid
You were smart beyond belief
Kind and gentle, respectful and patient
Confusing what I had been told before
Letting go of all of my preconceived thoughts
You were someone brand new
Unknowing of my past, unafraid to learn
I knew your past, but there was much more
Everything changed so quickly
Wanting more, I probably did too much
Text, drunk call, Snap, drunk FaceTime
You answered them all smiling
You're beautiful on the outside
Blue eyed, tall, muscular, handsome
But also inside, listening to my every word
Absorbing it all and making an effort
Telling you all of the good and the bad
You accommodated and I did the same
Now here I am
Wanting to give you everything
My all; heart, mind, and body
I tell you daily with a kiss to follow
I love you
Knowing you love me back
Time doesn't matter when the right amount of love is used.
JasFow Mar 2020
Have I ever told you of the time
When my mother told me she loved me,
And I last truest believed it?
It was so long ago,
I couldn’t tell you how old I was
When I heard those words.
Over the years of therapy
The surroundings have faded just enough
That I can see my childhood home
But none of the details.
Which is probably for the better, after all.
I see her sitting up in bed,
Kind of drifting but it’s still her.
I wonder now if she was really there,
Or if something was turned off inside.
Now I’m unsure.
But there she is,
And she turns to me and says the sentence
That everyone desires to hear.
“I love you”
I don’t even recall if she said my name.
Then she smiled at me.
That’s where the memory ends,
Nothing before or after.
Just a vision I have
Through a younger me, alone,
Standing in the hallway
With her usually shut door wide open.
I wish I could say I ran to her.
I wish I could say she turned to me
With open welcoming arms.
That she hugged me and held me
For a second longer than I needed,
But just the second longer that I wanted.
I can almost smell her natural scent
Sweet but slightly musky.
It’s odd to think back to this
Knowing that many years came after,
Without a single moment of tenderness.
But I just wanted to share that with you,
So that you understand, why I say it so often.
To know why I want you
To always mean it, when it’s said.
Because I can tell the difference,
And I can’t be the only one.
Its also why I have to be
Undoubtedly sure before I say it,
To anyone.
What if one day, someone thought back
To a moment with me and questioned
If I meant what I said?  
I never would want anyone to feel that,
The emptiness that chills over your soul.
That’s why, right now,
I need you to hear these words.
I Love You
And know, I mean it.
Mother, I don’t know if I’ll ever miss you.
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