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 Aug 2014 Another Poet
You look at me..
Like I'm Medusa
But you're the one who knew her
Until your beauty threw her
Over the edge,
&Now; theres snakes on her head ;)

But what we have,
Is so forbidden
Cause you and I are so different
But i dont care cause
You keep me living

And we could be talking bout nothing
For hours on end
You've got a face of an angel,
You must be heaven sent
I just don't know if I'm able
To adore you any less
And how do you talk about 'nothing'
With a Greek Goddess?..

...Don't look at me like I'm Medusa
I'll meet you here when the moons up maybe..
I'll prove to you that its true love
I've got a heart that can't be changed
I've got a love that will not fade
And i don't say much but for you i'd be okay

So can we just talk about nothing
For hours on end
How great would that be for us dear
To get away from them
Cause i know that i am not worthy
to even be your friend
But I'm falling for a Greek Goddess..
All over again.
Absolutely love this and will be releasing a demo version on my youtube channel; JournalOfMusic

I also wrote a one page short story for this which can be found on my wattpad; CathyWantsToWrite

:) xo
 Aug 2014 Another Poet
wes parham
When she brushed his hand aside, he had to think;

to search the heart, adrift in the body,
to find a way that would make things clear,
but all that came was a breath of air
and it carried with it some words,
 spoken with resignation,
that spelled a plea:
   “don’t make me beg”, he said.

Half a world away, a man rested beside a woman.

she looked up at him and brushed his hand
 along her breast.

when it came to rest, at last
, along a thigh and probed between,

she brushed his hand aside, and breathed

a breath of air that said,
a moment passed, maybe three.

make me beg…”, she whispered.

20 September 2013
A look at the difference a humble comma can make and ****** ******* in the complete absence of physical restraint.
read here by the author:
 Aug 2014 Another Poet
Tell me was it perfect, your date..
Or were you nervous on that day,
It's just that you don't seem so nervous anymore these days..

And i just wrote a new poem saying
'I don't need you to grow'
But those words came out from another's mouth
How can a flower stand tall
When her roots have been ripped out?

Oh please could you give me everything or just maybe one thing
Just a piece of your heart that might
Not fit in his

Cause you and i will fall in love
With other people who think that
They're for us,
But deep down inside,
I just can't deny,
What is true..
That no one here compares to you

Cause you're my anchor of hope,
i'm your sinking boat
And you're my moral compass
Pointing me back home
So please don't deny
That our silent goodbyes
Meant any truth..
No not even my metaphors
Can truly capture you
Because you're so beautiful
That no one else could compare to you

.. Well summer flings
Happen here and there
And i've been caught up in a love affair
But all these guys they don't buy me coffee or compliment my hair

But with you,
I bet things are going greater than fine
I hope you're always on the greener side
&I; just wish my eyes would be less greener eyes

And tell me in a year or two,
You'll still think of me
Cause you know that,
I'd never stop thinking of you

And now i'm pushing away all these scary thoughts,
Though it's hard to just smile when i see you knowing i can't be yours
But i will fall in love,
Yeah at least one more time, if not two
But no one will compare to you

And i'm coming across as desperate
Though i'm tryna keep us separate
It's been 7 days and 42 minutes
Since i deleted you and its made no difference
And my best friends are cheering me on and calling my phone
And i would rush to it to see if it's you but it's not
Cause you're now someone else's drug
And when i'm out and all alone
I'll wander how i should get home
Cause no one else is a better compass
On those nights i came home from church, your voice gave me comfort
And on your first date i hope you weren't nervous,
I said that under the church roof is where you're most perfect
But everywhere you go, you make life worth it so i want you to always know
That i'll hug you back when it hurts less.. Cause i'm hurting.. Still hurting..

But i swear you are worth this.
Well that last poem was a BUMP but this one was more real and emotional to write :'(
The rain falls into my stairwell,
For my home is falling apart as I am.

This time of the year I dread!
It just hurts.

Frozen garden statues stare
Blankly into nothingness
Eyes that see all but do not
Perceive anything.

I am frozen, cold as ice,
All of me is blank and numb.
I have eyes that see as well,
I'm just a statue.

I take this.
I take this god given brain that I love to hate to live with,
and think so hard.

So hard, that I can't turns into I didn’t...

...and never did.

And because of that.
Because of the insane way I chose to use my brain,
I never could.
I only can’t when I take away the opportunity.
Because it’s there.
And chances come and go.
Not always tangible,
but absolutely obtainable.
In a world where a word like freedom,
is waved in front of my face;
like a donkey, pulling a wagon,
walking towards the almost never worth it satisfaction,
of the carrot.
Told that the work, and struggle, is worth the Earth's crumble,
and that ***, is willing to bear it.
Love is a communication between two hearts
Silence, is the toughest riddle
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