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 Jul 2014 Another Poet
Megan H
"You don't look like you write poetry.."
Well, why not?
Is it because I am an athlete?
Is it because you misinterpret my personality?
Is it so hard to believe,
I can put my thoughts down
In a way I feel better?
Tell me,
Tell me please.
What does a poet look like?
Do all of them look the same?
Act the same?
Messy hair and beanies.
Scarves and hot tea.
Suicidal or lovestruck.
Black or white.
The "artsy" types.
Typical stereotypical ideas of poets.
But we are not the same.
We are all different,
Except for one thing,
We all understand each other.
So please never judge me again,
Just because you don't understand
Our world.
Don't assume things about others. You may be surprised.
 Jul 2014 Another Poet
don't think I'm

just in different minds
about 'love'

'"The opposite of love is indifference(?)"

Goodnight x'
 Jul 2014 Another Poet
She confessed that she wished
Only to bide some time,
So I threw my watch away and
Gifted her all of mine.
 Jul 2014 Another Poet
I needed
the strength
of your

So, thank you.
For Matt
Petals of flower—
Impossible freshness, breaks day,
Her eyes opening.
You will not be able to
Open nor bolt your door;
Answer nor dial your phone;
Send nor reply a text
For you had  already said goodbye
To this world, en route to the next.
Through the windows I can see,
the gardens are in bloom once more.
I catch a moment of beauty,
it was a fading glance.
Beauty, all around.
Beauty I had
failed to

When your heart remembers

When the heart remembers
What you want to forget
The pain felt inside
Is not over yet

You push it down
And say it's not there
It grows in your heart
And you say you don't care

But the hurt is still real
Not just in your head
The sorrow is seen
In tears that are shed

When your heart remembers
What you want to forget
The pain felt inside
Is not over yet

Carl Joseph Roberts
A big, dark creature is the velvet landscape,
Perforated, so that tiny origins of luminescence
Freckle the breathing mountain’s gently sloped nape
And validates the distant city’s inner flamboyance.

The spine of wet tar, peppered with lustre,
Arcs the creature’s hunch of a back -
It summons me to the city’s sordid muster
To wean me of myself and to render its flak.

Instead, I think I’ll stay on the footed side of the nameless beast
Where I can soak in my tatters and be but my own, homeless priest.
Alluded to the Beatles and inspired by the most elegant hobo I have ever met.
 Oct 2013 Another Poet
 Oct 2013 Another Poet
I assumed your better nature
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