It’s roughly time for a jailbreak
Time to escape from hell
Now that the guards are down and sleeping
Time to sneak from my cell
As I begin to leave
I think of all I’m going for
Then of all the bonds I’m leaving
Which would splinter more?
As I pass through rusted gates
And cross the dusty way
I think again of those behind
And whatever they shall say
But in the end I’ve come to know
This woeful, echoing descant
Many of those who you leave behind
Wouldn’t think of you if they had this chance
I stand out here, truly tested
Looking at the world through new eyes
Thinking I could be normal without it
Thinking I could keep the guise
So this is it, truly the end
Of my long and distant prayer
As I sat back in my prison cell
Knowing nothing else but the pain I’d face out there