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 Jul 2015 Lilianna
Selio Aras
 Jul 2015 Lilianna
Selio Aras
Isn't it ironic,
how we tell others to stay strong,
yet we cant do it ourselves?
Everyone seems to think
I am the “master” at
solving problems but,
I can't even figure out
how to solve my own…
Listening to these depressing songs.
It's ironically giving me the will to be strong,
And I don't mind if they're being played for long.
They're making the oceans of my heart rift,
Letting my soul drift in the cold water.

Staring up into the sun,
Ironically it seems fun.

Dipping in my own sorrow,
Urging me to press play,
Again and again,
Making me feel a little bit insane.

I'm enjoying dwelling in my inexplicable pain,
Making me realize,
That maybe,
One can be happy by just being sad.
 Jul 2015 Lilianna
Nicole Dawn
Always remember
That the books
Who are the most worn
The most torn and ripped
The most broken

Those books are that way
Because everyone loved them
For what was inside
 Jul 2015 Lilianna
 Jul 2015 Lilianna
Someone I used to know
Once asked "What if people change?"
I pondered the question
And thought of a few more
Maybe they didn't change
So much as become who they really are
Or they're just exploring other parts of themselves
That haven't come out before
Or maybe change is real
But is that part of them ever fully gone
Or will it pop up every now and then
Unannounced and maybe wanted or maybe not
Can people truely change
Or has there always been that part of them
Someone actually did ask me that very question and I've had it on my mind every once in a while.
i wish
i were as brave as the rain
they are not afraid to

when there is no one there to catch them...

they are the strongest, bravest and
saddest things I've known :(

-the thought "the rain are not afraid to fall" were not from me . :)
i want to write
a happy poem
the ink of this pen
is color gray
and blue*

I cry
Not only because I feel alone

I see others out there
Not knowing what to do

You say
You have something to offer

Please come to my
Windowpane and tap lightly

As the devil
Stands on my welcome mat

Beating down the door

What do I do, do I invite him in
To begin another round of chaos

Or do I wait for your gentle rap
On my windowpane
 Jul 2015 Lilianna
Couldn't you spare a glance?
Couldn't you spare a smile?
Couldn't you spare a hey?
Couldn't you spare an indicator that you acknowledge my existence?
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
 Jul 2015 Lilianna
Next move
 Jul 2015 Lilianna
Refusal to meet my eyes
"He's shy" they say, but
They don' t even know him
Am I wasting my time
Chasing and hoping for affection?
Or will quitting ruin everything?
Maybe he needs a push
Could I be more straightforward
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
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