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  Jul 2015 Lilianna
Selio Aras
Isn't it ironic,
how we tell others to stay strong,
yet we cant do it ourselves?
Everyone seems to think
I am the “master” at
solving problems but,
I can't even figure out
how to solve my own…
Lilianna Jul 2015
Blue is a calm guitar song at ten o'clock at night
Red is removed doorknobs and bad communication
Blue is philosophical, realistic and active
Red is short-tempered and worked to the bone
Blue is a happy, neat family
Red is a messy, broken, and betrayed family
Blue is a place of quiet serenity
Red is a place of guilt and annoyance
Blue is rumored to be sick and evil
Red is rumored to be crazy
Blue is a stable income
Red is locked up safe
I trust Blue
I trust Red
Where do I go?
Family fun times.
Lilianna Jul 2015
I'll never know unless I'm taught.
So, teach me how to dance.
Teach me how to knit.
Teach me how to fish.
Teach me how to cook.
Teach me how to clean.
Teach me how to draw.
Teach me how to play a game.
Teach me how to talk properly.
Teach me how to follow instructions.
But if you teach me that if I go anywhere but with you I'll die, I won't listen.
We all know it isn't true.
  Jul 2015 Lilianna
One thing
Standing in place of another
Making you have to think more
And confusing most

If we stopped letting things
Symbolize something else
Maybe things would make more sense
To everyone

Maybe the loss of metaphors
Would provide more explanations
In a world of bewilderment
And cruelty
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
  Jul 2015 Lilianna
All through life
Society tells us
To use our words
Yet they represent us
Through numbers
To them we are
Social Security numbers
Credit/Debit Card numbers
Part of a statistic
Or demographic
Measuring our
And weight
Our Grade Point Averages
Our IQ
Our Age
Yet they dare tell us that our most
And influential tools
Are our words
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
  Jul 2015 Lilianna
How come other people's love
Causes me depression?

How come when I see a couple kissing it
Makes my lip quiver

How come break-up songs aren't sad to me
All I can think is that at least they've experienced love
Jealousy really is a green monster. And not the awesome one (Red Sox reference)
  Jul 2015 Lilianna
Real friends don't let you hide your emotions from them
Real friends don't let you give them the silent treatment
Real friends don't judge when you're acting crazy
Real friends don't disappear when someone else comes along
Real friends don't join in rumor-spreading
Real friends don't ignore you for the rest of the clique
Real friends don't walk away when you're most vulnerable
Real friends don't let you sit alone
Real friends don't pick others over you
Real friends don't exist
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
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