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 Oct 2017 Someone
Andrew Durst
and whether you want to hear it or not-
time eventually runs out.

and I know it's hard to accept
and I know death is
often times
and it's okay to
be afraid
of what you do not know
I too
have no clue
as to what
awaits me on the
other side.

All I know is-

there is one.

After all this suffering.
After all this grief.
After all the highs to
low's and
the dramatic

there is more to this life
than simply being here.

And a part of me would like to believe
that what we do here;

And even if it's a tiny gesture
or a massive shift in

we all play our part.

We are all tiny messages
in fragile glass bottles
that we are too scared
to break out of.

Life is unpredictable
and we-
foolish and naive-
take our opportunities
for expression
for granted.

It is senseless to keep
anything back.

It is asinine
to believe
less than
will bring us


It won't.

Say what's on your mind
before it's too late.

And don't be one of those people
that say they

 Oct 2017 Someone
Melissa S
A victim becomes violated
Does not matter how
It feels like every room in their
house has been broken into
We pay too much attention to
Who did this or even why
Passing blame on this or that
We lose focus...
We forget about that person
Living inside the house
Don't lose focus of the victims!!! Sorry just something I feel very strongly about!!
X            anxiety is a cage          X
X                limitless in               X
X               its recursive              X
X              worries about            X
X                problem X                X
 Jun 2017 Someone
Corvus the Crow
Oh how gross the cycle,
Love to war,
Beauty to ruin,
I have seen the world,

Why oh why have I eyes?

The dreams are enough,
The monsters more horrid in skin,
Than in closets and sheets,
How lonely it is...

Do none still carry flowers...

Flowers without fangs...
I was lied to and left...only to discover her love was never there at I cursed to forever be alone? Why endure in a world that tosses beauty to the wolves...
 May 2017 Someone
Mark Lecuona
I'm not rebuilding
I'm growing
I'm not failing
I'm changing
I'm not running
I'm arriving
I'm not healing
I'm becoming
 Mar 2016 Someone
mark us
like sheep
my fleece may be
washed clean
of all
but i’ve got
a patchwork neck
spotted and dotted
with broken
blood vessels and
i’ve seen the
girls with pennies
scraping at their
skin trying to
get rid of him
one stroke
at a time
(his lips were
just as rough
as the ridges
of their coins)
i’ve heard the
girls with pennies
their marks may
have faded
but their pockets
jingle with
each step they
take each move
they make they say
his tongue dripped
gold and
silver and
bronze all over
them but all he
left was

mark us
like cattle
my ears may
hold rings and
not tags
but i’ve got
skin so fair
you’d never
dare believe
that beneath
i’m just
another collection
of broken
blood vessels and
he may be
gone from the
may be
easy to remove
but i still
(and the girls
with pennies
scrape at my
neck one
stroke at a

mark me
like property
my body may
be a temple
but your
prayers will
not be
heard here
you say
the girls
don’t need
their pennies
we say you
have no say
in the way
we heal

our vessels
may have been
yours to break
but they are
not yours to
mend and you
can pretend
you never knew
what we went
through when
you decided
to leave
your signature
on our skin

but we promise
when we look at you
we only see
here's a fun method of hickey removal: rub the hickey with the ridge of a coin
is a warning
that points to danger --

      that the wrong choice was made
               in baring hand to flame;
      or the wrong thing was desired
               in the objectification of another;
      that the wrong expectations were held
               in contempt of circumstance;

The truly foolish
       romanticize the warning
               and ignore the danger
                          to which it points;

and the lost
      mistake the warning
               for a guidepost beckoning
                          toward safe-houses;

This obsession
the pearl of Pain in ignorance,

      for the wrong direction taken
               at the fork of Pain and Sorrow;
      the wrong outcome desired
               in pressing on unbalanced; and,
      the wrong ideal held as Truth
               in seeking fulfillment;

the burden of youth yare
to claim its potential, ready
to risk and fail.

      Wisdom says, "Push on through"...
      and also, "Know when to quit."

For men yet forget
the meaning of Pain.

is a warning
against ignorance, inviting
the seeker to set aside illusions,
coaxing the candid
to shed misplaced pride;

The truly foolish
       romanticize ignorance
               and endanger the soul
                          to which it points;

and the lost
      mistake ignorance
               for reason itself,
                          and become enthralled;

This obsession
the pearl of Pain in ignorance,

      for the wrong direction taken
               at the fork of Pain and Sorrow;
      the wrong outcome desired
               in pressing on unbalanced; and,
      the wrong ideal held as Truth
               in seeking fulfillment.
As a younger man I had many ideas about love and the purpose of relationships; many of those same ideas - and their troubling implications - regularly find their voice here, both in lamentation of love lost and in the idealization of a current mate. The same illusion underscores both.

The assumptions seem to be that 1) only perpetuity validates a relationship, and that 2) we are not objectifying someone, i.e. reducing them to a concept in our own minds, through romantic aspirations.

The first assumption is dealt with straightforwardly by recognizing that we are attracted to people who embody the issues imparted to us by our parents. The point is not whether it lasts, but to work through such issues, which may be deeply challenging.

Having done so, we stand to develop character and become emotionally and psychologically mature. In the process we learn to overcome the urge to cut and run when relationships cease to be simply gratifying, and bring us into transformative states of crisis that ultimately lead us to self-knowledge.

The second is not so easy, as we are taught that we must respect others, but entertainment media constantly imprints us with the notion that we must impress and captivate others by a series of gestures. This is basically manipulative and disrespectful, however well-meaning.

Thinking long-term, a relationship established in the glamour of extravagant gestures is the very definition of "form over function". This is perhaps not surprising, as the prioritization of gestures over character results in competition for a trophy. In other words, romantic love is fraught with objectification, which makes it difficult to recognize the Beloved as a person rather than a projection of our desires.

This is exceedingly unfortunate, as romance seems to suggest an almost supernatural quality to the Beloved that draws us in - and in that sense the object of our affections may bring us to a state of awe and reverence, a perception of something deeply significant. It should be noted, of course, that this brings us into the realm of religion - that is, we experience such awe and reverence because for us the Beloved represents something deeper than the finite - we may call this "the promise of continuity".

As such, love can lead us to very deep contemplation indeed - but it has been said that religion carries with it the risk of madness. It has also been said that religion is about relationship - and I would agree this is true, for religion itself is much broader than the picture painted by individual faiths, especially in our theological traditions.

This leads into the juxtaposition of pain and sorrow exhibited here. I've discovered that while sorrow makes possible a greater realization of the depths of relationship, pain is triggering and keeps us in survival mode (fight-or-flight). Maslow's "hierarchy of needs", then, becomes all too relevant - for psychological needs may ONLY be met once basic survival is ensured, and that simply does not happen if you're in fight-or-flight all the time.

To objectify the Beloved and rely on our illusions and projections is to miss the point of relationship. It does not matter whether we objectify the Beloved as a desirable ideal, or a failure to obtain or achieve it. The end result is the same.
 Mar 2016 Someone
 Mar 2016 Someone
such beautiful imagery
you cast like a spell
and these words in my heart
you know them all to well

whilst the world decides
whether it be awake or asleep
I lye twixt your heart and soul
together we gently weep

you twinkle like a star
and shine bright within my soul
you found me bound and broken
yet you left me whole

ne'er will I ever be alone
in your beautiful memory
for whenever my heart cries out
you run to comfort me

and yet these thoughts run
down the corridors of my mind
but still every time I fall
you lift me up, in kind

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