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HJV Mar 2019
A multitude of fortnights passed us by,
We passents of time, our sorrow, we tried.

A spell of brief written touches.
Time and space were arranged.

The earth turned and turned.
Time and space were burned.

The wind ceased carrying sound.
Passing time, the end inbound.

Pigeons carried the desire.
Hearts in smoldering fire.

Speed takes breath aback.
A journey, lips on your neck.

The movement, speed squared.
Our shadow never cared.

Risen to the peak of feel.
I peek and never conceal.

You and I, both sore.
The loss a shared core

The night brought silence.
Menacing unspoken words.

King and queen, both know.
The kingdom fades slow.

The sun dawns, all rays travel.
Light reveals and starts to unravel.

Secrets that we knew.
Far from too few.

All the birds fly and sing.
A message for the king.

Couriers travel back and forth.
The only direction is north.

When then the sun sleeps.
and the night creaks.
Feel what she seeks.
And speak from their beaks.

Undrape the play.
Hear what I say.

Mind tries to reason.
Such a blue season.

A wordsmith works his furnace.
The wood is scarce - he burns his.

Labouring day and night,
Keep that flame alight.

Hammer and anvil entwined.
All my words are kind.

Walk the rope, you won't fall.
If you're scared, I'll take it all.

When a chapter ends so low.
We only reap what we sow.
Cast the light, we will make it right.
The beauteous fields are in sight.

My love is free.
Come write with me.
There was this girl (shocker) and we got along great, but as time progressed and the amount of times we saw each other dwindled I slowly started to realize the end was in sight. She had recently lost a very dear person and couldn't bear getting in a committed relationship.
HJV Mar 2019
Dwindling through the air.
I am not convinced it's fair.

From whence comes this cold icy wind?
Ignorance; frigidly frozen.
In aftermath, my vision I'll rescind.
The glassy path I haven't chosen.

The past winter my friend.
In the avalanche I stand.
Buried alive in bone shattering cold.
My visage, your opinions unfold.

Why can't you see eye to eye.
Why is it that you presume I lie?
The frost frankly freezes friendship over.
When the thaw sets in - blooms the clover.

I am master of cold, but I bring only heat
My soul not sold, but you see what you need
There is nothing I can do, leader of men.
I conjure my cue, my mind is zen
I woke up from a dream about being buried in snow and slowly freezing to death whilst on a winter holiday. That very same day I experienced disproportionate feelings of loneliness and disconnect, due to things that I've realized to be objectively true. In spite of it all, I still felt zen.
HJV Mar 2019
"your flow is off; they have you beat!" Boarish cough let, the ref's presumed seed. Righteous in rhythm reels the ref in, why can time be so timid, is that a sin?

I really don't know, colors are so - surefire, concept's core dire. Bound to flow is hollow,  found a collar to follow?

Full of paint, the same words faint. The rhythm dies, as their cries. Atop that flop, they will stop. "leave me as is, leave me alone! I am happy like this." - snappy, a drone.

Climb the ladder from nether, whatever the weather.  Clear the skies, drop disguise. Be rigidly real, heart strings of steel.

How does this flow?
Laving the first row,
A lamenting show.
En fin, a lavish yo
A friend told me my flow is **** so I just tried something silly
HJV Mar 2019
Ik zie ze vallen, de vogels zijn bevroren.
*** kan een vorst zo snel bevriezen?

Vliegen naar de vrijheid richting verder.
Maar het noorden is koud en het zuiden verwoest.

Oost of west, thuis, draag ik een vest.
De kachel verliet mij. Waarom verliet hij mij?

Een heuvel probeert zijn piek te bevochtigen,
Maar niemand staat daar, dus hij blijft droog.

Alles rolt naar beneden, een diep en duister gat.
Wanneer krijg ik een reden? Mijn kin is nat.

Ik vraag mij af wanneer dooi zal wederkeren.
Ik vraag mij af wie er moet leren.

Zijn zij dood en leef ik voort?
Of is dit zoals het hoort?

Kleurenblind, dat ben ik, maar jij bent doof.
Jouw oren werken, graver des kloof.

Wil jij niet luisteren? Ben jij bang?
Laat mij jou koesteren met mijn gezang.

Jouw wonden, lik ze niet zo hard.
Voel je pijn, spreidt het vlees apart.

Ik ben daar, ik **** je kreet.
Jouw vervloeking, toch, ik grijp je beet.

Ooit op een dag, in verre tijd.
Mijn hart beantwoord; jouw spijt.

Open je ogen en druppel met mij mee
Vergiffenis en liefde, ons bootje op zee.
My first ever poem in my native language, to my mother
HJV Mar 2019
There once was a little piece floating of light.
It was the only piece that shone blindingly bright

It radiantly darted and fluttered about.
Being lost, a long blown over cloud.

Bumping into all the pieces of light it met.
Even into pieces of darkness it thought dead.

When it touched them, time would halt.
Quasar carrying pained sibling, soul turned basalt.

The relation between them set to grow beyond.  
To part a mind of pother, found feelings fond.

When the eyes are open and our light is seen.
Seer and blind alike, find no difference between.

Lambent love glinting off the work of a writer.
Lustrous words may make a day brighter.
The light is the inherent goodness of the human soul that we all indiscriminately share and how we should try to carry that out into the world every chance we get.
HJV Mar 2019
Standing and walking, staring and stopping.
An inkling of thought consumes my mind.

A stare was shared, a kindness shown.
Hiding her smile, innocent attraction.
A vibrant strangers' dyad grown.
Eyes darting around, seeking reflection.

A gaze met, but a book read.
Uninvited regret - not, a word let

A final pass by near the corner passed
I look a final time, this won't be the last.

A sorrow by virtue of lonely
The forecast exclaims "cleared be the skies!"
Sadness exists in name only.
Painful wisdom opens eyes.

It is not about the I, but the us that is we.
See through ego of self and set I free.

They may feel as I or not as such at all.
Open our hearts so we may feather down any fall.
My limiting factor, that, is my thinking; I fear.
Submit to the gifts, to wherever they veer.

Sing the song, so happily they may dance.
Stand not still during the funny happenstance.
This one time I had a connection with a girl in the train, we didn't speak. After we parted ways I suddenly felt a sense of regret and vowed to never let such an opportunity presented by the universe pass me by again.
HJV Mar 2019
A long and lonesome wait.
The waiting for the dance of two.
An entwined fate, infinitely distanced.
To stand-up is to desire for dance.

I know who, the daemon, the dancer.
The moving words, a monologue.
Heard songs a reminder of silence.
The rhythm plays out of tune.

The sound, no longer flat.
Yet the ears are presumed deaf.
The pitch transcendental.
My garden over the hill.

A pain let and a cry felt.
The responsibility of insignificance.
Walled green, suffers and broods.
Flowers, just are.
A poem about the unanswered desire for a connection that will make one feel whole, due to a believe that a lack of empathic ability exists
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