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 Aug 2019 Grey mirror
 Aug 2019 Grey mirror
Your heart flutters
To the beat of the drum
Like a butterfly spreading it's wings
You open your heart to the world
But there is no anchor to your sorrow
Delicacy is spared
The shutters come down again
#heart #closed
 Aug 2019 Grey mirror
Benji James
My nights consist of falling apart
On a daily basis
That’s according to my thesis
On my own self evaluations
Keep getting caught in bad situations
This is an invitation
To not feel okay
Sometimes you just need to cry
Let it all out
In a form of sentences
Trying to express your emotion
What’s holding you down promoted
To this cause I am devoted
Left vulnerable and open

Bleeding and broken

©2018 Written By Benji James
I look to the Good Lord , even through His pruning,
For even through this Pain Christ is always Good.
For He is doing an Great work within Me through it.
He only doing this to bring out the very best within Me.
So allowing Him to work within Me revealing to others.
What He can do for them as well if They let Him do it.
Thus drawing them unto Him to work within them too.
God wants each of Us to be His Great work of art here.
Revealing to the world just how much He loves Us all.
You are the God, that Lives the God that Brings Life not death Jesus.

You are the God, that restores relationships to His people as well.

You are the God, that Loves and through Your People they love too.

You are the God, that gives Your People Great Peace as well Jesus.

You are the God, that is Perfect and there is no sin within You either.

You are the God, that shall draw Your People home someday Father.

You are the God, that never gives up on Your People My Savior.

You are the God, that I shall turn to in all My times of need here.

You are the God, that I direct all of My Prayers here too Father.
 Aug 2019 Grey mirror
A B Faniki
A clear still pond will
always reflect faces because
it's nature's mirror.
First mirror  on earth is from nature. It always give back.
© A B Faniki 9 july, 2019
Be kindly, gentle, with the hoary toad,
help it whenever to cross the road.
Confused quite often with the frog,
that smooth amphibian can leap a log.

In meadows strolling, keep in mind
mound-maker mole created blind.
Another creature, it’s called a vole
please do not disturb it in its hole.

Field mice have exquisite charm.
to they and dormice do no harm.
Over fields of clover vetch and rye
take delight in fluttering butterfly.

Just think, such creatures, two by two,
in Noah's Ark, it is written, came through
the biblical Deluge and so survive
so long as we allow them all to thrive.

Life would be bleak - Nature bare
if some day we deigned  to stare
and to our dismay became aware
of precious species no longer there.

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