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Roses, their sharp spines being gone,
Not royal in their smells alone,
  But in their hue;
Maiden pinks, of odour faint,
Daisies smell-less, yet most quaint,
  And sweet thyme true;

Primrose, firstborn child of Ver;
Merry springtime’s harbinger,
  With her bells dim;
Oxlips in their cradles growing,
Marigolds on death-beds blowing,
  Larks’-heels trim;

All dear Nature’s children sweet
Lie ‘fore bride and bridegroom’s feet,
  Blessing their sense!
Not an angel of the air,
Bird melodious or bird fair,
  Be absent hence!

The crow, the slanderous cuckoo, nor
The boding raven, nor chough ****,
  Nor chattering pye,
May on our bride-house perch or sing,
Or with them any discord bring,
  But from it fly!
Lost Poet
Do you ever feel stuck,
Pulling and stretching,
Just to get out of your skin?

People see and smile,
Their stupid pity glow,
Expecting it to fix it all.

So you just scream it off,
Until the blood pours,
And police coming running.

With their sympathy and happy pills.
I swallowed your poison for the sake of passion
so you’d see the way I’d do anything to hold your gaze
eyes locked in mine for all the wrong reasons
you’d call me crazy but at least you’re saying something
tell everyone how I’m insane cause you love messing with my head
I lost my mind to all your games but God I loved to play
Ink on paper warms my heart,
So set it a flame
And I'm yours from the start.

Ink on paper is a feeling of love,
Forever free,
Like a milky-white dove.

Ink on paper is very hard to do,
I fail over and over
And for that I feel blue.

But ink on paper is also a drug...
Can't let go or quit
Clouds your mind with its fog.

Its forever you know?
Your contract with it...
So think once, maybe twice
Before indulging in bliss.
It was always the lies
He told them to me with a rose and stabbed me with the thorns from behind
I was his possession
Not a thought of running away could save me from his side
I was always alone
Without a song in my heart in a false mess I could deny
I was broken
I was weak
Then this person was sent to me somehow somewhere like an angel from the sky
He changed me
For good
I learnt I was worth more than what lay naked before his eyes
I got out
I got free
It hurt me
But I won't cry
Because the love I feel for myself now was worth living through those lies
I want to hide in a place
that makes me feel comfortable
under the bluest waves,
isn't so sufferable.
What's hidden beneath them,
is the most stunning
these colors and beings
could never send me running.
With my eyes wide open,
I'd float forever
face down,
I'd sink into deeper waters.
I feel sad, angry and tired.
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