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so there's this boy....
his eyes are pool's of blue I'd so willingly drown in.
And when he smiles I just can't help but stare and smile too.
so there's this boy....
And let me tell you, I can see it all.
I can see how he'll look at me early in the morning when we first wake up, or how late at night he'll pull me close.
I see all the love that would be shared between us, the late movie night's and early breakfast's before work.
sometimes I feel like we could be holding an eternity of possibilities in our hands.
so there's this boy....
And you may not believe me but he's got a heart of gold.... it shines through everything he does.
how he talks to people, conversating like it's the best part of his day. it's in all the little things you wouldn't notice if you didn't truly look. but it's in everything he does.
so there's this boy....
And I can't seem to stop thinking about him.... and he probably doesn't even know.
but I'm telling you there's this boy and every time he comes to mind, I get a glimpse of what we truly could be.
I just can't seem to get you off my mind....
I grip the stained pen....
trying to stay in between the lines.
my hands are shaking, palms sweaty.
pressing the metal ball down towards the crumpled paper, pressing and pressing but nothing comes out....
a tear falls from my cheek as the dry cartridge remind me of you.
stall notebooks lining my book shelf.
I need the ink to bleed from me as you did
but the words are gone since you left.
you were my muse....
You broke me, but that is nothing new.... I knew you had the means to break me when we were almost something.... I had handed you my most prized possession.
I so effortlessly passed myself over, too naive to think about the consequences, or the fact that even though I love you, it didn't mean you loved me.....
I knew you broke me when I was sitting in a restaurant too exhausted to cook, breaking down at the table by myself while watching couples who could have been us laughing and eating.
I knew you broke me when I hated going to bed and staring up at that stupid dull white ceiling in silence, my mind going over everything I might have done wrong.
when sleep came I was finally at peace, but not for long....
I knew you broke me when every morning I dreaded getting up because it meant I had to do another day without you.
I knew you broke me when I hated myself, hated how I looked because maybe if I looked better you would have stayed and chosen me.
hated how I talked, maybe if i used a softer tone? or more stern? you wouldn't have chosen her?
maybe if my eyes were blue? or my hair blonde?
I knew you broke me when I was tearing myself apart because you left....
you broke me, but I already knew you would.
god, I just wanted him to love me....
Faith Cubitt Feb 11
Its funny how I stare at this blank piece of paper.... and all I can think about is you.
but I see you in everything, so how is this any different?
maybe because we were never anything.... we were stolen glances, with quick intense touches, eye contact that made me feel dizzy, hands accidently touching and I thought my skin was gonna light on fire, everything was so intense.... it still is.
so why? why won't you just kiss me?
prove to me I'm not making this up.... I can't be.
but maybe it's like a dream, maybe it all feels so real but once you wake up you realize it was only you the whole time, making it all up.
I pray that's not the case.
I pray that you feel this crazy pull towards me as I feel to you.
I pray you feel the same, even just a little.
What's hiding beneath those deep blue eyes? (I just wanna drown in).....
Faith Cubitt Feb 11
Deep in my heart I knew you'd leave.
I knew I wasn't good enough, even though I tried.
but I wanna know how you left so effortlessly?
I gave you my all.... so fully, leaving none of myself for me.
I rooted my self worth in you, if you loved me, I loved me. (but I would always love you more)
so how? how could you just leave without a second thought, knowing I loved you? knowing I would have given you the world  if you only would have asked?
you told me to jump and I asked how high.
even now, if you came back, I'd welcome you with open arms.
saying sorry for anything I did to make you leave. because I loved you. and I always will love you.
but I know you won't. you couldn't, you chose not to.
I was a space holder, no matter the lies you told me, the loved you pretended to share.
I was a mere page in your story, but you were my book....
I loved you more than life itself, I gave everything to you, even though I knew you were gonna leave. what the hell am I supposed to do now?....
Faith Cubitt Feb 10
I dreamt about you last night.... the kind of dream where everything is so real, everything makes so much sense.
The kind of dream where once you woke up you need to do everything in your power to prove it was real, someway or somehow.
you told me you loved me.... the words like sweet honey coming from your lips. I wrapped my arms around you and felt more at home than I had ever been in my life.
You smiled, it was right at me, and contagiously I fell for it and smiled right back.
your eyes were pools I was willingly drowning in.
It couldn't have been a dream? please say it wasn't....
you held me, I was happy.
but then I pinched myself, this beautiful world where you and I were what we were always supposed to be came crashing down before I even had the time to scream your name.
I need you.... god, I need you, I will always need you.
you told me this was real.... you even lie in my dreams.
Faith Cubitt Feb 9
The fresh morning snow cast a sparkling glow over the quiet dawn.
The puffy clouds resembling my eyes full of tears.
The doves chose not to sing their sunny tune.
The world hushing to nothing more than a whisper.
The wind holding back it's hollow goodbye.  
The darkness watched, waiting to claim you as his own.
And the sun shone for the very last time.
This was your goodbye....
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