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 Aug 2014 Luna
It's true
 Aug 2014 Luna
It's sad...but true that I'm doing anything and everything to get over you.
I've kissed boys I have no desire for.
Lusted after them with teasing pleasure just to get attention... But I don't feel like a **** yet.

Its been a nightmare... It's all true... That moving on isn't the same without you.
I've let my walls rebuild with such height even I'm afraid to stand on the edge.
Screamed out for the world to hear but no sound came out.

It's pain... And sorrow... It's true... That I'll never get over you.
With such green eyes and such soft skin; you'll haunt me till the worlds end.
Love has never tasted quite as bitter as you.
 Aug 2014 Luna
Katie Anne
 Aug 2014 Luna
Katie Anne
We only truly start living
When we find something
Or someone
We would die for
 Aug 2014 Luna
Katie Anne
 Aug 2014 Luna
Katie Anne
I don't know what to say
When people ask what I'm afraid of.

Because worse than
And Drowning
Is time

Every day
I get closer
To leaving

Every day
I get further away
From my fondest memories

My childhood
Slips away
Even more

Every day
Every minute
Every second
I'm closer
To losing you
When I'd much rather
Be closer
To my last breath.
 Jul 2014 Luna
 Jul 2014 Luna
I want to get drunk
just so I can forget
idk it just came to my mind.
 Jul 2014 Luna
Naomi Clarke
I think that somewhere along the line, God forgot me
In his garden of gorgeous roses and beautiful daisies
I’m merely a ****; unwanted and tossed aside,
Left alone to wither, waste away and die

I see myself and I don’t like what I see
It’s hard to remember a time when I did not despise my body
A time where I did not pick apart every single flaw –
A time where my skin was immaculate and not covered with scars

They told me to stop because it would hurt me in the end
But I needed it so much that I couldn't comprehend
My fingers trace the marks that the razor blade hungrily kissed,
The feeling of desire and urgency is no longer missed

I examine myself and think for a while,
Unknowingly my mouth breaks out into a smile
My vision blurs, immediately filling with tears
Maybe with a little clarity-
I’ll see myself in a way that I didn't for years

I’ll learn to love my crooked nose
And the scars that imprint my skin,
I’ll go to every extreme
To gradually piece myself back together again.
I think it's about time I show myself some love.

— The End —