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I want to be there for you
The way you are there for me
Because in the end
You're the only one I see

I just want someone to love
Someone to care
Someone who will always
Always be there

You don't lie
When I ask for truth
Because you know me
And I know you

I just want someone to love
Someone to care
Someone to listen
To all the woes I share

You helped me to fix
These problems I face
And I remember the night
You held me in your arms as I cried

I just want someone to love
Someone to care
Someone who will always
Always be there

I want to see your face
And hear your voice
But I can't
And I never will

Because you're just a dream
Some long-lost hope
Because I'm just a poet
Some hopeless daydreamers
I'm tired
Of trying all the time
Even when surrounded by people
I feel so alone

A body without a soul
Leave it behind to rest
Let the world carry on
Without me

I listen to the same songs
Over and over again
Because nothing else
Is loud enough to drown out the pain

Oh, to be a kid again
With no need to overthink
To see the light again
Without drowning myself
In the kitchen sink

I want to leave behind
This heavy heart
and fly away to my neverland
Living my life inside a hopeless dream

I want to be held in your arms
As you talk to me in that calming voice
So I drift off
And fall asleep
I think this might have been a vent that i finished with a poem at the end?
idk what to tag this as
What is it like
To be you
When they fall over
But you can't hold on

You play it cool
As you strum your guitar
And music fills the room
And that's why I'll always
Look up to you

What is it like
To take a step in your shoes
But there's too much to fill
When they are two sizes too big

Trapped in our own worlds
That we can't escape
Wondering what fate decides
But everyone knows
That curiosity killed the cat

What is it like
When you look at me
Who am I to you
Did you ever think of me as a friend?
Originally, me and this person were going to do an art trade, but for some reason that didn't end up happening, and instead I asked if I could write something instead. For some reason the end paragraph makes it seem kind of romantic, and wow that was not my intent at all. I still haven't received my piece of art though haha
For those who didn't make it
And couldn't handle
When the cruel world
Came crashing down upon them

When the time came
That you fantasies ended
And reality
Showed its ugly face

They hurt you
When all you wished for was peace
And the daylight
Seemed so far out of reach

They said to stay strong
And they told you to fight
When you had nothing left
When you couldn't find
To fight for

Because it's just a problem
Something to fix
Just give them some pills
And make them talk

Shallow words
Give little comfort
When all they say is
e v e r y t h i n g   w i l l   b e   o k ay

They told you to stay strong
And they told you to fight
When you had nothing left
When you couldn't find
To fight for

Everyone just needs time
They said
But it was already too late
To save you
The long nights
We spent together
In each other's arms

A laugh we shared
We could only wish
That summer
Would never end

I had known from the start
I loved you
We watched the sunset

The sand in your hair
The smile on your face
My worries faded
With each word you spoke

But I saw the way you looked at her
When you thought I wasn't around
When I saw the sparkle in your eyes
That's when I began to cry

Do you not love me
My dear
I always thought you were the one
Who would settle all my fears

So now I wonder
Will we ever stay the same
Will you remember me
When summer ends again
Won first place in a writing contest, the theme was summer.
It's really old, but I really like how I did the last two lines
I need to leave here
It's too intoxicating
It's too distracting
I come here too often

Everyone who became
A big part of my life
Has left
Except for you
You're still here

But why?

We linger on in this world
Of dreams
I waited for your words

I checked
And I checked again
This empty feeling
Here is where it began

Searching for purpose
Waiting for someone to realize
That I'm here
I've been watching

When you are excited
And when you cry
I want to talk
But I don't know how or why

We used to be so close
The world
So lively to me
Even though your face was never seen

You meant the world to me
You were always on my mind
But now you are gone
I don't know
If it's even worth it to try

In the past I reached out
With only a simple response
In return
Because before
You were a friend
Who I could count on till the end

But now I wonder
Do you remember me?
Do you know that I am still hear
Longing for you to speak
To me
Late at night
Or in the day
I don't care
If it's lighthearted or deep
You were the last one left
But then you turned away

It's not your fault
Our lives moved on
It's different no
Perhaps I'm the one
In the wrong

So I say goodbye
With little grace
Because I still see you
And even if you don't find me
I will always find you
Cant tell if this is a poem or a vent
You taught me to love
You taught me to smile
But you couldn't even stay
All but a while
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