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Don't do the Devils work.
It's *****.
Shouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.
That sound familiar much?
I helped you.
I touched his soul.
(20 minute poetry)

The blush of your cheeks,
that look in your eye.
the way that you talk and
when we walk out together
whether talking or not
it's your hand in my hand
which makes me happy
I've got

You brush out the grey from my hair,
paint a sparkle where once it was dull,
so many things that I love you to do
which makes me happy
now that I've got you.

Moments like these and those or them are granted when fate intervenes and it seems all the fates have conspired, rebuilt this
cathedral and relit the fires.

Real life is much sweeter than dreams.
Something you can't buy is the freedom to be
in love when she loves you
and as happy as me.
My daily activities range between avoiding most things
to avoiding all things.
(All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016.)
 Feb 2016 Douleur Exquise
sitting here,
i know that look in your eyes
like culty mattress store fake zen music.
ambient as ****.
and you were waiting for the radiator to burst-
explode, **** everyone with
chunks of cast iron hurled through their heads
like nothing.
listening to the hiss and whur - lazy and calm
like nothing was wrong.
 Feb 2016 Douleur Exquise
Megan H
As a lost little bird
I can confidently say
That being alone in this nest
Is a terrifying ordeal.
My mother taught me how to fly,
But I'm afraid to jump.
Will I hit the asphalt?
Or will I find success?
I could live out my life
In this tiny little nest.
It is comfortable,
And I enjoy being here.
Or I could jump.
I could find out if I can fly.
But this could also be the day I die.

It just doesn't feel right.
The weather is rainy
And I'm huddled in my feathers.
Do I still have a chance to jump
If everything feels wrong?
 Feb 2016 Douleur Exquise
Aw girl, did you dance with the devil
Get ripped apart
Where’s your heart
Ah, I see it beating in the gutter
Well girl, what can I say
Life's a *****, and then you die
But you don’t want to hear that
No,no, not in your beautiful world
Not in pin up poster world
Aw girl
You want to go down to the love hospital
They’ll put you back together
But guess what
That beating heart
In the gutter
Maybe wants to last past puberty
So hey, I’ve been round the block
I’ll give you ten seconds of my time
Best ten seconds of advice you’ll ever hear
That rose growing in the garden there
Is that not the most beautiful thing in the world
Now, not only is that rose beautiful
It’s also very smart
It knows some ******* is going to try and take liberties
So it surrounds itself with thorns.
Do the same
Be that rose.
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