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186 · Dec 2015
Abimael Dec 2015
This heart feels tickles from you,
and this soul feels yours.
Bond earn meant to stick together.
But love unite us, strong enough
Let us share our universe,
But words and paint.
Like the universe and our souls.
186 · Apr 2018
Love is care
Abimael Apr 2018
After long years I decided to not love someone.
I have lived a life saving that river of love for someone
To make sure I will flood her heart with love.
but sometimes, we just need to be wiser,
and not open our doors drastically.
Because you will not balance the love in you.
let it leak a little, and wait until sprint.
Once you see the flora growing.
Let her sun burn your waters,
so the living love on your heart
can evaporate and then create
a circle of love for an eternal life.
There will be storms,
and only you have the water reserved
to give more life together as love.
I wrote this since I was trying to be kind and an gentleman. But my kindness became "nice" that it scare her away. I wish next next person will be more ready since love is not a game of fear.
185 · May 2016
Hard Love
Abimael May 2016
The sun roast this skin.
A Skin that it is harder than earth.
An earth that is protected by you love.
184 · May 2019
Love Impostor
Abimael May 2019
It is hard to understand ignorance when everything is clouded by beauty.
Ill keep this one.
183 · May 2019
Abimael May 2019
Light, light is warm
As the sun nurse us
But for light
It's all dark
Yes like time.
Every life must die
182 · Nov 2017
Abimael Nov 2017
Once I loved...

I am sorry
For the man I'am
The nightmare
The sin...
The lust...
I learned...
In life
That love..
Cant never be trade...
For Lust...
182 · Nov 2016
True Mother
Abimael Nov 2016
The land that saw your birth
The land that you did you first walk
The land that drains your first tears
It is the land that you should call
Mother Earth
182 · Nov 2015
Sad push
Abimael Nov 2015
There is the sunrise...
There is the sunset...
There is our love...
There is our dreams...
There is my poems...
-flush the toilet-
Good bye life...
Sad regrets
181 · Dec 2015
Abimael Dec 2015
A spark
A breath
A smiley
A hug
It is all that matters in life.
Just try to remember when you
had 30 seconds in this life,
and life was more than this world...
181 · Aug 2016
Abimael Aug 2016
I am the Incubus
That one demon...
The demon that lay with you
The one that take you into the deep
The deep of crave for sins
And the sins that makes you cry.
181 · Jul 2015
Abimael Jul 2015
When a man bind with nature, it is when we deny who others want us to be.
181 · Sep 2017
A Hollow
Abimael Sep 2017
The fear of death
I never fear of it
I only fear death without love
The only thing that connect us
From universe across the galaxy
Once you feel it...
Don't let it go.
Unless you want to become
A Hollow.
181 · Jun 2015
Abimael Jun 2015
The last feelings of our life, the definition of our existence.
But we don't understand love at all...
Love,  for most of use it is a kiss, or wake up with that living thing or object.
For me love is happiness for others.
The dedication of our life to make someone or something happy.
Love is not ***, or a chocolate bar.
Love is the only magic that our body can feel.
Love is the only word that can make us sad, happy or even angry.
What is love for you?
What is true love for you?
For me... I can't describe it all...But I love you...
180 · Feb 2016
Abimael Feb 2016
Happiness is not visible to our eyes...
Just ask your heart.
180 · Jul 2015
The King
Abimael Jul 2015
The world is right in my hands. Just when I touch your skin.
With a simple touch of your lips.
My heart becomes you..
180 · Sep 2019
Inner Exchange
Abimael Sep 2019
From the sea my lungs
From the sun my skin
From the sky my soul
From flora my love
From fauna my brain
Love is the center of our lifes.
180 · May 2015
Abimael May 2015
Life is composed from different perspective.
Love is a gather of feelings from the bottom of our hearts.
*** is the connection between souls.
From all this three topics... They all belong to "What is life".
At the end, we die and there is no coming back.
Love today and not tomorrow...Because tomorrow we will not be here...
179 · Jan 2017
Moon of Love
Abimael Jan 2017
Her skin is smoother
Smoother than a calm frozen lake
Sharper than a samurai sword.
Her smiley
The beginning of time
I hover in her heart
her's... hover in mine.
178 · Jul 2018
Withou love.
Abimael Jul 2018
I am know one
The one who cant use
Giacomo teaching
To fine love.
Where my dry heart
Cant never survive.
I am dying for it
Just like a dry river
Waiting for the rain
Waiting in vain
for another smoggy time.
Where are you darling.
I am dying for you
Deep in alcohol,
deep in sins
But only you
Can rescue me..
178 · May 2016
Abimael May 2016
There is a place
A place that we call
Were we died
Because, heaven call us too.
178 · Jun 2016
Seed of Love
Abimael Jun 2016
A rage of lust
A sorrow of love
A pain of life
A love of dreams
178 · Dec 2015
Abimael Dec 2015
Souls are linked to feelings
Just like our hearts are with our minds
We set lose bunch of emotions,
just to wait for a prey, to be hooked by love,
But in this moment, it means no harm upon us.
We just wish that one prey, is the last one
love, to share thousands of falling stars,
on a night without going back
I wish you are the one...
so I can heal this scars,
which was put upon me on a lonely night .
176 · Dec 2014
Love Me
Abimael Dec 2014
The dreams of stars. They were gone with you.
The love... Becomes you.
The hate... Becomes the world.
God... Another stranger.
Lifes was wonderful, with you, now it's time to move on.
I lie to myself, to make you happy, now its for me to be happy.
I loved every inches from you, but I ignore every yard of mine.
We became one? No... I became you...
I the illusion make us believe.
But I'm a fake.
I'm a fake for myself.
I'm a fake for love.
A fake...
I give up on me to start a new me, because when we fall...
We stand, and when I stand... I walk... And when I walk...
I cry and when I cry... I fly and when I fly... I forget...
Life has more than just this circle and I hope people can be as strong as me next time, If I said that "I love you", it's because I love me...
Was drunk sorry for the grammar.
176 · Jan 2017
Lustful Cosmo
Abimael Jan 2017
I am just as innocent as you.
I day dream of intimidating with you
I have nightmares of not loving you
But I swear
That you eyes bring out the incubus in me.
175 · Nov 2017
Prison Nightmares
Abimael Nov 2017
I am scare
Scared of you
Scared of the new beginning.
As well the end.
One day
I will be free from you.
175 · May 2019
I Love You
Abimael May 2019
There is resonance
And a soft whispers...
Of forever and ever.
"I love you".
Always remember one I love you per day might increase the chance of staying forever. That is love.
173 · Oct 2016
Abimael Oct 2016
I fell in love...
I was pulled to it
Not my fault
But it all ended
Seeding the womb of life.
172 · Nov 2015
Abimael Nov 2015
I believed, that freedom was free.
But it all was a lie.
We humans...
We are meant to each others.
To share our life.
To share our feelings.
Were we all lie and live.
But we never want to die.
We all want to go to heaven.
But we do not want to die.
Sad life...
No more pain in this heart.
No more love leftover.
I die long time ago.
And now my soul is reviving.
But, I did all of this.
Which I never meant it to happen.
Life is unfair.
But it rewards us with fairness...
172 · Feb 2017
Abimael Feb 2017
The night is cold
Windy and full of sand
The sand that silence
My thoughts
Will always struggle
To fulfill my heart.
172 · Dec 2015
Abimael Dec 2015
A picture of lie
Is picture of demise
I lie that was stamped in time.
Never trust in your eyes, unless...
You're the one who lies.
171 · Dec 2017
Perfect Love
Abimael Dec 2017
I had a dream of true self
Swimming at the happiest river
With birds singing the most beautiful lullaby
They calm me by taking my humanity away
Then I saw her, a lady.
She smell better than rose
Her skin had this perfect touch
Her smiley was like hugging our perfect sun
Her hair, just like the Himalayas.
Yet I cannot see her eyes clearly
As for me the eyes are the only connection
To our past...
But she spoke to me and no sound came out
There she was...
I got closer, and I felt it.
Her soul told me...
I love you...
170 · Apr 2017
Abimael Apr 2017
I'm officially a pirate,
drunk of love
Out of lust
I swim the ocean with thoughts
Which are full of desires.
Those drive me into a drunk state,
of Lust.
170 · Nov 2015
Poet In Love
Abimael Nov 2015
The stars are far away,
But is love to close to us.
Just like the beginning of it all starts...
Like a flower blooms, just from the touch of you.
Just like the night that you touched me.
Just like the end of it all will be.
Were I dream about we,
and it is all about you.
You and only you, will touch me.
With a smiley upon the galactic universe,
Were everything is not reachable, but your love can.
Let me reach you, let me touch and let me devour you.
I am high for you and untouchable just for you.
Only you and us can be describe by God,
because we are here in this garden of love,
just to make more of us, and us but only us,
can make more of this poems....
Walk away from lust...
Love poet
170 · Apr 2017
Drunk Incubus
Abimael Apr 2017
Your eyes shine.
Just like the moon at noon.
It light every inches of my heart
with love and desires.
You're my weakness.
You're my desires.
I wish I can have you tonight,
So I can plant my soul in yours
For an eternal love of lust.
170 · Jan 2018
Little BR Girl
Abimael Jan 2018
The eyes of devil
Once they catch me
I couldn't escape
once I saw through them
heaven felt
hell became paradise
and this heart
just became
169 · Sep 2016
World of the Future
Abimael Sep 2016
We should not ignore thw word
The world is bigger than we though
But our mind is bigger that the universe
And between our unviverse
we all should be thinking about the past
to make a brighter univever for the childrens.
169 · Sep 2016
Time is a Luxury
Abimael Sep 2016
Love is miracle
A feeling that is unphysical
A feeling of the heart one
But we all know how it feels
Do not fell in the same hole that I am
Because you will not come out.
169 · Feb 2016
United Honest Soul
Abimael Feb 2016
We are the childrens of earth
We all dreams
but the evil hug us.
We all united to a single bond
We all childrens
We will always be...
168 · Jun 2016
Sorrow of Love
Abimael Jun 2016
What is love
What is love with out pain
What is love without tears
Tears that fall
Tears that rise
Tears that protect pain
A tears that become a shell
A shell that made us "stronger"
But inside we all just
Life an abused kid
167 · Apr 2021
Cupid Miss Again
Abimael Apr 2021
I've day dream of you,
But it has been so long
that I do not know who you are...

All I know...
Is that, I want your love,
and I want to demonstrate
that love
Will heal you.
old drafts
167 · Jun 2017
Discovering Love
Abimael Jun 2017
Memories are bad...
Sometime they hold you
Hold you to move beyond
To move a life for of life
the life that we dream of
But we are need to feel pain
A pain that makes us...
Another piece of human.
Love is a mystery
166 · Feb 2016
Never Know
Abimael Feb 2016
A second that pass
A life time on the universe
A single hug
Is a sou to begone
A smiley to share
A life time memory...
166 · Aug 2016
Abimael Aug 2016
I have fail again
I have dream about you
But again my heart is selfish
Again life give me a turn
To the wrong path of life
But life is about failures
And about how much...
Wine we can take.
165 · Apr 2018
Love of Moon & Sun
Abimael Apr 2018
As the moon and earth love each other
But when you think
they have never been together
since the beginning of their life

But their love was so strong
That earth keep her closer
they have been dancing for a long time
and they will continue so.

She calms his skin
to make sure nothing can harm him
her shadows gets reflected on him
to remind him, that she loves him
forever and ever.
Sometimes love is not something that will be felt be a touch
but it can be feel by sweet gestures and gentle actions.
163 · Jan 2017
Abimael Jan 2017
The pain of yours.
Its a scar in my heart
The tears of yours,
Is a river in my life.
A true path of sorrow and pain.
Vut will always guide you
back to the star
162 · Apr 2016
Tour of Love
Abimael Apr 2016
A night full of stars,
I saw your eyes,
with the shiniest moon like eyes,
I drove in to deepest part of hell,
you show me a path,
That lead into to a heaven of love.
I am glad, that your were by my side...
161 · May 2017
Abimael May 2017
Vegy For Lust
Moon of lust...
My left hand is tire.
I am in search for love.
Lust love, I just want her...
With creativity.
With Love.
And with passion for love.
Let her blossom grow.
And then let me be,
The Vegetation at night.
160 · May 2019
Peace after Chaos
Abimael May 2019
Let the bees due, its time for use to nurse nature. Why? Our lives depend on nature.
160 · Aug 2016
Abimael Aug 2016
The knight of dreams
The sorrow slayer
The pain maker
and the heart breaker...
160 · Sep 2016
Abimael Sep 2016
It is a hard feeling
Scary path with struggle roads
What should I do
Walk the easy way out
Or feel the pain of my kind...
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