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159 · Jul 2018
Abimael Jul 2018
I wish...
That your heart burn me.
Just a vampire on the daylight.
Where are you my Van Hellsing girl.
I am craving for this immortal death
Since you were born.
159 · May 2019
Ghost of Love
Abimael May 2019
Love is scary.
It tickles
Like that first kiss.
Where that first feelings light up.
Cuddle like two little pink snails.
Detach both souls into one.
Then enjoy life.
This poem is to those that forgot, that being hurt make you stronger.
158 · May 2019
Abimael May 2019
What is life without sorrow?
It's the path to greatness.
When it all fail, its that time
156 · Jul 2015
Human Nature
Abimael Jul 2015
People who are afraid of death, aren't immortal...
People who believe in love, will last forever.
156 · May 2019
Not Giving Up
Abimael May 2019
I have walk without love for so long
I am sad and my chest hurt
I wanna cry but there are no shoulders to hold me
It is cold and silence
And when I talk
No one listens.
I'm hot, but I am only looking for love
And love is gone
If God see this, sorry.
But I cannot follow this path.
I'm exhausted
My heart is dying
I hate you for living me alone in this world.
But somehow, Nirvana awaits for me.
I'm currently fighting depression.
Love has scatter so much that it's hard to find it
And people like me. Can't live without love.
155 · Sep 2016
Abimael Sep 2016
I am just a devil
Who love to break you're womb
To destroy you life essence
until the time give up.
154 · Sep 2017
Abimael Sep 2017
This feelings of being me
A human with no soul
A soul with no love.
Since love...
Went to the next life.
Where my life has been empty
With nothing to love
With no love to share.
Except me...
153 · Nov 2017
Abimael Nov 2017
That dream of you
you said "I love you"
And I woke up
Reality was at peak
The love was in mate.
Thank you for that dream
I wish I can repeat it.
153 · Aug 2016
Mind Changer
Abimael Aug 2016
She does not know about this heart
But she knows about my thoughts
She knows now that I will make her life
The most wonderful one
I will wake up early
To create her the best morning
With the best sunshine
With the best dream
The dram that she will ever got.
152 · May 2019
Abimael May 2019
Dear God,

I am sad and cold.
I'm a dying star,
Waiting for your mercy.
To let me regain.
Love again.
True Love Poetry
151 · Sep 2017
Blind Side
Abimael Sep 2017
Here I am.
Again alone.
Staring at the stars
The star that my wine provides me.
The dream that I never sleep
The side of my moon
Its all full of you
And eclipse of love
That I regret to miss.
150 · Nov 2017
Abimael Nov 2017
I want to love
Like I have never live before
Woih a life with her
With a love with the womb.
150 · May 2016
Abimael May 2016
We once, use to be call... Friends..
Friendship turns into happiness.
Happiness turn into lust..
And from lust became dreams.
Dreams became a nightmare..
149 · May 2019
Abimael May 2019
My love his own magnetic field
Once you touch this heart
It will be a forever ride.
Just meh. Smiley.
149 · Apr 2017
Abimael Apr 2017
A Lone poet,
Who desires no more
No more than
A tine fragment of love.
I write to the moon,
So she can understand me
She will answer my desires...
148 · Nov 2015
Abimael Nov 2015
I am yours
my sin is yours
My touch is yours,
But this meat only meat yours..
148 · Sep 2016
Heart of a Traveler
Abimael Sep 2016
I feel emptiness
I met her...
She is marvelous
With a smiley that
cause heart beat.
Lovely words come out
of her heart
expression of lust desires
But everything that bounces
goes back to the point of start.
Love is painful
It hurt so much
that it makes you a *******
But, at the same time
It makes you wonder.
148 · May 2019
The True
Abimael May 2019
For the sun to shine,
there must be darkness.
But for darkness to exist,
there must be light. -TheJudas
An internal battle turn into poetry
147 · Mar 2017
Abimael Mar 2017
Life is about round turns.
Once you hit that wall,
Life will never comes back.
Will never feels the same,
only when you open your heart,
you become a true poet.
146 · Nov 2017
Abimael Nov 2017
She is the nightmare
She becomes Eva
I bacame nothing
Since her skin numb me
Since I am in heaven
Since my scars
are hers and hers are mine
We are one
One to share the world
But lust...
Beat me...
146 · Jul 2016
Abimael Jul 2016
What is love if we do not feel comfortable...
144 · Aug 2016
Abimael Aug 2016
What is love if we don't die from the inside.
What is life is we do not love?
What is life without love...
It is like a thirsty morning without water...
144 · May 2019
Abimael May 2019
Knock knock!
The world is mentally collapsing.
144 · Feb 2017
Mother of Love
Abimael Feb 2017
I do miss the memories
I do miss her smiley
I do miss staring at the
Woman that once give me love
The love that hurt
But regardless of time
Her love is still warm
Warm as a volcano
Warm as the center
Of the warm milky way.
143 · Sep 2014
For me.
Abimael Sep 2014
My heart is lock to your heart.
I'll always dream about you.
My soul is bounded to yours.
and my life will never regret you <3
143 · Nov 2015
Abimael Nov 2015
We are not together,
But everyday I dream about you,
and an eternal love for you
is awaiting within me.
Let me cuddle your sad soul,
with this lovely love...
I wrote this for a friend of mine.
142 · Nov 2015
Abimael Nov 2015
Everything around us is life.
Everything that we look, is life.
The dreams that we share, is everything.
The life that we want, it is everything.
We want everything.
But I only want you.
142 · Aug 2016
Abimael Aug 2016
I am the demon of your lust dream
I hover you're shame part
I hover the smell of your sweat
And I eat the soul of your holy sins.
141 · Dec 2015
Abimael Dec 2015
Where is heaven
Where is earth
Where is us
Where is life
Where is feeling
Where is our soul
But after all
Where are we in this lonely thoughts
141 · Jul 2018
Hell Escapae
Abimael Jul 2018
If I was a demon...
I will become anything
You Incubus...
a mammoth (the Demon).
A Lucifer.
But your hear carry me...
Stray to yours.
To the warm land of heaven
To the palace of peace and love
But it is so far...
Because your not here...
141 · Mar 2018
Abimael Mar 2018
This sins...
It guide me to eternal hell
It leads my to your life river.
141 · Sep 2016
Abimael Sep 2016
I am broken
Life for me
Is like an empty vessel
That does not carry love
But my soul...
This soul will Always...
Always love you.
141 · Jan 2020
Double Mask
Abimael Jan 2020
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 true that love is warm?
𝐎𝐫, maybe I should escape into lust?
𝐍𝐨𝐭 for me...
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞.
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 will enlighten me, within time.
Enlighted into Love
141 · Sep 2016
Abimael Sep 2016
I am weak for those brown eyes
It disarms my soul
It disarms my love
One day
We can die for long.
141 · Nov 2017
Hotel Room
Abimael Nov 2017
The night
The dreams
The soul
The lust
The hopes
Its all I got for you tonight.
Enjoy darling.
Abimael Apr 2019
Two little plants around a distance close to each other. They are happy, they got all the space available and all the sun for them.

Time passes, and there is no significant event between them. Time pass. Now it's all about time.

Time decides to test them. Now it's up to time who will watch, and judge.

The plants have grown and now one grows wider and the other taller. While the wider try to cover the area close to the tall three. No energy is wasted.

The wider tree tries to get as close as possible but not to touch, at this point it is a race.

Time catch to reality. Now what it seems to be a war, it all ends up in a peaceful friendship, one hugging to each other until time decide to alter their lifes.
Sometimes, it's hard to not judge, its hard to see. But there us always time to correct what was hurt.
140 · Oct 2016
Abimael Oct 2016
Confuse me with goodness
And pain will follow you
Confuse me with a "good guy"
And let life begins.
139 · Sep 2017
Dust to Dusk
Abimael Sep 2017
The reality of life is about physics
For those who knows
Physical is a mental behavior
We all know that at the end
We all decay
And becomes dust...
137 · May 2019
Look Around
Abimael May 2019
The surrounding speak
My tears are chill
With sadness being true
And nightmare became true.
The world is sad and cold.
Reality check
137 · Jun 2018
Abimael Jun 2018
There is no times
When the hollow heart
Wonder on this awful stars
She keeps me warm
Like the sun in her heart
But she will be always the center...
Of this galactical heart
137 · Feb 2017
Abimael Feb 2017
Desires disturb me.
Im cold and alone
On a night full of wonders,
Imagination kicks in
And all I can see it's me.
Me loving you, from the beginning
Of life.
136 · Oct 2016
Lust till
Abimael Oct 2016
Not and angel
Nor a demon
But I crave you
I crave for your nectar
I crave for you soul
132 · Jun 2017
Abimael Jun 2017
A pain that hurt.
More than the pain that Jesus felt
We are share pain
As One
But at the end
Your the one who carry
The love of God
132 · Sep 2017
Abimael Sep 2017
A nuke of words
Is what your precious mouth speak
They threat me with a covers
Of kindness
Were I know I fell
But, I always was the one
To protect you
From anything
Including this mind of mine
131 · Apr 2017
Abimael Apr 2017
I have seen pain
And sorrow.
Struggles and it all.
Buddha teach me to be strong
But life is stronger that Buddha.
Now my poems are lacking.
Of a meaning for life...
131 · Sep 2017
Poetry For the Unknown
Abimael Sep 2017
El marinero mira
Luego sueña
Por un pasado lleno
Lleno de felicidad...
La Felicidad
que tuvo
pero el pasado lo ahogo
Con simpres las holas
Las holas llenas de memorias
Donde el marinero
nunca pudo subir
Del hacia el pasado...
131 · Jun 2017
Safe Guard
Abimael Jun 2017
Don't fall for me
I do not believe in love
Love is man thing
And I belong to hell
To hell that we all call
We all call for sins
When we are the most...
Lust for love
130 · Nov 2017
Abimael Nov 2017
If we do not feel pain
What is life...
For me pain is a blessing
We all have to feel it
Without regrets
I have found loneliness
To the point of Jesus.
Love yourself
Because tomorrow
Light will be brighter.
130 · Nov 2017
Abimael Nov 2017
Our skin touch and volcanoes erupt
We are to each other
like earth and moon
I need your coldness
To help with this heat.
The sun is far and we both
We both need each other
To create life...
129 · Mar 2017
False Hopes
Abimael Mar 2017
Praying for love,
Is like a nomad, asking for a book.
Can never pray for something,
That will only comes,
from the bottom of your heart.
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