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  May 2017 Ryan Hoysan
Jack Jenkins
how can such a beautiful person
                                               torment themselves so much?
how can love pour out for others
                                               and hate be given to yourself?
//On love and friendship//
This is for a lot of my friends out there, and on here. I see such amazingness and beauty in your hearts everyday and I see the suffering you go through because of the demons in your past. Know that you are never ever alone and you are so deeply and sincerely loved.

  May 2017 Ryan Hoysan
Akira Chinen
You can chop the head off a snake and still be poisoned by its fangs
The lifeless body of a wasp with its motionless wings can still sting
A dead heart can still burn and love still dance in its flame
And in the silence of the ghost of its echo I can still feel your name
  May 2017 Ryan Hoysan
Valsa George
Wondering what I should write
and floundering in my own confusion
I thought – why not write about poems
that set me thinking what poems are
A poem could be anything.......!
at best, distilled thoughts put into rhyme
or a moment caught in time
a window glimpse into the world
an engrossing passion’s ardent curl
a snap shot of scenes from Nature- wild
or a slice of life, birth or death
sometimes it could be a yearning  
or an image long hung on a pole
a thought turned inside out
or the emptying of a mind about to spill
it could be the liberation of a fancy,
for long held in thralldom
a gnawing pain, long suppressed
or a secret, never divulged
As I pondered over the subjects’ enormity
and a poem’s vast scope,
I asked myself- ‘Why hesitate?’
soon I felt a stir inside,
my thoughts broke loose
a terrible block lifted off my head
my silence became audible
I embroidered these thoughts
into the pattern of a poem

Here it is before you, have a look at it
Will it annoy you or will you enjoy!
Recently I have been running short of subjects to write a poem. The writer's block weighs me down. Reading the beautiful poems of my friends here, I long to write something. Finally I thought I should write a poem on a Poem
  Apr 2017 Ryan Hoysan
When I really think about it
I realize that there is no point in doing anything.
None of my actions really matter.
Death is inevitable.
And once you're dead, it's not like time stops...
The world keeps moving & goes on without you.
We are all just insignificant beings made of flesh and blood.
And we like to distract ourselves from that thought.
We like to think that there's more to it and life is worth so much but really
you're born, you live, you die.
  Apr 2017 Ryan Hoysan
I am lost
and you are
the only landmark
I know.
Take me home.
  Apr 2017 Ryan Hoysan
The truth is…
              the real truth…?
                             Do people do that?

How’s my new dress?
                                             It makes you look fat.

Like my new do?
I paid quite a lot
                                             You got ripped off, dear,
                                               You might even sue.

How are you today?
Just a quick answer please
I don’t have the time
To hear of your bad knees.
                                              I’m doing fine, knowing
                                               You don’t want to hear
                                               My problems and stresses
                                               I won’t bend your ear.

A “white lie” is easier
Makes conversation go fast
Then again, you just never know
When you might hear the real truth
It could be quite a blow.
So beware

the truth is…

If you don’t want the real truth?
Perhaps you shouldn’t ask.
I don't usually write silly poems, but at a poetry gathering the challenge was to write a poem beginning with "the truth is" and the truth is I could not come up with anything serious that didn't also sound sappy, so I went for silly!
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