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16.3k · Jun 2015
Can you see it coming
Sprouting through the buried soil
From the seed you unknowingly sow

Can you catch it as it grow
Spreading tender leaves green
Feeding on your sinister thoughts

Can you nip it off, can you?
before the sapling gains ground
Jealousy... Spreading its roots
3.4k · Jun 2015
Cross cultures....
A flag of a distant island
On the wall of a "home"
Made on a compound
An immigrant family
A mother trying hard
To grasp the sands
Slipping through
the hands of time
As the children prides
On the fading memory
Of a language spoken
In a far away land...
2.6k · Jun 2015
Six yards of glamour
Designed to cover the shame
Six yards of culture
Wrapped around her name
Six yards of colors
Different hues and grades
Six yards of silken armor
Displaying vanity and fame

She drapes herself in the morning
With the six yards of delicate weave
Starched, ironed, pleated and neat
She carries the burden in traditions name
In a world where she is respected
For what you show and what you wear
She carries her silken armor with pride
Revealed sensuous skin unseen..
This poem is about the dress sari.... Six yards of printed cloth worn in the Asian sub continent.
In my country, it's draped in the Indian way as depicted in the picture and the Kandyan way, which is considered the national dress.
In the society where the males wear western attire as a norm, sari is considered the preferred and respected professional dress code for ladies.
Many feel important, respected as well as protected with it...despite the trouble ladies go through to wear this...... despite the fact that most of the time the upper back and midriff is revealed...

It's a nice dress.... it's a bittersweet connection..
2.3k · Jun 2015
by your side
I like this......You know.....
This feeling of reluctance
to leave your side
the need to be by your side
Indulging in the warmth
Even after a cold fight....
2.0k · Jun 2015
Virtual literature
We tell our joys
We tell our woes
We tell our perspective
Of the world
through our eyes
We "Share" the cliches
that ring nice
But, not really ours
and far from real life

A virtual utopia
Where goodness thrive
But in reality, It's a bee hive
Busy fishing praises
and counting "Likes"
Are we feeding the ego?
Or are we pleading eyes?
Or are we just birds
Singing gaily at sunrise?
1.8k · Jun 2015
The Saffron Robe
She waits-
At the gait
To see a glimpse
Of the man she love
The man who loved her
So dearly
So tenderly
So honestly
So passionately….

She waits-
At the gait
To see a glimpse
Of that turbulent past
In his deep brown eyes
A trace of remembrance
A trace of nostalgia
A trace of yearning
A trace of regret

She waits-
At the gait
To see a glimpse
Of the man she love
The man she can’t hate
Remembering the life they had
Love they shared
Embrace they cherished
Secrets they whispered

She waits-
At the gait
To see a glimpse
Of that past,
The past she wants to let go of
As he paces
Lost in serenity
Towards his goal
Passing her
With a serene smile
In a saffron robe

She waits-
At the gait
Drenched in nostalgia
As wistful tears sparkled
Living in that moment
Where he is
So close
Yet so far…..
Trying to overcome
The distance
The yesteryears
The  reminiscence
As his words of wisdom

And she tries
But she fails
To hate him
“ Love is…. After all,
Merely a fleeting thought
That we choose desperately
To cling on to…
Without letting go.
Another thought,
1.5k · Jun 2015
blood donation
A single pint can save three lives,
A single gesture can create  million smiles
To nearest blood bank walk that extra mile
As heroes come in different types
Donate your blood for a reason, Let the reason to be "Life"
In commemoration of World Blood Donor Day
1.4k · Jun 2015
In a new world shop branded
That boasts of good standards
Stacks of clothes folded
Nicely matching the standards

The label proudly gloat
Of the owners wealthy abode
In tiny print it is shone
The country where it's born

China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India
and my own
Lands where brands aren't a
priced norm
The hands that stitched them
never know
That she is paid less than the
branded piece you own
1.3k · Jun 2015
I've always wondered
How a destination be romantic
How a moonlit dinner be romantic
How can something that springs
From the depth of a soul
Be attributed
To such outward glory
874 · Jun 2015
Turn your pain
In to poetry....
Unto songs
Let them be
Word clouds
That passes by

But pleasure...
It's a platitude...
That need
No appraisals
A flower that blooms
Oblivious of its
Beauty and scent
866 · Jun 2015
She is like an exotic fawn
A wild eyed lost soul
A child in an adult gown
An adult in a childish crown
And I know you may frown
Seeing her dancing
to a rhythm of her own

She may cry with joy
With sorrow or fear
For moments, lost she may
Shed endless tears
She may frown, she may growl
A wolf inflicting deliberate fear
-of loosing her love
in the future near

But, know that inside, She is a naive deer
Seeking love, Attention and joy sheer
In your arms, with hearts near
Yearning to be, the only dazzling sphere
In your universe, with no doubt or fear
770 · Jun 2015
With the first kiss
With the first kiss
Something’s gained
Something’s lost
So I cry……………………

I cry for the lost innocence
I cry for the lost child
I cry for the yearning novelty,

Awakened desires
Like a fire,
Melting the child
Inside me

I cry for that precious moment
I cry for the skipped heart beats
I cry for the immense pleasure

Lingering for days
Glowing inside my heart
The feeling of flying high
The sparkle in my eyes..
765 · Jun 2015
black hole
Ours eyes met
For a fraction of a second
The universe collided
seeing we are one
As you gaze into mine
A magnate finding its right pole
A black hole engulfing
Everything I was, I am........
and everything I will be....
763 · Jun 2015
I have a feeling that
I've been watched
Every move
Every step I took
When I click on
A mail or fancy link
When I swipe my cards
At shopping malls
When I choose
What I think is,
what I want

They follow me...
Discreetly Stalk me
Chase every where I roam
They know my choices
better than the spouse
Suggest me things
That I never dreamt of
They plow seeds of needs...
And water my lame greed

Have you fallen pray
To Such divine mock
Or do you not know yet
That You are the pray
They wish to lure for bucks
727 · Jun 2015
I love to kiss your eyelids while you fall asleep
Twitching on to a rhythm of your own dream beat
I wonder, is it me that you see in your thoughts deep
As you step in to the fairly realm of dreams sweet
675 · Jun 2015
To My Lost Love
I saw you once again,
When you are no more,
Picture perfect, on screen,
As the image in my mind....

Sari draped, clinging to your youthful figure,
I remember your smooth dark skin,
I remember your curves,
I remember your little secret...

The future we built up,
Walking along those salty shores,
I remember our innocent dreams,
Your youthful hearts sweet smile.....

I saw you once again,
When you are no more,
Picture perfect, on screen,
As the image in my mind.

Like a sweet illusion,
Lasting for a fraction of a second,
Which I wish I could grab and hold.....
Before you blasted,

With our banned love,
With our lost dreams.......
My betrayed love
And my lonely soul remains......

From whom did you take revenge, love?
From me? From yourself?
Or was it just an easy escape,
From this bizarre world?

Or was it really for The Cause?
A cause unclear... a cause evil...
Cause, not really mine or yours.....
A cause worth giving up Love????????????

You were just 24.......
Draped in your favorite sari
Picture perfect, in my mind
Like an illusion, My lost love..............
This poem was written in the pretext of a suicide bomb attack that really happened in my country.... The video shows the footage of the attackers aproach
638 · Jun 2015
Under 18
I’m not mature enough
to vote,
to choose under whose
mighty throne
I wish to be.

I'm not mature enough
to be wed,,
to decide with whom
my life's' journey
should be.

I'm not mature enough
to work,
to earn my living by my own,
“Dependent” by law
I am to be.

I'm not mature enough
to *****,
to be seduced
if I may choose
indulged in sinful glee.

I'm not mature enough
to drive,
trust my wheels
and to fly high
to realms I wanna be.

But,how can I be mature enough
to be grouped,
indoctrinated by birth
to a God or a Lord,
without a choice, by the very Me?
618 · Jun 2015
Breaking Away
Once mighty green leaves,
Now swaying here and there
They are changing colours
From green –
To red to indigo,
And then to yellow, finally.
Ready to fall down,
To float away freely,
Over the blue sky
Far far away
From the tree

I used to be
Bright and breezy-
Like a green leaf,
Always sticking to the tree.
Now I feel-
That I am ;
Changing too
Ready to fall,
Breaking free
To float freely
…. Away from the tree..
579 · Jun 2015
When your soul is calm
yet the spirit not naive
You will see through waters
Clear, pristine and alive
The ripples that arise
May no longer thrive
Unperturbed by all
that is wild and not thine
549 · Jun 2015
I have this timid fear
To let you go alone anywhere
Without me, to places not near
Driving far, in fifth gear

I'm afraid to let you go alone
A selfish fear,that I'd be alone
If something happens as you drive along
I won't be there to face
the same fate, wrong

So I try to tag along
To long drives, I don't belong
Cos it's to you that I belong
To share the same fate,
however wrong
535 · Jun 2015
In exchange
She displays
her insecurity.....Her inability
With pride
Selling them In exchange
For attention and affection
That she wears
As a jewel With vanity

Little did she know
That she just need to love
And let go....
With no strings attached
For love to return
In its true form
To heal her wounds
492 · Jun 2015
In exchange
I drove fast
As if it's the last time
That I'd get a chance
To see you

My heart heavy
with pain dulled
The last things
that saw You alive
The last things
that were near You..

With teary eyes
I let you go
About all the lost moments
That I could've happily
Exchanged, in your place
This is about selling my late father's surveying equipment.
478 · Jun 2015
Only One
You are the only one
That I can be silent with
Yet shout in million ways

You are the only one
That I can shout at
Silencing million thoughts
460 · Jun 2015
his love
His love was
this non demanding
kind of silent presence
That did not seek attention
That did not seek acknowledgement
That did not fight for lime light
in her heart
That did not compete
to hold her, to hug her
That did not seek to be captured
in photographs with her
That did not seek pedestals

His presence in her life was always there
Yet with a distance
that he did not seek to concur
His presence in her life
was like the sun
Always afar....Always ablaze
Yet warmed her world, Nevertheless

And part of her died
Turning in to crystals of ice
With Sharp edges, cold
That would externally thrive
Inside her......When the sun died
460 · Jun 2015
I wish I can let my self flee
free from the labels defining me
be one with the great infinity
transcending this normality.
I wish I can let my self flee
free these shackles binding me
I know I'm not alone in this spree
take my hand, come join with me
450 · Jun 2015
I let him take the victories
Of daily life...
His say rule.... as days go by
What he wants
Is to be a ruler of adamant kind
So I let him be
The proud soul
Devouring his crown
Little did he know
he chose victory
Over a love, I no longer owe...
420 · Jun 2015
I want to touch and see
what's really inside of you
Beneath that armor of ego
that you proudly wear
to where ever you go
418 · Jun 2015
Maybe I should just
Say what I have to say
Scribble what I may
You may read it you may not
But my intention is to write anyway

Maybe I should just
Stop being obsessed
With this mind play
Counting numbers red
Letting go of attachment
404 · Jun 2015
I wish...
I wish you'd write about me
About all the angels that you see in me
My soft spots my rough edges
all the feelings of vivid colors and wings

I wish you'd write about me
A rhyming sonnet about the daemons I set free
My perfect imperfections and the scars
How you see me with all these marks
399 · Jun 2015
At the break of the new dawn
I walk the sea shores
waves caressing my feet
as you used to kiss me

I think of the days gone by
when i was not alone
Know that I miss you
Like an island missing the sea shore
368 · Jun 2015
Things fall apart
I contemplate on things
that I should keep
in remembrance of you
the hand writings
the stationery
the attires
The inanimate
that animates
an immortal you
in my mind.......

To realize
that you are everywhere
I roam....
in my mind....

So I decided to keep
the memory alive
let go of the things
you never really
hold on to,
too tight.........
For my father......
357 · Jun 2015
At that moment
In that fraction of a second
I loathed you so much
That I loathed myself
291 · Jun 2015
At your feet
You remind me of all the things I want to forget
All the things written on pages turning shades
The wilted flowers that ones bloomed bright
In my hand when you were mine

I set them ablaze, set them aflame
set them free, the memories of fate
Though i let go the withering flower bouquet
I know, I am still at your feet
280 · Jun 2015
Let me
Let me color your path with flowers
Delicate as the feet that touches
As you find your way to my heart
The wilderness that knows no other heart.

Let me color your path with flowers
to remind you of the bygone summers
where I longed for your warm colors
waiting,knowing the love,you now offers
279 · Jun 2015
Am I broken am I not?
Do you see my scars do you not?
I feel my cracks visible to my touch
Can you you hold I will not
Fall again to be broken as such...
That I won't be replaced for a new touch

— The End —