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the room is filled with a deadly silence
then you walk in

And the silence breaks
scattering the shards that once were
I'm not looking for some superhero
I don't need Ghandi
I really wouldn't like an Einestein
from Harvard or Yale
All I'm looking for is someone
who will recognize my flaws
and embrace them
who will see my fears
and protect me from them
who will notice my passions
and help me to achieve my goals
Someone who will see me crushed
just to pick me up and make me fly
and who will decide to soar with me
Honestly, all that I'm looking for
Is *you
Is living a life worth living,
really living?

Meeting deadlines
a goal

making promises
that are always broken
never kept
sold like drugs on the black market

waking up each day
knowing that you won't meet that deadline
that you won't reach that goal
that you broke a promise
that you have failed.

So ask yourself
Did I meet that deadline?
Did I keep that promise?
Have I reached my goal?
Have I lived my life to the fullest?
Or have I gone beyond the limits?
How have I done this?
And how can I share this virtue with others?
Will I fail?
or will my life end up being everything I wanted it to be
And more.
Hi everyone! Sorry I've been gone so long. I blame School, work, classes, etc...

Ok, love you guys! Byeee
Je prie, j'ai peur
Je ris, je meurs
Je joue, je gagne
J'ai mal et je me soigne
Et j'ai le même sang que toi


I pray, I'm afraid
I laugh, I die
I play, I win
I hurt and I heal myself
And I have the same blood as you
another french poem/song by Yannick Noah. Enjoy
Ma vie disparaît lentement
Comme la lune argentée s'effaçant dans
Un soleil brillant d'orange et de jaune

Une fois que la lune se couche
Un nouveau jour s'amplore avec le soleil levant


My life slowly fades away
like the silver moon fading into
a bright sun of orange and yellow

Once the moon sets
A new day dawns with the rising sun
I came up with this one :)
Everything you hope for
and everything you wish,
is as likely as a bicycle
being ridden by a fish.
Written by Elizabeth J,
go check out her page!
You hover above me
kindly watching me paint
but before my brush can touch the canvas
a single tear falls
from where you stand
painting my white canvas for me
you may as well
could have splattered the canvas with red
A tear can say it all
You hover above me
kindly watching me paint
but before my brush can touch the canvas
a single tear falls
from where you stand
painting my white canvas for me
you may as well
could have splattered the canvas with red
A tear can say it all
As I sit up here, my pleasures equine
I look up
to see the face of the moon so divine
as I sit up here
balancing on the tip of this pine
I think
oh ****, why does this poem rhyme!
If you know me well, you know that I hate to rhyme poems and/or read ones that rhyme.
Cherish the days when you are a balloon
held thoughtfully in a child's hand
lolloping along but teathered down

Love the days when you are a balloon
flying free
higher and higher
yet the feeling has leashed you
as you float back to earth

Never Fear the day,
when your balloon pops
. . .

just a pinprick can send you crashing down
Don't let others put a damper on your flame
be who you are and never be afraid to stand up for yourself.

I hope you think about the last stanza before the ...
The small rock representing your birth
engraved deep into a necklace
proving your worth
to the world
and to you

the one sitting there
staring out into a moonlit sky
the thousands of twinkling stars
dapple the sky
as the whooshing wind whispers

the proud dark eyed girl
standing tall along an old wooded pier
the spray of the sea splatters your face with its salt
bellowing waves crash underneath your feet
You belong

And You
are still here
one of many
on this earth
loved and guided
through this life and to the next
and you,
so many people feel out of place here on earth, i wish that i could change this but the ***** truth is, that i can't..  I've always felt different and sort of out of place, I'm still not quite sure why.. maybe because I have different passions/interests that other people, but that burden is mine, not yours, always be who you are.
rid me of the dark memories that haunt my soul
shed those tears I cried so long ago, into the depths of my pillow
but only minutes have passed,
it feels like years...
the concept of time is lost on me..
Oh little Blue bird
shining light on my small world
blue streaks in the trees

Oh little blue bird
no vast array of color
brightening dark days

My little blue bird
sitting in your tiny cage
not to fly again

Fly little blue bird
the sky darkens in your wake
sadness following

Come little blue bird
for safe and sound you will stay
right here in my arms

Oh little blue bird
lying on the scarlet grass
eyes not opening
Don't go..
And I run to you,
with aching legs
and an aching heart
I run into your arms
closing my eyes
In hopes as to never forget this moment

and with soft promises of tomorrow.
tiny whispers of "I love you"
silent prayers that this wouldn't be the last time
A kiss on my forehead
holding me close to your chest
tears in our eyes
sadness overflowing
onto the pine needles crunching beneath our bare feet

Delicate hands on soft cheeks
"I have to go.."
Sadness sparks again in your eyes
"I love you."
"I love you too."

We break away,
only to stare at each other for another minute
our hands and our eyes locked together

carried away by the wind
"Rem em mber  m me  e.."
And our hands part
We break our gaze
More tears.
I'd never seen you cry before.

That moment.
the one moment where you are at the point between sanity and insanity.
the worst moment
but the best
the one that seems to last forever
but is gone in the blink of an eye
The breaking moment

"I love you"

We both retreat back into the safety of the darkness
Ok, I should stop now. I'm sorry, these past few days have been pretty hard for me.. I miss the second home I've created for myself when I went away.
I love you Lara,
from your "little sister."
My fingertips swirl
grabbing colour after colour
tracing every detail
the small necessities
needed only by me

the green twirls
making nature come to life
the red streaks along the pavement
like blood splattered along the road
I add yellow
giving happiness to my world

But, this isn't my world
what I described
this picture that I created
It's all in your head
Whatever you saw me draw
all those colours
all the pictures
They're the colours of your mind

What did I draw?
What did *you see?
What did you see that I described?
you stand in front of me
only slightly to the left
yours one of the many
the small candles lighting up in the darkness
encircling those who I've gotten closer with this summer
singing sweet songs of happiness
I force a smile onto my face
mirroring those around me
trying to hide the tears streaking down
my rosy cheeks
it feels like an eternity,
but it went by like the snap of a finger
and everyone walks away
retreating back into the darkness
the circle of candlelight breaking off
and heading in the other direction
a single candle slows,
letting the others slip ahead
You turn around,
the candle resting in your fragile hand
And I run to you
with aching legs
and an aching heart
I embrace you
praying to god
that I might see you again tomorrow

You kiss me on the top of my head
whispering, I love you
our matching brown eyes meet
twinkling by the fading candlelight
somewhere in my gut I knew
that I wouldn't see you
but somewhere in my heart
hoped that I would
I will always remember this, the sad circle of candles. It's been only a few days but I already miss you and everyone else so so much.
I love you Lara,
xo- Your "little sister".
Your tears
slither down my windowpane
or land neatly with a plunk
on my rooftop
But you never shine
The bright sun shines
It gives our world light and warmth
but you stand there all the while
blowing in the gentle breeze
waiting for your day to come
waiting for your chance,
your chance to *shine
be the cloud that shines
You should be enlightened with all the rays of the sun
The clouds shall encircle your neck as a wreath
If you were to sit upon a throne of all glory
would you crown me your queen?
Cuts and bruises line my face
my arms
my legs
and my back,

all from you
and what you did to me
of course they're not real
that's just how I feel
as they join the scars on my heart
In a life of blackness
within the darkness swirling around
I ponder
deep into the darkest night
wishing, wondering, waiting
for something to happen
but not here,
not in this charcoal dust filled room
clogging my throat and my nose
I can barely breathe
but the black dust dances,
creating a story of the demons
and devils that fill my soul
The blackness thick around me
like a cloud
but I die
knowing that I was right
I died within the blackness of the demons that haunt my soul
I died with the devil inside of me
And with me inside the devil.
Just thoughts...
You said to get my head out of the clouds
You said I was standing on thin ice
So I fell
crashing through the ice
but now my head is underwater
Feathers float
gliding gently
landing lightly
sliding softly
burning brightly
Trying out the new HP...
Standing here
on this big hill
glistening with morning dew
I feel tall
I feel powerful
no one can keep me down
and yet
I am just a fraction
a smaller part
of this world
and with the many other worlds
that lie beyond ours
I am small
no one can see me here
no one can here me
I am but a mere figure of the universe
That will never change
And I am okay with that

because I know that I can be more
I can be more that this crumb
barely living on the edge of our planet
I can be more than a fraction
more than a fraction of a fraction
No matter what
I am still a figure of the universe
Soaring high above the clouds
Your wings flying like shrouds
Never to land on the earth
Never wondering the worth
You use your wings to your advantage
And I never doubt that you can manage
The sky has always been your playground
And you were crowned
it’s playful child

Your feathers linger
Like wild fingers
Brushing gently along my shoulder
And I stand here resting on land
But death swoops along like a big hand
And falling through the sky
I can almost hear you whisper good-bye
Landing crumpled on the dirt
so I wrap you in my shirt
to carry you back to the sky
in the hopes that you will be able to fly
once again
I love birds, I mean, who can't?! ;)
But I saw a dead one today, which motioned me toward this poem..
How does that rolling rainbow glimmer
as the dark clouds roll into the fresh morning light?
You loll along the blue skies,
casting away the dark clouds in your wake.
Your colours of blue pink green and yellow brighten any day,
as you soar across the early morning skies.
I should be working, but I'm not, oops! ;)
I peer out
As I sit here on this tree
looking out on the views beyond
The sun setting against the gentle landscape
The rolling hills, outlined by a deep forest
looking at the tall purple mountains
the copse of trees in the valley
the grass blows in the wind
underneath the sky
I can see all the wonders of the world from here on this tree
I know bad tree! But I should get points for trying ;)
  aas             th
    yyooou   rr
       hheeaart     tttt
i              c     a       h
s                r      s          i  n g
I  n  v aa  d ii n g
my  MIND
                                     my  s ssp pp paaa cce ee
Get oouuuuttt
              lls             over
       hi         t           ls th e
   h e              h      hil       h
T                        e            ills
and    OfFfFFffff
toooo         buurnn
       y           s   o     u    l
   m            s   o    u    l
               s   o   u     l     ...
How I feel right now. so Get Out
I ask, puzzled.
He squinted like he was looking at something far away but could't see it. He pushed his small brown rimmed spectacles up the bridge of his nose, stroking his white beard.
"I couldn't tell you that. You must look inside yourself.. There is the time and place you will find the answer you are looking for."
And he vanished, as fast as he had died the last time.
The pair of spectacles were all that remained, glinting in the sun on mothers old wooden dresser.
"I will grandpa.. I will."
From a book I am writing, not very poetic maybe, but the quotes are simply brilliant. Had to put it here. Thx for reading!
You know my name

not my story

you've heard what I've done
BuT NOt wHaT I'Ve bEeN ThRouGH
bullets ricochet off my chest
never to hit my steel heart
but like a grenade,
your bomb hits me
breaking my heart
but one word pounded in my head
echoing in my mind
I have a headache
I feel sick
"No chance... I'm sorry..."
you're not
you don't know
the pain,
but one word pounded in my head
echoing in my mind
parts of this were taken from the book I am writing in my free time. enjoy!
Hello grass
Hello dirt
Hello to the dust and roots
The soil underneath my fingertips
The feel of grass along my face
I feel welcomed
You punch me
Over and over
I fall
My face to the ground
The grass greets me like an old friend
I get back up
Just to be knocked down
once again
The grass welcomes me with
Its soft touch
Rolling onto my back
I look up
I'm glad I'm not up there
I'm glad I'm here
Down on earth

Lying on the grass
she wonders
she travels
she believes
she achieves
she laughs
she cries
she lives
I will never say those next two words in fear of making them a reality
She will never die
her spirit will live on forever
in me
in us
as a whole
she will never die
The sweetness of her voice lingers
holding the room within her innocence
remembering the day years ago
when she sang the melodious tune
sharper and duller
louder and softer
captivating the entire room with her voice
all eyes transfixed upon the beauty standing tall
proudly daring the world to compete
an attempt to match
the stunning voice

I blink twice,
then again
the once glowing white floored stage
is scuffed and broken
the massive shiny circular tables
covered in white sheets
making the room look like a ghost's playhouse
then I remember
it was years ago
it feels like only minutes have passed
from the bellowing audience
and the dazzling acts
to the hurricane that ripped apart the roof
then to the debris scattered about the floor
no one had bothered to clean it up
then why should I?
lurking in the shadows
but if one were to look closely enough
they would see these hidden figures
almost resembling a person
Merely a shadow
forgotten amongst its virtues
and its beliefs
but if you can squint
tilt your head to the side
look really closely
then you might be able to see
these hidden shadows
they can tell their tales
of life
and sorrow
so if you can see them
don't forget to say hi
The sound of shrieking engulfs me
like large flames flickering against me
the tongues of fire reach my soul
setting my heart ablaze
but I still run
through the wall of fire that traps me
inside its blood red heart

Then your hands hit me
they land softly against my back
giving me a sense of safety
But when I look down
Your hands are the flames
Your eyes a bright orange
so I run
through the wall of fire that traps me
that keeps me hidden
inside your blood red soul

Suddenly, you embrace me
your palms against my waist
feel like ice
Your fingertips graze my face
and I look up into your clear blue eyes
and I don't feel safe
But, I know that I am

I am always safe with you
So keep me by your side
My shedded tears cover the earth
coating its green wonders in water
a word representing demons

like your stare
crystal blue eyes
penetrate my soul
digging deep
reaching in
grabbing what's left of me
in your clenched fist

Sliding away
with my heart
And when I said, "I will miss you"
I didn't realize the depth or the meaning
until now.

Like claws against my face,
my tears burn into my porcelain skin
How could someone I knew for a few days
turn into an old and good friend?
I may have only known you for a little while, but you'll always have a special place in my heart, Lara. You were like my older sister, and I will always love you like one. <3 <3 <3 Thank you for being so amazing, smile forever, you light up the world. Keep hugging, you give amazing ones. Never stop being you.
Hie alta stare non possunt,
lacessendo et ventus aeri,
ad nihilum deduces me
ferte me


I can stand here tall
challenging the wind and sky
to sweep me up
and carry me away
please comment if you think I should continue with the different languages for my poems.
No matter how far you run
no matter how well you hide
I will always find you
I will search for days
months, years
to find you
and to bring you back
into my loving arms
of life and death

It only depends if you have the will to live or to die.
Because I will love you either way
Literally speaking
we all think literally
we speak literally
we practically breathe literal
but if you find that one person
the person who speaks with
passion, truth, and justice
and who doesn't use the facts
to prove their worthiness
then they are the literal
definition of perfect
Think with your imagination
Once planted on earth
But when those few words fell smoothly from your lips
I lifted off
Just floating in space
The air swirling around me
I speak but no sound forms
my words slur together
In this open space
Gravity has no hold on me
but am I free?
This state of madness
A different world
Engulfed in nothingness
but am I free?
You can't hold me back
No one can
but am I free?
What is the meaning of life
without meaning?
What is the meaning to fly
but feeling crushed
but if I can look
beyond myself
to something more
that has more meaning
than I do
Then, haven't I found the meaning of life?
I cry silently
sitting underneath a moonlit sky
cascading down my bright cheeks
like a waterfall at midnight
Watching you walk toward me
like a cat hunting its prey
But I remain stuck in the air
This place of agony and pain
I force myself not to go
Not go come running,
crumbling into your arms

And I look deep into your marble blue eyes
Refusing to break my strong gaze
I gasp
I turn around
Not to look at you
standing there with your slitted blue eyes
ever again.
again, random thoughts put into words.
If we always read
what was going on around us
in our world
in the present
then when would we take the time
to see what is going on
Because seeing is believing
Isn't it?
But no,
no it is not
You might be able to see the world
the actions that are going on around you
but you will never be able to see
The Mind
The imagination is the greatest key
to be able to see
to see a world other than our own
That is why nonfiction is stupid
it only holds what you can see
what you experience in your everyday life
I don't see any greater joy
than reading a story made up
from the billions of people in our world
because only very few can see the world
for what it really is
but anyone could write about
Abe Lincoln, or Queen Elizabeth II
But what if there was a different world?
A world beyond
a world that only you can imagine
again, this is why
Nonfiction *****
take a break from your everyday lives
and live a life in fiction
all you have to do,
I lie awake in bed
pondering silently in the dark
thinking of what, -of whom I may become
who I'm taught to be
what is right
what is best
but it's not me..

But it's just not me...
be who you are, not who others think you should be. And if you haven't stopped reading this yet, but are just wondering why I'm just repeating a bunch of bull*** slogans that you see plastered on t-shirts and on signs. Well, I am glad you're wondering because even now as you are probably clicking the thumb-down button, annoyed that I am just rambling on and on about the same old ****. Well, If you believe in this as much as I do, then you go girl! (or boy) This random inspirational message is getting too long now..
so that is a wrap, and zooP!
Remember those sad moments we shared together
The times you would cry into my shoulder
I would always comfort you, I was always there
Or the happy ones
when you would come home to me with a glistening smile on your face
You'd laugh with me by your side
You once had those deep brown eyes
They'd light up when you'd smile
I felt like I could look into them and I would see your thoughts
I could tell what you were thinking
what you were feeling
your sorrows and your joys
I could see
I would know
Now your eyes are clouded with a thick fog
The glint in your eyes is gone
And I know
I'll never see it again
A forgotten memory
Never ending
on   and  on
and  on  and
on  and  on
and  on  and
on  and  on
"are you alright?"
Noticing my red eyes
the silver tears
the small moments
"I'm not sure."
Cool and blunt
"Find it then."
leaving me
*Find what?
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