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 Sep 2018 Broken Arpeggio
I don't mean to sound like a *****,
But take your arm off my shoulders.
This body is mine.

Don't slide your hand up my leg
Like your fingers are lost and looking for a home.
Don't assume that I want to touch you
This body is mine.

This body,
She has climbed mountains
And swam in the ocean,
Walked through forests and crowds and battles
Like you will never know.

If I am hesitant to be with you,
Know that it is not your right
To be offended.

I am striving to reach
With this vessel I call home,
I will put her first.

I'm not sorry to tell you:
This body is mine.
 Sep 2018 Broken Arpeggio
there are sounds
that come and go
without ever announcing
they won't be back:
the last clap of thunder
in a raging storm
quietly dissipating
into silence

we don't notice the quiet until the sun shines anew

in similar fashion
the last words
of a person I loved
filtered through my ear
without any fanfare
leaving me to regret forever
the things I'll never say to him
 Sep 2018 Broken Arpeggio
I'm sure I look fine.

Days like today,
I want to strip the skin
From my forearms
Using only my fingernails.

Days like today,
I want to wring out
My legs like a washcloth,
Squeeze the rolls on my stomach
Until they're empty.

Days like this,
I want to walk away from my body

I'm sure I look fine.
 Sep 2018 Broken Arpeggio
I wish.
 Sep 2018 Broken Arpeggio
I wish you knew how hard I’m trying.
How hard it is to get out of bed.
How hard it is to be around people.
How hard it is to crack a smile and pretend.
I wish you knew how much I loved you.
I wish you knew it’s not your fault.
I wish
 Sep 2018 Broken Arpeggio
Bending over backwards for you,
Only hurt my back and left me
Broken hearted.
 Sep 2018 Broken Arpeggio
“You’re not good enough”
Is the one sentence you should
Never tell yourself.
Hi. I’ve been struggling with this my whole life. It’s like I’ll never be able to convince myself. I feel like my poetry is at a decline. I feel as if nothing I write is good. I couldn’t tell you the amount of “drafts” &  private poems I have on here just because I’m afraid.
Afraid of ridicule.
Afraid of hating myself more.
Afraid of everything.
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