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4.5k · Mar 2018
Opposites attract
female grinch Mar 2018
It's so easy to love something that isn't you
if you hate yourself
I found everything in you that wasn't me
The only thing is you have no sense of desire
You don't know what it feels like to want.
While me …. I want you.
784 · Sep 2018
mommy who can't be one
female grinch Sep 2018
Mommy loves you
I really do
I just can't have you
I couldn't
I can't say that daddy couldn't have you
because he didn't want you
but that doesn't matter because mommy does
and mommy did
I'm just too young
I can't be the best I can or could for you yet
mommy can't get daddy to even care
but at the end of it all when things go through and fall
my heart and yours are always there
Being 17 having to give up this child is so hard.
681 · Sep 2018
what its like to love him.
female grinch Sep 2018
The entirety of my skin
floats in his water
such an intangible safety
I feel pretty now
I feel wanted now
I feel loved now  
staring into the eyes of the ceiling
knowing he'll never let me drown
his waves hug my body
they never startle me
because I expect the current to change
and every drop that stings my nose
I inhale like the sweetness of flowers
but let the chlorine burn my lungs
because he loves me
and  when I stand up
I realize, I went too deep
My feet don't touch
because I forgot I wasn't floating in a pool anymore
That's what it's like to love him.
I've never loved someone so blindly falling in love with every mistake and learning to be turned on by the pain. Pat does this to me, and I lost him.

I updated this poem in my drafts comment if you think I should share my changes.
female grinch Jul 2018
I don't care how much we go through
I refuse to believe that I never loved you
because I know I do and you did too
and you breakup with me because you weren't happy with our relationship ?
after you put me through all this ****
but I know the real reason you weren't happy
you couldn't get passed the first girl
the girl who didn't love you like I did
the one you wished was the girl you were with
the girl who treated you like ****
who moved on
so fine! breakup with me but don't say it was my fault, it was all what you did.
302 · Mar 2018
female grinch Mar 2018
Trying to date the happiest boy in the world is like trying to buy a gift for a rich person, they don't need anything else.
276 · Mar 2018
we need...
female grinch Mar 2018
    ­                                                  LUST
          ­                                              US
                ­                                  TRUST
                         ­                            RUST
  ­                                                 PRY
                                                            ­  TRUE
252 · Mar 2018
I had a beautiful dream...
female grinch Mar 2018
you were there
so was I
we were together at last
but I had to remind myself that it was a fantasy
not a dream
because Disney said dreams come true.
216 · Jul 2018
not sorry.
female grinch Jul 2018
I'm still in love with him.
I'm sorry.
206 · Mar 2018
Apt. Sex
female grinch Mar 2018
I’m not okay with the fact you feel safer inside of me
your own home
I’m just an apartment
Not permanent enough to protect you
Just stable enough to have you for the while
But the rent
you have yet to pay
192 · Sep 2018
to Pat (pt.?)
female grinch Sep 2018
the baby is gone now and the moment I need him most he ***** me over
192 · Aug 2018
to patrick...(pt1)
female grinch Aug 2018
you're a *****, I hope you find happiness
just have to get him out my head, love hurts.
181 · Jul 2018
breaking up.
female grinch Jul 2018
I think my problem is that I'm trying to find the right words but thats not neccessary because actions speak louder
170 · Sep 2018
To Pat(pt2)
female grinch Sep 2018
I wanted the baby
why'd you never check on me
I know you don't care
I never said you had to be there
I just needed you for one more second one more time
and you couldn't even do that right
it's yours too ya know
161 · Jan 2018
Nothing to say
female grinch Jan 2018
I'm gonna lay on your leg
look at the sky
and watch the planes go by
159 · Mar 2018
love in quiet
female grinch Mar 2018
There are so many things in the world , we can’t find one to talk about
Yet you can find my lips
153 · Sep 2018
To Pat (pt3)
female grinch Sep 2018
Thanks for coming around

. . .


— The End —